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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. It must give you severe pain when your still kicking with a broken ankle.
  2. I find them boring as their general knowledge appears to be restricted to Premier League football.
  3. If possible late a night force a ball or something similar up his exhaust pipe it may do untold damage to his to his engine.
  4. Best Super Market Naklua Road near Soi 27.
  5. In the Naklua Road area many used to hangout in bars such as the Drum & Monkey and Ryans also to a lesser degree the Fire Station Bar name changed years ago to Honey Bar. Naklua Road has changed dramatically since I first moved there 10 years ago The Family Mart on the corner of Soi 25 has gone, all the banks have also gone. There is new bars there now but some of the prices are a bit over the top. Taking all these things into account maybe the UK guys moved out. There's still quite a few Germans in Soi 27 but nothing like the number that used to go there pre covid days. PS : the only plus in Naklua Road these days is the new Best Super Market.
  6. I've tried several browsers but Firefox is the one that bests suit me. I even use a duckduckgo extension for added security. It's worked well for me for the 18 months.
  7. How can " make America great again " ever work when we have Biden and Trump heads of their respective parties. If these parties can't pick suitable leaders the the USA is rally in trouble.
  8. These things have become regular occurrences in Thailand in recent years. It's about time the law came down hard on the parents. They should even put an 8 pm curfew in place for under age kids. If the parents can't control their kids the curfew should do it for them.
  9. My condo building is just off Naklua Road, it has 12 floors. I'm sure I'm the only person who speaks fluent English. Most of the farangs here are older DDD's ( Dirty Deutsche Daddies )
  10. I also odolized John Holmes I had dreams I would be as big as him one day. As the years passed by I come to realize my dreams would never come true.
  11. What irks me is when I turn my indicator on to turn left they keep passing me on the left side. I give plenty of warning but they don't seem to care. The ones that cut from right to left behind you at speed are real thrill seekers. I see near misses on a daily basis, since the Dolphin Roundabout was closed to traffic heading towards the beach in Naklua Road. All the motor bikes swerve right so they don't have to go up North Road to the rear of Terminal 21 to do a U turn.
  12. I think many older farangs are the same as me. What I used to all night takes me all night to do now.
  13. You should know by now that Thais simply can't resist showing off.
  14. In your case bob the shooting/abuse by Thais would've been thoroughly deserved.
  15. When there's money involved Thais will find a way to communicate irrespective where the farang comes from.
  16. The guy is a total a** hole but again if a Thai guy were to do the same thing the media wouldn't have a thing to do with it.
  17. I've lived in Thailand for 22 years, I married my Thai wife 20 years ago. Firstly I made it a rule to only learn words in Thai that would be useful for me in the future. Most of the common words plus any number given to me, even the high numbers I know them fluently. My biggest gripe is that Pattaya especially has changed dramatically over the past decade. Maybe it's when Thaksin was disposed of being the PM. I'm not into Thai politics so don't say I'm sticking up for an alleged crook. I do know one thing the conversion rate for the Thai baht was 30% higher on all overseas currencies than what it is now. So the better the exchange rate the more tourist come. The more tourist equates to much higher earnings for the local traders.
  18. I don't know why he's so obsessed with big boobs as I know from my vast experiences any more than a mouthful is a waste
  19. Appropriately named the one eyed trouser snake.
  20. I used to drink with a guy years ago and I'm sure he had a python in his pocket.
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