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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. Interesting and untried (on skytrain) concept with the express versus local stop fares. Wonder how that will work in terms of the crowds chosing.

    Take a look at KLIA Express (Malaysia). http://www.kliaekspres.com/

    It might be using a similar system.

    The fare is the same for the same distance (Fast or Slow train).

    Fast train non-stop (28 mins).

    Slow train (travelling at same speed) have 3 stops (35 mins).

    The idea is the the slow train will leaves just after the departural of the fast train A; but will arrived just a head of the next fast train B.

    I.e., no overtaking on the single track. In short, take the first departure train (fast or slow) will get to your destination fastest.

    The idea of the slow train is mainly to serves airport staff living along the track.

    Example (this is just an example)


    Fast train leaves every 15 mins, journey time of 15 mins.

    The slow train will leave 1 min after the fast train, journet time 28 mins (with 7 stops of 2 mins each), it will still arrive 1 min before the next fast train at the final destination

    ........ Fast. Slow. Fast. Slow. Fast. Slow. Fast. Slow.

    ........ ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== =====

    Depart.. 00:00 00:01 00:15 00:16 00:30 00:31 00:45 00:46

    Arrive.. 00:15 00:29 00:30 00:44 00:45 00:59 01:00 01:14

    Duration 15min 28min 15min 28min 15min 28min 15min 28min

  2. "All the authorities say it's not their policy, but I have reason to believe otherwise. I will certainly hold the guilty parties accountable, once I find out who is responsible," Mark said".

    This make me want to laugh.

    You think he will put the generals in jail?

    On a different subject, he knew who shut the airport down, and he did nothing. What make you think that he will take action on this matter?

    Talk talk talk . . . . . talk only lah . . . . lol.

  3. not sure if anyone listen to the CNN interview with abhisit ,

    he is CLEARLY not interested in getting to the bottom of things , prosecuting those involved , investigating

    absolutely pathetic and irresponsible performace as PM on this and many other areas.

    Quote from Mark's CNN interview: "There are attempts, I think, to let these people drift to other shores."

    English is not my 1st language. Does that mean that Mark is not sure if the Thai's let the people drift or not? I.e., the Royal Thai Navy did not inform Mark if they did it or not? Hence he is guess.

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