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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Sure. As well as the cherished U.S. Bill of Rights, both which are terribly archaic [less enlightening] and never revised to be updated with the times. Remembering that the original authors were of the oligarchical ruling class that fits in just nicely with their contemporary peers.
  2. It's a bit of an extended racket. Generations have been dumbed down.
  3. A man of the people and working classes......someone they can relate to. Is he? Same as it ever was.
  4. If one has trust and suspicion issues at every turn.....probably shouldn't be with anyone. This trait is on him, not on her. And.....I wouldn't want to make such deep personal situations or matters public. Don't know what the principle purpose of such OPs might be - unless they crave unwanted attention.
  5. The class disparity exist today as it never has.....especially throughout the "democratic" and "developed" West, where the deeply fixated ruling oligarchs have always had their way. Appears to me that too many are slumbering to understand what is and what isn't - seeing cultural comparatives as competition.
  6. From Thai perspectives and spirit, less from a planted and destructive culturally-centric Farang one. Still, many outsiders just don't get it.
  7. Yeah....maybe. Yet, I still wonder what they're really up to. Either it's a surface blunder or political genius. Guess we'll see in the coming days.
  8. You might be surprised as to the level and competency for these folks to rule themselves. Though, I really suspect that the majority of the everyday population of the four southern provinces would prefer to remain part of Thailand. Contrary to popular notions regarding the myth of breaking free, most would prefer to remain Thai. It's the handful of extreme militants and revolutionaries that receive the attention and ado, therefore creating this backdrop of what is considered to be the majority mindset. That's not the way the true situation is at all.......the rebellious few do not speak for the vast majority. For decades, these affairs have been overblown, exaggerated and misinterpreted by numerous circles creating false narratives to as what is and what isn't.
  9. He is an influential member of the club, after all.........he'll be released on parole in a few months after a "luxury" stay. That's how it works. They look after their own.
  10. As there never has been in practice. Much more oligarchy and plutocracy in nature than anything democratic.
  11. I've followed Thai Enquirer's stylings for quite some time and appears that their policies tend to favour a Shinawatra stronghold. Have to wonder if a particular underwriting influence has their ear..... A Thai media source that promotes itself for an English readership [and mindset] should always be suspect.
  12. Yet, some are just realizing that there is not much difference amongst any of them.....
  13. ....and those who create the particular history will always be the benefactors.
  14. Which has been the crux of contemporary times - all too often used as a convenient scapegoat by particular circles. Yet, 112 [in it's traditional form] hinders the ideals of a free and open democratic state. There's no grey area or modified positions regarding. We either have it on the books or we don't.
  15. Seems to be the same inconsequential and image-spinning politics as usual. The fresh government and coalition have a unique chance to act substantially with policies and reforms that benefit the society and the commons, as they've been harking on from the powerless outside for years. I trust that these notes of trivia won't be reflective of what their broader intentions and mindsets might be.
  16. The corporate/government manner of conducting business [the world over]. Ain't it grand.
  17. Would be wiser to slowly introduce such change of this nature. Thai society isn't ready for these type of dramatic installments into their hard wire.
  18. Had a hunch it was going to work out this way. Difficult to break tradition.
  19. That could easily be used as a standard definition for politician.
  20. What's the deal with this overt consciousness and obsession regarding foreign investment? Lines the pockets of selected mafia circles and has little or nothing to do with the real economic condition.
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