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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. First of all, you have a country with such a low educational standard and requirement, that 200 baht can buy anything concerning a following or vote

    Sorry, the price has been up. No longer 200 Baht from MP own pocket. Politician has been emptying tax money to buy vote for themselves:

    Thaksin: 1 million Baht per village of Village Development Fund to spent however they like.

    Samak: Free water, electricity, bus, train, etc. Cut fuel tax to zero (from about 4 Baht / litres).

    Mark: 2,000 Baht per person to 10 million people.

  2. On BBC worldnews, defiantly full sized tanks, with red shirts doing vioctory dances on them with wood and steal bars in their hands. The Army guys had big smiles, welcome to LOS !!!! :o

    Looks like it will be a new difinition of 'low season' this year. A real shame for the silent majority.

    Always knew they should have been colonised by the Brits and had some common sense and honesty knocked into them. You don;t get this sort of carry on in Singapore now do you?

    Singaporean style government is exactly what Thaksin wants to have in Thailand.

    As the records shows, it is good for Singapore.

    However, is it good for Thailand?

  3. I do care about those 3.000 + people who died in his war on drugs, so on one side you have former PM who is mass murderer

    well said

    Same thing is happening in Mexico right now. I wonder if the Mexican government is copying Thaksin? Or maybe Thaksin is the advisor?

    Or is it OK if happen in Mexico, but not OK for Thailand? Because Mexican drug gets into the US, while Thai drug does not.


  4. This morning the whole morning various Thai tv channels showed interviews with people affected by the reds protests.

    Elderly that had to walk 2/3 kilometers before they could find a bus to go home. Students that were stranded because they have no money for other transportation. Sick people that couldn't leave the hospital because their family members couldn't pick them up at the hospital and many many more people.

    All royally pissed off with the reds and Thaksin.

    The nation news channel presenters worded it very very good just a few minutes ago, they used quite strong language:

    Who the hel_l does Thaksin think he is. He has upset the life of tens of thousands and he asks them to be patient?? How would he feel if his family members would have to walk 2 kilometers to reach transport if they can barely walk? How would he feel if his children would have to sit in a bus for 3 hours while being hungry but having no money to buy food or a drink. But no the bastard (they said this literally on tv) takes his children out of the country for a holiday and shopping. So they will not be inconvenienced. He destroys our country only further with his games. Many older people who were in the busses didn't know why there were so many traffic jams and couldn't go anywhere.

    Who does Somchai think he is when he asks the police not to use teargas and violence, while he himself used teargas and violence on protesters?

    They went on for a few minutes with stories of people who suffered from the reds decision to take victory monument. It was the same on other tv channels.

    I think that with this it is over for Thaksin and his movement. They have royally pissed of many people. So I think it will fizzle out after today.


    I watch the same. You mean this clip?

  5. Just on the news ...Surayud Chulanont's son his a red-shirt Taxi with his Mercedes Benz, apparently by accident.


    Not son of Surayud Chulanont, the driver in Mercedes Benz is the son of Theera Sutabhut, former Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

    Who is this guy?

    I do a google, he seems to be a african voodoo RAINMAN.


    The king allows royal rain specialists to help Tesania people who are being hardly Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej allowed agriculture ministry to send specialists in producing artificial rains and teach on technology in producing the artificial rain to help Tansania people who are reportedly hit seriously by drought , the report said .

    Agriculture and Cooperative minister Thira Sutabhut revealed today 14 February 2007 that the royal artificial rain specialist office informed to the Agriculture and Cooperative ministry that the king allowed the ministry to send specialist in producing the royal artificial rain team to help Tansania according to the request by the Tansanian government .

    According to the Agriculture and Cooperative ministry , Tansania faced serious drought and continually increased drought to relief the people sufferings in that country .

    In this occasion , the king advised officials to study target areas and wind direction. They have to have a plan in operation including important equipment to be used in the country since Thailand and Tensinai had different climate , the source said .

    In the beginning , the ministry contacted to Tensania for information about climate and areas including Tansani agency to conduct the activity and for the time being , Tansanian government sent information needed to the ministry and it is expected this month , the special team will departure for that country.

    The specialists included seven people and the team will use two weeks for study all needed .

    The agriculture and cooperative minister also said that the special group will teach on how to make an artificial rain to Tansania and will sent a pilot and some specialists to be stationed in that country for some time .

  6. .. He he.. It would cost you 200,000 baht for 2 tickets on the plane (i doubt Thaksin goes in normal class), Imagine it though at Suvarnabhumi, He goes through the 'Thai Passport immigration bit' then waits for you near the luggage conveyors at the back whilst your in that 25 minute 'Non Thai passport bit' that we go through, just like my misses does!!... erm, I doubt it.. :o

    Thaksin will be refuse entry at Thai immigration because there is no Thai visa in his Nicaragua passport. He has to take the next flight out.

  7. Thaksin cannot pretend that he's such a democratic hero. He also had close ties to certain military juntas in the past, mainly for his business deals. He became rich by winning some government contracts. Do you really believe that he came off those deals clean and fair? Thaksin had to bow over and over to those powerful juntas and politicians and bribed his way until he hit it big with his cellphone deal. Thaksin kept close tie with Gen Soonton, one of the masterminds who ordered coup against PM Chartchai then.

    He learned that money talks in Thailand. You would have thought that after becoming a PM he would 'change' the tradition of doing business in Thailand. No, he just wanted to be the most powerful man so he won't have to bow to anyone ever again. And with his money, he can make people serve him.

    Some protesters join the Red, but DO NOT support Thaksin. Some just don't like the way the army stage a coup to kick elected governmant out, rewrite election rules, and place their people in high places, distribute tax money to themselves (double defense budget allocation), etc. Giles is a good example.

    After Chartchai's government was thrown out by Gen Suchinda and Gen Soonton, Thaksin was no where in sight to fight for democracy. It's PAD leader, Khun Chamlong and Democrat Party who made it clear they would boycott the Gen Suchinda's government. I was there. I hate the juntas so much all my life. I remember those who support or don't support the dictators.

    But why is Chamlong seems to support Gen Surayud's government. He is a juntas SELECTED government. Has Chamlong change his mind from against coup to pro coup?

    Without HM intervention, there will be more blood on the streets. The military would seize control of Thailand indefinitely. So when I hear some misinformed foreigners blaming the monarch, like they are obstructing true democracy. I feel pain and angry. Because of his present on that day, we stopped fighting completely. The military government stepped down. We finally had an election again. Democrat party led by Khun Chuan Leekpai, who's unlike Thaksin, is a poor man all his life finally won enough votes to form the government.

    If I give my view of HM here, or anywhere, I may be charge for LM.

    Vote buying was still rampant in the rural areas then but before Thaksin era, there was no party who could win more than 50% of the MP seats, Thai government would be set up by the coalition of different parties. Who won the most MP votes would win the PM seat. It's always like that until Thaksin came into the picture and with his money, started buying out those small parties. He put small, medium size parties together even before the election was held and started Thai Rak Thai. Thaksin is the only one who can do something like that because no other politician can match his enormous financial resources.

    Vote buying is common in Thailand. Democrate does it as well. It is not fair to say TRT is black while Dem (or other party) white. In the past, MPs used their finite money to buy vote. However, Thaksin is the first to you PUBLIC TAX money to buy vote (a million to every village fund, free bus. train, electrcity, water, etc). This vote buying with PUBLIC TAX money have been proved successful. Mark has learn from Thaksin by giving out 2,000 Baht to buy 9 million votes.

    Now Thaksin has lost his power and a lot of money and friends. Can he keep different groups in his party intact? The longer Democrat party rules this country, the more chance he would lose more support because there will be more MPs who would want to switch sides. Some people just don't like being with the sinking ship.

    Thaksin has 76 billion Baht (or 2 billion USD) in the hand of the army appointed judges. I guess this is about 90% of his wealth. That's his biggest concern. Would you walk away from 76 billion? I would fight to my death if someone try to steal 76 billion from me.

  8. Bankers do what come naturally to them, they go out golfing :D All my colleagues back at ABN-Amro were the most work shy people i have ever known :o Stock jockeys are generally incapable of taking holidays (too busy filling those trading holes :D )

    Banks will be open tomorrow, as a bank you can't just close because 12 hours ago the PM said their was a holiday, the industry just does not work like that.

    But the bank did close with less than 12 hr notice during the last coup in Sept 2006. At that time, the order was given by Army, not a PM though. I suppose the Army is more powerful.

    Or is it that Korn have not offload his stocks yet, so the stock market cannot close tomorrow.

  9. http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/politics/140097/govt-knows-where-thaksin

    Govt knows where Thaksin is

    By: BangkokPost.com Published: 9/04/2009 at 06:28 PM The government knows where outlawed former premier Thaksin Shinawatra is hiding, but authorities in that country are not being helpful, Deputy Interior Minister Thaworn Senneam said on Thursday.

    Thaksin could not be arrested because that country had not been at all cooperative , Mr Thaworn said.

    The government had sent a special envoy to negotiate with this country, but it did not go as well as expected.

    The name of the country could not be revealed yet, as the government wanted to work out the issue through diplomatic means.

    It would be difficult to block Thaksin's phone-ins because other people using the same signal would also be affected by any action, the deputy minister said.

  10. Demo update:

    In am on Taxi Radio now (FM 107.5). They were call for more Taxi/people/red to go to Victory Monument. They are claiming that they have news that fully armed soliders is on the move.

    I am only translating. I cannot confirm if the information is correct. Please don't shoot the massenger.

  11. OK, may be I am wrong. So should I go to work tomorrow or not?

    If you work for a normal company then yes, you will most likely need to go to work tomorrow.

    I don't know about, but if my Prime Minister would say that tomorrow is a National Holiday, I wouldn't even bother to ask my company. I'd be on holidays, until the end of Songkran :-)

    What if you work for a Bank or stock market?

  12. Impound the cars, how hard can it be?

    The police here are inept for anything outside being part of the protection business for companies ( :o ) or blocking traffic so VIPs can go through unhindered...

    Impound who's car? The police car?

    If the police were to go to Victory Mom, I am sure the police car will be impound. Not the taxi.

    Remember the police truck with loads of arms and shield drove to Swampy airport? The PAD surround them, and the police have to surrender all the arms to the PAD. The police just walk away (on foot), as they are out numbered.

  13. Hope the give the PM better protection than they did in Pattaya, my opinion those old red shirts got much to close to the PM, when remember they(a red shirt mob) kill a PAD member(yellow shirt) back in Oct or Nov 08 in Isan(Udonthani). What get me is the police let his motorcade get stuck in traffic, from what I have seen in my long stay in the Kindgom they(the police) clear the street big time for VIPs. What happen in this case, I wonder?

    Police clear street big time for Royals and everybody realated to the Royals; not VIP.

  14. More than a 100,000 protesters are out in Bangkok demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. ABC news

    ABC & NationMultimedia is pro Republican. You should read other papers as well. Some are reporting only 30,000 people.

    The Associated Press, Bloomberg, eTaiwain, CNN, Xinhua, and many others are reporting 100,000 .

    The 30,000 you saw might be from earlier today?

    Only 30,000 claim by BBC. Last update 11:21 or 18:21 BKK


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