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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Well......if one can't deal with tropical heat [tourists/residents] than you shouldn't hang out in torrid zones.
  2. Let's hear it for the good guys. The people have spoken. They're weary of the historic nonsense. Let it pass.
  3. The systems have always been prejudicial to those who rule over the gold. Historically, they make and change the rules as in accordance to what benefits themselves. Kinda universal, ain't it....
  4. Contrary to the suggestion that the possible in-coming govt coalition is pro-U.S. or might extend such similar relations might be a bit of a myth or wishful thinking. Would be in their best interest to have as little to do with the U.S. as possible - they know it.
  5. Bit of a cult-like thing. As such applies to many different themes of life and thought.
  6. Yeah. It appears that some still don't get it and clearly don't understand how things operate here......or anywhere, for that matter.
  7. A soft back door coup. Wouldn't be unheard of. Usually.....their last resort.
  8. Their whimsy isn't justified. For more reasoned and logical to find/destroy the source and spreader. Would be well served for the respected communities to project a cleansing program to have the thousands of feral dogs that run rampant throughout the provinces - rural and urban - put down. Just for the sake of general hygiene and safety, if anything.
  9. All true. But the ruling elite make up the rules as they go to benefit themselves, of course - their history. If there wasn't this current Pita/media "scandal".....there would certainly be something else in the mix. They just can't let it go and accept inevitable.
  10. Another real possibility that could evolve stemming from this uncertain mess [Pita question/coalition infighting/voting discrepancies], is that HM the King could declare this last election null and void, dissolve Parliament temporarily and seat the Caretaker Prayut as the logical interim until a general election[s] can be held again. After that....who knows.
  11. Guess they're giving him the green light. Though, I find the headline a bit confusing or even contradictory - they're dismissing complaints or possible charges, yet continuing to look into it deeper.....??
  12. More so by the hidden entities behind the curtain.
  13. Not that any such whataboutism course would be applicable, as the cycle of contemporary [going back some 100 years] Thai politics, by it's very instinctive nature, is and has been soundly corrupt. Dependent largely on varying degrees in which one's perspective is based on. No doubt that the Shinawatra clan were on the take and succumbed to the corrupted tasked at hand, yet one doesn't have to be a scholar [or even a decent researcher] to comprehend long before their time and long after, the deep criminal element of everything Thai politics was/is rampant and accepted as part and parcel of oligarchical rule - all of which made the Shinawatras seem angelic in comparison. To diverse degrees they're all associated with the same club.....and any newcomers are deemed to follow or forced to join.
  14. Many hues of grey, actually. Most of which aren't recognized by those usual circles.
  15. Most are indifferent about the military, as they've been for decades. Best keep your highly speculative sociological perspectives to the make believe surveys.
  16. Some of us outsiders have closer and familiar ties and bonds to the place than others, en lieu of the pretend understanding and connections that most display here. "Our" would be quite appropriate for those very few.
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