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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Abhisit was installed by a democratically elected parliament in the same way Samak was.

    The priority to set up government must be with the party having most voices. PPP had more than 180 and Democrat has 165!

    Khun Samak is in the biggest party. When people in parliament voted for Khun Samak, no Army helped Khun Samak to get supports from small parties.

    And you want Khun Pracha whose own party is even smaller than Democrat party to become a PM? There's nothing written in the constitution law that prohibits the smaller party to form the government. I wonder how old you are. Do you remember PM Kruekrit Pramotr? He was a PM despite having less than 20 MPs from his own party.

    After the coup Puer Thai party still won the election and formed the government not one but 2 times. The military didn't stop them from doing that, did they? When Samak's out, another Thaksin's puppet was nominated. Did anyone stop them from doing that? Now let me ask you something. Do you know the meaning of 'election fraud'? It means when you cheat, your result will be thrown out.. Therefore those who cheated need to be suspended from thier duty. They failed 2 times so it's the time for other people to take over the job.

    Are you saying that 200 banded TRT/PPP MP cheated; bit non DEM MP cheat. Not even one. I find it hard to believe.

    The rules was written by the army after the coup. Get it?

  2. More than a 100,000 protesters are out in Bangkok demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. ABC news

    ABC & NationMultimedia is pro Republican. You should read other papers as well. Some are reporting only 30,000 people.

    BBC keeps recycling the same story about every 15 minutes.

    That's their (BBC's) job. What do you expect BBC to do? Show Thai soap and Thai game shows?

  3. Seriously though. The reds can't accomplish anything by surrounding Prem's house. That does nothing except annoy a few old people. If they truely believe in their dear leader and the republic they have to take it to the next step.

    1. They will need some support from the army. Possibly from bases stationed in the rural provinces.

    2. Have the police support them. Which I think they already have since the cops here are so underpaid and undereducated.

    3. Have to clog bkk. Suffocate it. I mean block off schools, banks, maybe even powerplants, bridges. Park them taxis on the streets and leave them there.

    4. Do they have the guts to surround palaces?

    Just showing up for afew hundred baht is one thing, but actually doing something you believe in is another.

    Watch what you write, or the LM police will be knocking at your door.

  4. PORN is good. PORN is not bad in Thailand or Thai language.

    PORN means "Blessing in Thai"

    To be given a PORN by elderly is the best that than can happen to Thai people. Especially during Songkran. Lets's have a lot of PORN.

    Have you ever wonder why so many Thai girls are name "PORN", or have a PORN as a PREFIX or SURFIX. Like Sureeporn, Pornwilai, etc.

  5. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/07...cs_30099775.php

    Red shirts more than just a bunch of Thaksin's supporters

    By Pravit Rojanaphruk

    The Nation

    Published on April 7, 2009

    Some educated red shirts want to see a much more limited monarchy institution, like those in Great Britain or Japan, and have vented their frustrations on the Internet. A string of arrests and jailings, such as that of Suwicha Thakor, who got a 10-year term last week for lese majeste and for breaking the computer crime Act, have made it clear there are people unhappy about the current arrangement. The crackdown and the counter-reaction continues as police are eyeing to arrest more. With the Internet coming under close surveillance, one resorted to spreading attacks on the monarchy by distributing leaflets and was reportedly arrested on Saturday in Khon Kaen. These people pose a challenge to the commonly accepted belief that all Thais revere the monarchy institution and they want change.

    The above paragraph is NOT true at all. Thai people, educated or not, living in Thailand or overseas loves the monarchy. Because of the fear of LM, those that vented their frustrations on the Internet are Farang (not Thai). Looking at the PAD supports overseas, these people would like to see MORE monarchy institution, and NOT less.

    Publishing or questioning anything on Monarchy is not allow. It doesn't matter if Nation does it, it is against ThaiVisa rules. If moderator think it is OK to quote from reliable source (like Nation), I have a lot more of quote from equally reliable source (like Economists) which i would like to share.

    Please remove before I call the LM hotline. Anyone have the LM informer hotline numbers? How much is the reward I can collect for informing? Does that apply to Farang informers?

  6. Ex-PM's motive is to likely damage revered monarchy institution: Prem

    Ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, declaring yesterday that the goal of his fighting is to remove bureaucratic polity from the country, denied allegations that he intended to sabotage the monarchy institution.

    Earlier yesterday, Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda said that Thaksin's motive in attacking people who serve His Majesty the King was likely sabotage of the revered institution.

    When pressed further to answer whether he believes Thaksin wants to sabotage the monarchy by attacking people who served the King, Prem said "probably''. And when asked how he could prevent that from happening, he said, "(Thaksin) should not say".

    Is what Prem said constitute to lese majeste? Privy Council President not withstanding

    No I don't think so.But it is fairly evident that his actions and comments may have been very damaging to the institution, sad really.

    With more and more Privy council members speaking out, people might get the wrong ideas that they are speaking on behalf of the King. Perhaps that is their intention.

    Every Thai people are subject of the King. Any insult of any Thai people is an insult of the king, so LM can be applied.

  7. There are a couple of good one in Had Saengchan (moonlight beach) area. This is very convenient for people who are located west of Rayong town and people who work in the Industial estate.

    But most tourist go for beaches east of Rayong, like Leam MaePim, Pae, Suan Son, Ko Samet. However, expect the price to be 50% more, both for lodge and dinning.

  8. I need a 10 wheel truck for my farm in Rayong.

    I see that most truck in Rayong area are either Hino or Isuzu.

    Which is better?

    Which dealer should I go?

    For Japanese big truck, we used a fleet of Hino 10-wheelers and haulers. They are the best sellers in Thailand, and for a good reason. Hino is much reliable, powerful, easy to mainten and consume less diesel. Just ask your Thai drivers. We stay away from the fancy European truck due to cost.

    We used to have a couple of Isuzu truck which break down often after 3 years of usage. The local Isuzu dealer is not that friendly nor knowledgable too. We wasted lots of time, just waiting for parts to be ship in. As we are in logistic, everyday a truck is down cost us money. We finaly sold the Isuzu trucks last year, and we never have any Isuzu since.

    The service of Rayong Hino dealer near BigC (on the main highway, you won't miss it) is very impressive. Delivery time of new trucks is also quick. The repair shop area is also very clean and well managed. Parts are well stock; even non-stock part are delivered very quickly.

    However, English of the charming lady owner is limited; but managed to get by.

  9. First of all I would like to sent my sympathy to the poor guy. he was just following orders from pig head commanders.

    That aside.

    Didn't the Thai army always denine that they entered Cambodia?

    Now the Cambodia have a Thai foot to prove it.

    Which Thai FM call the PM of Cambodia a "gangster"?

    And still insult him further by saying that he does not understand Thai language. Rub salt to wound?

    "In the Thai language, the word 'Nak Leng' which I used during the debate means a person who is lion-hearted, a courageous and magnanimous gentleman, and this is what I referred to you as an expression of my appreciation of and respect for Your Excellency," Kasit added.


    We all know what he mean by "Nak Leng".GANGSTER.

  10. I don't know what Abhisit drives. The opposition was going to grill him for undeclared Honda CRV. Locally built.

    A couple of years ago TRT/PPP or whatever they were called that time tried to get Apirak, then Bangkok governor, for illegally giving his wife Nissan Tiana, Camry equivalent.

    Have not heard about Apirak for so long. Is he in jail already? In relation to payment for some over-priced fire truck or something like that.

  11. Red-shirts to rally at Finance Ministry on Thursday

    The red-shirted people will rally at the Finance Ministry Thursday, Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirted leader, said Wednesday.

    He said the rally at the Finance Ministry would mark the beginning of the red-shirt small rallies outside the main demonstration ground at the Government.

    He said the protesters would express their opposition to the government's plan to obtain foreign loans to carry out stimulus measures.

    Hmmm, so let me get this straight...what they are really saying is.."We don't have enough people left for a big rally, so we will call them small rallies". Then, next week, they will change them to mini rallies, during Songkran, Micro Rallies....see the progression? lol

    What they are say is that Kasit is with PAD. KASIT OOK BAI.

  12. I am just thinking why a mass rally called for next Tuesday night. How can Thaksin declare vcitory next Wednesday.

    Could it be that Mark is flying in next Wednesday morning? So Thaksin want to have the biggest group possible to gather on Tuesday night, so that they can march to capture Swampy that night. On Wednesday morning, when Mark cannot land (get diverted to Hua Hin), Thaksin will then declare victory as promised.

  13. Taksins democracy is that only Taksin should be in power. Doesn't anyone remember how he behaved before he was toppled? Totally arrogant, not prepared to listen to anyone, and showing lack of respect for the monarchy. I can't believe anyone wants to go back to that? Just goes to show people have short memories. You should be weary of anyone who craves power so much (think of any dictator and you will understand). A reasonable man would accept his fall from grace and move on.

    Lack of respect for the monarchy is not a LM crime in Thailand. Please don't get confuse.

  14. Suthep is not the PM.

    There's nothing they can talk about if he flatly refuses House Dissolution, and he'd better watch his step if he is perceived as making secret deals with Thaksin. The secret won't stay so for long PAD will have him for breakfast, as if having red enemies is not enough.

    Confirm Suthep is not PM.

    All Thaksin wants is his 76 million Baht back, so he can retires. Thai banks (espeacially SCB) may liquidate he he made a single withdrawal.

    Since when does Thai government negotiate with fugitive?

  15. Thaksin says it's time to fight for his 'stolen asset'

    He called on his supporters all over the country to come out in full force to act like a tsunami "to drive away the aristocracy and make Thailand a complete democracy".

    - The Nation / 2009-04-01

    What is the defination of "aristocracy" here? Can I charge Thaksin for LM and sent him to 15 years jail?


  16. Meanwhile, down at squeeky cleans :

    Kasit admits recieving money while diplomat :


    I guess, as a diplomat it is OK to receive free cash from the PM. After all Kasit was not in Thailand at that time, hence Thai corruption law does not apply.

    Will he be able to name those people he pass the money to? I am sure Thai corruption law does not apply to them too.

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