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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Can I perform self-castration? I don't mind if I can superseded that of prime minsters (Thaskin/Samak/Somchai/Mark/etc).


    In ancient China castration was both a traditional punishment (until the Sui Dynasty) and a means of gaining employment in the Imperial service. At the end of the Ming Dynasty there were about 3,000 eunuchs (宦官 huànguān, or 太監 tàijiàn) employed by the emperor, with some serving inside the Imperial palace. Certain eunuchs gained immense power that occasionally superseded that of prime ministers. Self-castration was commonplace and half-hearted attempts were sometimes made to make it illegal. The number of eunuchs in Imperial employ had fallen to 470 in 1912, when the practice of using them ceased.

  2. Abhist has no schedule to enter Government House Friday

    BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Friday that he has no schedule to enter his office at the Government House throughout the day.

    But he said if he has free time, he may enter his office.

    The red-shirted protesters vowed to prevent Cabinet members from going into the Government House to work.

    Abhisit said he discussed with Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban about the red-shirted protest and Suthep ensured him that the government is still control of the situation.

    -- The Nation 2009-03-27

    How long can he hind before he move his office to the Foreign Ministry (where PAD is in-charged).

  3. Thaksin, and hence the red shirts, fear Kasit as he has extensive connections overseas due to his ambassador roles, plus he is a known enemy of Thaksin; he could well be thinking of cancelling Thaksin's passport soon.

    I am sure this figures partly in the equation.

    And there is no chance that Red Shirts hold a majority in the country.

    Even if 300k show up next rally, that is no majority of 65 million.

    They are just another noisy faction fighting for table scraps

    and Thaksin's big payday.

    You are right. Even if you have 30 million red shirt jaming the Govt house, it is still not a majority (out of 65 million total population). However, it will only take 3,000 red-shirt (or any color for that matter) to shut down the airport again. Now, let's see who is talking.

  4. Blue-shirts to counter red-shirts at airport

    About 300 people clad in blue shirts gathered at the Suvarnabhumi International Airport Thursday afternoon to prevent a possible seizure by the red-shirted protesters.

    The group led by Samrern Adisa, president of the club of operators of passenger vans in Bangkok and satellite provinces, gathered at the all-purpose ground of the airport at 3 pm.

    Samrern said his group would peacefully rally there to prevent any attempt to seize the airport.

    The Nation


  5. I was planning to go there to take some photos. Now I change my mind. With the hungry Police and Army locked in, looks like bullets may be flying tonight.

    No worry no hunger in Thailand....they have stock of food, but recalling the Austrian canned Army food, it might be a difficult decision: to starve or to eat......

    At least it should be better that the rotten canned fish the government give out to the poor recently.

  6. I'm a Thai national and I am seriously annoyed at how the government is dealing with this crisis.

    For the love of god, respect the UN's decision already. It's just a bloody temple, we have 10,000 more of those in the country >.<

    I'm especially sickened as to how the military treats this issue. Not too long ago someone (with a serious misunderstanding in history I might add) made a powerpoint on all the times we have lost territory. That included really retarded things like Indochina (which were our protectorates and not really national provinces) and the ceding of some southern provinces to Malaysia. Totally taken out of context (sacrificed VOLUNTARILY by Rama V to preserve our independence...a worthy sacrifice if I may add, not to mention how the lost territory is mostly jungles and mountains), the ppt did nothing but to rile up nationalism with exaggerations and falsities.

    What did the military do?

    They practically worship that thing. Every statistic, every written word is treated as the &lt;deleted&gt; bible. Not too long ago I went to the Ror Dor boot camp at Khao Chon Gai and sure enough, they devoted 2 hours and a colonel to drill this bullshit into our heads.

    Did people believe it? I don't know, but it seems that about half were almost ready to run against a Cambodian machine gun, and the other half were too busy talking about DotA tactics :o

    Don't claim unless you can prove.

    Can you share this ppt please.

  7. If you have done something wrong, will you own up? No.

    If Thai Army enter Khmer (which is wrong), the Thai side will keen quite about it.

    The Thai Army will do everything in their power to blackout the news.

    Just like the Thai Navy never advertise everytime they toll refuge out to sea.

    I don't blame them. This is just human nature. Denine until caught with prove beyond doubt. Even Mark does that, remember?

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