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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. That will require another special permission request. Anyway - does it really matter the PM and all the cronyism associated throughout the criminal governments? i suppose that many are duped into believing that there's a difference between the revolving doors of the oligarchs.
  2. Reflective of much of the world in varying degrees.
  3. Whataboutisms and comparative analysis usually have little impact on contemporary Thai historic platforms. Few, if any, recall all those post events or the even more recent Shinawatra eras. Imagine what might be if the good Thais [or even interested outsiders] were knowledgeable enough to realize that there's never been any such true reforms/changes of the last several decades......and the propped up theatre has continued on the same up to present day. Same stage, different players.
  4. Shouldn't these "students" be concentrating on their studies and whatnot? Just saying....
  5. And the promoted Lakorn Shinawatra continues on. As we have nothing else of real value to pursue.
  6. ....and it's quite apparent that these things aren't recognized within the educational systems. The cycles just dig themselves deeper with every passing generation.
  7. Even when there's been meddling in it's affairs for ages......more often than not, interference that almost always maintains it's support for elite circles.
  8. Quality expat? Bit of a contradictory of terms, is it not?
  9. Not a priority nor a crisis through some eyes. Merely another distraction and misdirection as to what really plagues Thai social/political orders. The bigger picture is being missed.
  10. The very historically distinct Euro-trait of hating/despising or suspicion of everything China/Chinese for one reason or another. Deeply conditioned and ingrained.....goes back for ages.
  11. MSM assisting, when they can, the troubled and struggling elitist circles [and their long held strategies] with irreverent and trivial matters.
  12. An invented pandemic, therefore an invented post-pandemic economy.
  13. What a nasty and disconnected species that we are......and in particular a specific sub-group of our kind. Not to worry - nature's working on it as we speak.
  14. Still....most don't have the aptitude to really understand what's going on. Same as it ever was.
  15. Remember the good old days before the advent of everything about one's existence within the proverbial mobile gadget. Dumbed down comes to mind.
  16. Those pesky Progressive troublemakers.... 😉
  17. .....and we have easily forgotten that the greater percentage of this current and standing crop were not elected, but appointed by proxy. We have seemed to have dismissed the bigger picture. Why bother with elections when they continue to practice their usual skullduggery of banning individuals and political parties from participating - remembering that all of these underhanded and nefarious activities have approval and blessing from particular circles. The crux that no one wants to address.
  18. Which would almost be impossible, in this scenario, without dissolving the ruling monarchical system - as the whole of this particular parliamentary democratic practice is highly dependent on the whims of the singular ruling classes......which of course contradicts and collides with anything that proposes to be free, open and democratic. Perhaps, the wish to not overthrow the monarchy per se, but to engage a figurehead approach without this class involved in the everyday practice and mechanics of the state. This should be acceptable by the people. The ideals of a Constitutional Monarchy is basically antithetical to any free practice of democracy.
  19. Sadly, these reform ideals have been half-heartedly attempted throughout the decades with little success. 1-2 percent of the collective doesn't bend anything. But, if there was a true universal and organised bonding of the population - that might be a tipping point. Maybe. Long general strikes might get their attention and weaken their hold some. Yet, trimming the selective branches does to resolve the problem[s] - the base decay is still there. Severing and removing the roots and tradition might be a difficult choice for some.
  20. The revolution is near......or certainly should be. In a perfect world. Haven't the people had enough of these shenanigans? Where are all the strong and influential activists at this time?
  21. There are numerous options to partake from.....especially these with all of the systematic and institutional control. Most have become comfortable [and dumbed down] with the distracting and misdirected dominant paradigm. Never questioning. Never challenging. Even reasoned and supposedly intelligent folk don't know the difference nor realized they're being duped.
  22. Bit of a shame. For a comparative option and truer translations, one can always rely on http://www.thai-language.com/
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