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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. Where I walk early every morning I see many people who live in what you might describe as shanty towns. Some have much newer cars than I do and nearly all have paid TV. At evening they sit in a large group and drink heaps of booze. Some of those people you consider poor have no priorities. Many of their kids don't go to school because dad blows their meagre income on booze and fags.
  2. I have 2 properties in Bangkok and one property in Pattaya where I'm living at the moment. They're not expensive properties but I do value them. So the 2 Bangkok properties are vacant now and won't be rented to anyone unless a personal friend recommends the tenant to me. Even that can fail, so I'm thinking about selling in the future. I had a school teacher from the US and and English teacher from the same nearby school who rented my properties for 15 years with no rent being owed or property damage, One even painted my town house. Unfortunately for me they both decided to return to their countries and now I've got no intentions renting to Thai people especially Thais from up north. Her indoors being from Isarn herself told me the risk of letting a property to the people I mentioned is not worth the risk.
  3. In times of recession do floating markets sink?
  4. I gave up years ago on Thai paid TV. In recent years I've been using a VPN for my laptop which can be mirrored to my Smart TV. I can choose what I like from free channels anywhere World wide.
  5. Hi there, I live between my house in Bangkok and my condo in Pattaya. I will be returning to Bangkok soon for a few months, so can anyone tell me where's the nearest PEA office to Naklua Road. I wish to request an auto debit for the power account for my condo. Thanks.
  6. Anyone who trusts a Thai where there is power or money involved are just looking for trouble. It's my belief that the new party will again be dissolved either before the next election or even if the new party were to gain a 60% plus victory. The cronies would be sitting in their spacious mansions now making plans for the history to repeat itself.
  7. MFP did get the most votes but the problem is they didn't get enough votes to form a majority to govern. This could happen in any other country where the both of the major parties didn't get more than 50% to form a government in their own right. The constitution court decision is another issue.
  8. That was my idea too but you know what Thai grannies are like.
  9. I had a beautiful sofa which was expensive and it was totally wrecked by my wifes grandson using it as a trampoline.
  10. Seriously Bob I don't think you'd even get a dry throb.
  11. So much for Lazada, Shopee and the 20 baht shops.
  12. Let's just say that the MFP won the last election by an overwhellming majority, enough to form the government in their own right. Do people honestly believe that they would be the government now. When the new MFP starts up the first thing they need to do is toughen up. Drop their nice guy image and get a head kicker on their side. Treat fire with fire, delve into the lives of their opponennts and lay it out for the public to see. Their oponents will be like rats on a sinking ship, as they take off for their extended holidays in China or Dubai.
  13. Even Donald Trump has more class than most Thai politicians.
  14. I've probably been to both Walking Street and Soi 6 maybe 4-5 times in 22 years living here. Even then I only go to those places with tourist friends on short time holidays as I show them around.
  15. You can thank vinegar tits for starting this, cheap labor.
  16. It dawned on me the other day that I did have a similar condition when I was in the military years ago. After Googling this medical condition it maybe a relapse as it appears it's in our blood forever.
  17. I'll never forget my first day as an apprentice plumber on a large building site. Some one had use a texta and written on the wall of the bog. There's no use standing on the seat as the crabs in here can jump 6 feet, as a 14 yo I was shocked.
  18. Not me mate those years are well gone. I've been married for 22 years to an Isarn lady. We all know know the consequences these ladies resort to if they discover that their husband is an infidel.
  19. If this cleanup does take place the mole patrol will be heading to Pattaya,
  20. The Worlds oldest profession has stood the test of time, so can't see the horizontal rumba being "rubbed out" any time soon.
  21. I read in the Bangkok Post that duck duck go has been banned in Indonesia. This has been caused as ddg has the best privacy of any online browser. The government stated because of the browsers strict privacy people are watching porn and other undesirable websites. What total rubbish, it's all about the government can't spy on ddg users. Knowing what the Thai governments reaction will be, so any ddg users in Thailand should be prepared and look for another browser.
  22. Do you guys really believe that our Governments are going to pass on our personal information to some bozo in Thailand.
  23. What, were you a field marshall?
  24. Would banks pass on this information considering we're led to believe that all banking is confidential.
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