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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The First World [whatever that is] as well.........especially within this realm.
  2. Perhaps there's a BRICS membership in the near future for our beloved Siam. Such an action would certainly usurp the bandwagon.
  3. The first rule of secret clubs is not to discuss secret clubs...
  4. Yep. Cycle in, cycle out. Nothing is resolved by trimming the branches. The roots need to be severed.
  5. .....and any such collective general strike needs to be substantial, less the surface novel/fashionable action that is usually practiced.
  6. And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make ~ Lennon/McCartney
  7. Actually, I believe the residue of pink is still in order. No one peeks behind the curtain to know the colour-of-the-day.
  8. Yes...that too. Yet, needs to be held accountable for past criminal activities upon the good people.
  9. The World Bank [and other kin associations] needs to be dissolved. Nothing but a plague on the earth.
  10. More than likely. Fingers crossed. Yet, the good guys will be on continuous shaky ground until the bad guys are banished. A feat that might prove to be an uphill battle.........as the bad guys lurk in the shadows and have influential support. Nonetheless, best of fortune to the good guys.
  11. From closer studies and observations, these vital medical and healthcare staff shortages have become too common the world over........especially increased during the last 3+ years of COVID. Actually, there were serious staff vacancies everywhere before COVID - overworking the systems and depleting the quality of practice/care.
  12. To be sure. Nothing will come of it. In any case, Pita and his circle will require permission to proceed with such a proposition. All requests will be denied, naturally.....
  13. You mean the appropriate authorities that were appointed by the Junta Gang?
  14. Hmmm... So what's the concern among thieves if their crooked circle is left out in the cold for a brief period? They're all set for life. What should be more unsettling is that they'll be back in one form or another. Rest assured. It's why the call, currently, for their collective prosecution and imprisonment is terribly vital for the future and upkeep of Thai society.
  15. Secrets behind back doors? Shouldn't all these skullduggerous activities be "public" - since it is the people's government [in theory]. Just a thought. Scoundrels.
  16. I believe the common vernacular would be: man purse. ....within this non binary [whatever that is] universe that some have invented for themselves. Real men sport purses and aren't ashamed. ????
  17. Some [most] are easily fooled. Their nature. ????????
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