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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. Do the Red Rimmers operate in Soi 6?
  2. What's the difference between a good working vacuum cleaner and and a Thai Admiral? The good working vacuum cleaner sucks, sucks and never fails. What the Thai Admiral does I'll leave that up to you.
  3. Thai Army, the Foreskin Fusiliers.
  4. She got herself to Pattaya let her find her way back home. Give her her bus fare back to Buriram and move on,
  5. I doubt the Bolt taxi driver would've been been from Isarn. I use Bolt taxis regularly and most look more like educated Thai Chinese some may even be students. What sort of lady falls asleep in a taxi? I suspect she'd had a long session on the booze and probably got very stroppy. I've been married to a Isarn lady for 22 years so I've had first hand experience when a Thai bird throws a wobbly.
  6. Bob the father? That would be impossible because of Bob's sordid past he wouldn't have a dry throb left in him.
  7. I have 2 brother in laws monks, the eldest one is 64 yo and is a bit of a down and outer so at least he has friends and people to take care of him. The other one is 55 yo and only went to Buddha after his girl friend died. Her father demanded that my brother in law must go to Buddha even though he gave up a lucrative business to do so. The whole charade is corrupt and the senior monks live lives that are simply beyond their means. To my way of thinking many monks are no better than 20 baht toe rags. By the way if you ever get a chance listen to the Dali Lamas take on Thai Buddhism. When asked about his views on Thai Buddhism he politely replied " next question please".
  8. I didn't return to Australia for 2 years prior as I had commitments in Thailand. I'm now 80 years old, worked for the Department of Defense all my working life. I also did military service, I have an Australian Service medal and I still don't qualify. Need I say my thoughts about Australia, a once great country of which we were lucky to spend our childhoods in.
  9. Hi there, I've been having problems with my one year unlimited wifi access. I've come across a few which haven't gone the full 12 months. After a period of time I got a message stating my connection is out of money. Any suggestions which is the best wifi that goes the full one year and is unlimited use. Thanks
  10. I live between my Bangkok home and my Pattaya condo. After getting a marriage visa in Bangkok for 10 years I decided to use my condo address in Pattaya and get a retirement visa by an agent. If I'm in Bangkok when my 90 days in due I try to do my 90 days report online. Many times it doesn't work, so I drive to Pattaya and let the agent do the report for me. Which raises another point, how can an agent do your 90 days report. It's supposed to be so that the Immigration are aware of where your living. I've lived in Thailand for 24 years and I soon discovered to just play the Immigration game and you'll never have any problems.
  11. That map is clearer than some of the others I've seen. My description is exactly the way I drove there from the beach end of Naklua Road.
  12. I found the PEA office, it's in Naklua soi 2. Going away from the beach drive along Naklua Road, go past the large seafood market, over a bridge where all the seafood restaurants are. You will come to a right hand turn with yellow double lines. Turn there and the PEA office is a few hundred meters down the road. You will see the big fence and several Thai flags on your right. Thanks all for all your replies, my next deduction for October will start the auto debit process.
  13. I'll try that but this happened this morning as I was installing the app for the first time. So as yet I haven't set up a pin number.
  14. Thanks for your info Mike, I installed the PEA app on my phone.I then entered all required details but when I enter a pin it doesn't open. Is there a special pin number?
  15. Thanks SF, I followed your instructions but nothing happened when I entered a pin number. A required number of digits isn't mentioned. Thanks.
  16. I agree Thai mothers let their kids do anything but Thai grand mothers are even worse. They idolize their grand sons. I was on a 2 day school excursion with my wife's grandson about 12 years ago. We stayed in cabins in the mountains. One kid was making a complete <deleted> of himself. After repeated warnings his mother gave him a decent slap. Next thing granny cuts loose and starts punching her daughter. TIT.
  17. The PEA app is no good to me as I will require to pay my Pattaya condo bills when I'm at my house in Bangkok. So how will I know the amount payable.
  18. I've never even had one police visit since I started using an agent 10 years ago. To me the agent fees are money well spent in keeping the immigration wolves from knocking on my door.
  19. I've seen the difference between the Thais and Thai Chinese kids in my Thai family. You wouldn't believe the difference. Thai Chinese kids are well dressed, well mannered and in their teenage years are taught the importance of a good education to get a good job. Their Thai cousins are all drop outs from school and losers. Three of them have done jail time, several years ago the youngest one was arrested for an alleged crime he was 14 yo and the arrest took place at 4 am in a snooker room in Pattaya. I ripped into his mother, my sister in law. I told her she's to blame as much as the kid. The dumb bitch just gave me a stupid look and said up to him. If that my Thai wife she would've had the kids balls for a bow tie.
  20. I was told there's a PEA office in the food court at BigC extra, I couldn't find it. Someone else told me there's a PEA office in Garden Plaza but no level was mentioned. As I haven't checked that out I'm not sure. The map showing the main office is a bit vague. It appears to be in a soi off Naklua Road. As I live near the new Best Super market it appears that the soi is an odd number.
  21. I seen an incident at my condo last month. A large Asian guy I believe a South Korean went right off his head, all the condo staff were trying pacify him but it appeared to be getting worse. So I told the female office manager to request the staff to keep away from him and call the police. Thirty minutes later a very young cop arrived alone and the guy starts on him. Another 30 minutes and the cavalry rocks up and he was forced to the ground, cuffed and thrown into the back of a pick up. This would be great deterrent if guys who brawl in public know what to expect when heavy weight BIB's arrive at the scene.
  22. While not condoning the behavior of the Aussie guys the incident was petty considering what I've seen on my many visits up north. I've been to festivals etc with my brother inlaw and he keeps me away from any hotspots. It's so easy to wander into one of these areas not knowing where the cretins hang out. When they have a brawl the number of participants is unlimited. I've seen bottles, knives, a sword, blocks of concrete. I even witnessed one hero who drove his motor bike into the brawling crowd. The bike came to an abrupt halt and he was severely dealt with by the crowd. I very much doubt he even got to a hospital before his lights went out and he was in the departure lounge on his way to Buddha.
  23. Hi there, after showering over the last week I suspect I have anal warts. I can't think of any reason why as I live with a female partner so no other sexual activity takes place. The only thing that comes to mind is the fact I've been going to a massage shop in Pattaya. No sex takes place but as I have an oil massage I shower after each massage. I was just thinking if I do have anal warts maybe I caught them off of a towel supplied. If anyone in this forum has had anal warts how did you treat it. I'm looking for the easiest method and if need be a doctor will be the last resort. Thanks.
  24. You can try everything possible like I did but if you don't live in Australia for the 2 years prior to your entitlement then you won't get it. The thing that gets me is that you can leave Australia for one day during that period.
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