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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Oh yeah. Regardless of the outcome in the coming days/weeks, rest assured that old Prayut and his closer clan will play a significant part [in the future] in some capacity or another. Remembering where he comes and how he was chosen....the loyalties are still there. The present surface movements of MV/PT and others is just that - almost artificial. To make a real impact, they'll still have to get around the traditional old guard that still rules the roost. It can be done - yet, they'll need time and heady strength to disband Thai political tradition. Good luck.
  2. However this current mix-mosh circus turns, we might all be in agreement that the infrastructural mechanics and protocol of the [supposed] Thai Parliamentary system is rather odd and unorthodox in a confusing manner. What we do know is that is that the structural integrity "legal" content is/was fabricated to favour the ruling elite, as it always has - being closely associated with an oligarchical based judicial system as well as a constitutional one. Is it any wonder that alternative upstarts can never get a foothold.
  3. Does seem to be more than a bit obsessive, spurred on by those particular extreme individuals - and allowed to be here. Why is this? It's becoming weary.
  4. Most of them aren't really here......as in connected.
  5. Removing all of the governors would be a better start.
  6. Probably not. More than likely end up on the black list banning them from returning.
  7. Whom, to our dismay, will retain their strangle hold when this is all said and done.
  8. It's how the world works......whether we like it or not.
  9. The govt will operate and manage any airport facility......in this case, UTA take a substantial and regular profit in exchange for their generous investment. A nexus of government and corporations. Corporatism.
  10. As it was set up originally, the elite felt they required a bias and partial governing body to "monitor" elections. All one has to do is look into the EC's history and you'll understand what they're about and why/how they operate.
  11. Haven't had too [if any] much experience or exposure with the average/common Thai male, I take it....
  12. The littler known and non-descript provinces make for the best living situations. Cheers!
  13. Which is more likely the case. Anyway.....don't think Lt. Gen Pakphoomphiphat's call is official, as he'll rightly be taking his orders from higher up.
  14. Indeed. Even with the added facetious twist, not a decent or wise comparison. The American systems are unattainable and heartless without a soul.
  15. The revolution will be quashed like all other attempts in the past. Though, the dinosaur bones are appearing to be brittle and fragile from their frame. Success next time will ensure the extinction of the old guard. Patience.
  16. what the hey......business is business. It's only considered illegal and unethical because the big wigs were left outta their cut.
  17. That would be the obvious conclusion - that he's already worked out a deal and received a green light from that particular high influence. Even the simpletons could figure this out [or....maybe not]. Otherwise, they surely wouldn't be shaking the trees of attention or giving it so much surface promotion as such.
  18. Try a real vaccine next time one of these highly manufactured pandemics rolls around.
  19. The deep state does what it wants, all the while manufacturing consent. This is the way it's been for ages.
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