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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. A Supreme Court that was set up/created by The Junta Gang. Legitimate.....????
  2. Might be surprised by those who consider this circle legitimate. Quite astounding.
  3. But being illegitimate candidates, by way of an illegal coup, in 2019....there victorious election would be nil and void by any reasonable measure, yes?
  4. I'll take all of the above for 500, Alex.....
  5. Perhaps our state should be defined as an oligarchy with a progressive twist..... ????
  6. Think it's about time they sink back to their exclusive caves. It's over for them. Maybe.
  7. Another borrowed Korean fashion. That's never happened. Ho Hum...
  8. Being friendly with the U.S. is akin to extending relations with a demon. Not in Thais best interest. Leave it alone.
  9. STOP! Just stop with this revolution talk, that you and others have assured yourselves that's gonna take place. There won't be any such grand common rebellion as a collective - it's not in their nature. And they're not repressed anyway - why revolt? A handful [well....ok, more than a handful] of loyal activists protesting in the streets of BKK does not define a revolution.
  10. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Live one's protest.
  11. Don't see the usefulness or logic of attaching highly invented and fabricated political identities and false labels to anything. The manner in which we've been so conditioned to see everything. Imagine if we just see the individual as they are without the silly, not very constructive, and made up political identities/philosophies. The crux that brings too many down.
  12. Yes...the present judicial system that was created and is still controlled by the scallawaggery of the Junta Gang. Due process requires an objective and truly lawful court system.
  13. All children should have access to a free and state-subsidized education.......and private schooling available if you have the means. Looked upon as a beneficial entity for the commons, not a broader profit making scheme/enterprise for the unscrupulous. The quality of said education? That's another chapter to explore and address.
  14. Democracy. Of couse. Do these activists know what type of democracy that they're looking for? A purer form of a democratic state? [which doesn't exist] Or.....the much more common practice, the world over, of corporatism/oligarchical rule that passes itself off as democracy.
  15. Btw.....what type of character and politics does Pita attain to refer to him as liberal? What is Liberal?
  16. It just might come to that.......but involving a smallish select rebellion. The broader population are to indifferent [and couldn't be bothered] to bring on such nonsense for themselves.
  17. I suspect he'll have acquired his own private army of security/bodyguards. Best wishes to the authorities in their attempts to physically restrain the old guy.
  18. Indeed. Thais have a reputation of passing on and avoiding controversy. Especially, if there's something to gain from the act.
  19. That would be the Junta Gang created/appointed EC. To be expected......they'll do what they do.
  20. Yeah...I, too, believe that all this nonsense and whimsy will work itself out in favour of him and his circle.
  21. Arrested on what [legitimate] charge?
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