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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Why should they. It's not a Farang space It's a Thai space. Farang aren't that terribly special too be concerned about, anyway. Don't like the policies. You can always leave.
  2. That might be my guess as well... They're not gonna roll over that easily.
  3. Actually, what that statement truly meant [or could be interpreted as] was it isn't Western 21st century. Rather ignorant..
  4. What is exactly reflective of 19th into early 20th century here?
  5. Again.....what is progressive and how might it be define regarding policies for the commons?
  6. Nonetheless, way overdue for a refreshing change - if there is such a thing. More importantly, MV requires to secure a majority [or friendly associated] in both houses. Cleansing itself from the traditional Old Guard. A task that is easier said than done. After all is said and done - still quite skeptical and suspicious about Thai political affairs.
  7. Don't give 'em any ideas. We should already expect something unexpected in couple of weeks......or soon after.
  8. Quite the revelation. Wondering if anyone else has picked up on this. Politics and politicians the world over. It's about this and nothing else.
  9. It's nominal. But more importantly, it does seem to be quite the promoted and stimulating subject matter [ad nauseam] among particular circles.......
  10. That lucky soul will soon have numerous associations from friends and distant relatives.
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