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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. That'll be their twisted intent anyway. We should be expecting some sort of manipulated scheme of this fashion in the coming weeks. It's what they do, isn't it?
  2. Perhaps. We'll wait and see. Rest assured that the ruling elite ain't gonna roll over and play dead.
  3. The book on PT might suggest not, but wiser souls understand there's not much difference [if any] in comparison to the traditional ruling clique.
  4. Students? I don't think so. You'll find that most of the American presence is associated with exploitation of resources and even a greater assortment of advisors and intel spooks.
  5. Behind closed doors they really don't give a rat's backside about the stranded nationals. Though, they are obligated to put on the show as if they do.
  6. Shouldn't be terribly surprised as to the backwardness and disconnect of Farang. It's what they are.
  7. Yet, we tend to conveniently ignore the omnipresent corruption, criminal/unethical and grafted activity that has always existed throughout the most civilised first world [whatever that is]. When dumbing down, and the acceptance thereof, becomes a hard-wired facet of life it all becomes rather moot to use surface superlative and comparatives.
  8. In all fairness, not one of the numerous manipulated changes/rewrites of the constitution benefits the commons......nor was it ever expected to in substance. Serving the usual/traditional ruling elite is the manner in which all oligarchical schemes operate.
  9. Poor old Lung Tu. The critiques and picking on never ceases.....
  10. Have to wonder if the beloved Thai media actually believe or understand these type of stories that they wish to promote so valiantly.
  11. Manipulated distractions......and sleight of hand, in which many fall prey to.
  12. Fortunately for everything, nature [and her unpredictable/unmeasured cycles] doesn't adhere to silly human-induced officialdom. Nonetheless, my favourite time of the year is upon us - the first waves of the rainy season. Still warm and uplifting humidity. Everything becomes lively....
  13. All the underhanded politics, debates and reasoned discussions aside......it most certainly is time for a dramatic shift and change. Perhaps we're witnessing the gradual diminishing of the traditional old guard for good.
  14. .....and requires the special blessings and approval. Which is the only thing that remains steadfast......the one word that is constant. Has little to do with the people's will. Many seem to forgotten all this.
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