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Posts posted by samgrowth

  1. This is just my theory, based on my imagination:

    The shooting is intended to kill Sondhi by a group of people. The group has use Sondhi to the dirty job, and has promise him that they will reward him with .... you name it, could be be wealth, own TV station, power, even the PM chair?

    However, now Sondhi is demanding payment, which the group have to intiontion to pay in the first place. Sondhi treaten to disclose the deal, so the small group will have to hire someone (possible with previous military trainning) to silent him.

    As for the identity of the small group, I don't think it is UDD/UAAD/Thaksin/RED as the situation is too hot on them now. This group is using the opportunity to lay blame to Thaksin.

    On the right track...good observation and analysis :o

    I don't necessarilly disagree with samgrowth's "analysis" but since you know he is is "on the right track" could you put us all "in the know" as to what may be going on?

    What's amazing to me, in this small country, is that we all know somebody that is attached to one of the "power elite". I could tell you what the King had for breakfast or if the Prince or Prime Miinister were under the weather, or if Jakrapob's Chiang Mai boyfriend was hiding him, but I still couldn't say who it is exactly that went after Sondhi. What makes you so sure?

    Theory number 2; something I pick up from the night Thai soap on TV plus the clip below:

    He could be messing with someone's wife/girlfriend.

    So the husband/boyfriend gather some people to warn him (not to kill him).

  2. I check Powerbuy web. For 42in, price range from 17,994 to 99,990 Baht


    PASMA TV 42in LG 42PG20R

    Price 17,994.-

    Resolution 1024 X 768P (WXGA)


    CONTRAST RATIO 25,000:1




    HDMI INPUT V1.3 3 channel





    LCD 42in PHILIPS 42PFL9703

    Price 99,990.-


    1,920 X 1,080 PIXELS

    CONTRAST RATIO 33,000:1





    1157.0 X 752.0 X 117.0


  3. From The Nation:

    "Apart from 84 spent cartridges from three types of automatic rifles found at the scene, police also found a dud M79 grenade on Bus No 30, which was travelling in the reverse lane. No police theory as to whether that was meant to hit Sondhi's car or fired at the bus to create a diversion was immediately available.

    Initial crime-scene reports said the M79 failed to explode because the firing range was too close. Found at the scene were 64 cartridges fired from an AK-47, 17 from an HK33 and three from an M16."

    Re: the M79 grenade...can anyone explain what they mean by the firing range being to close?M79_afmil.jpg

    Have you seen the movie, "Hunt for the Red October (or April in Thailand)". The russian sub fire a topedo, Sean order the Red October to head directly toward the topedo and strike it head on. The todepo did not go off, because it impact the Red October sooner/nearer than the topedo was programed to hit (safety distance). When the russian sub fire a second time, he make sure that the safety feature was removed. This caused the topedo to go off, even thouse it hit it's own (the russian) sub.

  4. This is just my theory, based on my imagination:

    The shooting is intended to kill Sondhi by a group of people. The group has use Sondhi to the dirty job, and has promise him that they will reward him with .... you name it, could be be wealth, own TV station, power, even the PM chair?

    However, now Sondhi is demanding payment, which the group have to intiontion to pay in the first place. Sondhi treaten to disclose the deal, so the small group will have to hire someone (possible with previous military trainning) to silent him.

    As for the identity of the small group, I don't think it is UDD/UAAD/Thaksin/RED as the situation is too hot on them now. This group is using the opportunity to lay blame to Thaksin.

  5. Thailand's slide into mob rule

    Published: April 14 2009

    Ever since the autumn 2006 coup that deposed populist prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Thailand has given every impression of having succumbed to mob rule, an impression only somewhat relieved by putting a young Eton- and Oxford-educated premier, Abhisit Vejjajiva, at the front of the house.

    Events like last weekend's cancellation of an Asean summit, with leaders such as China's Wen Jiabao evacuated as "red shirts" protesters loyal to Mr Thaksin overran the coastal venue of Pattaya, are beginning to paint Thailand in the colours of a banana republic.

    Before that, of course, Thailand ran through a brace of Thaksin proxy leaders, toppled by "yellow shirts" royalists who brought the country and the economy to a standstill under the indulgent eyes of the police and the army.

    At the root of this now chronic instability is the complete inability of Thailand's ruling class to come to terms with the political implications of Mr Thaksin's constituency.

    Thais emerged from the 1997-98 east Asian financial crisis looking for a strong but democratic champion of their interests. What they got was Mr Thaksin. A tycoon with deep pockets, he addressed for the first time the needs of the rural poor of the populous north-east. He was also ruthless in riding rough-shod over institutions from the central bank to the courts, and using blanket repression against Muslim unrest in south Thailand and death squads against drugs dealers.

    But it was not just Mr Thaksin's pluto-populism that alienated the urban elite and elements from the army, bureaucracy and the court. They simply could not tolerate the shift in power to political out-castes.

    This became clear when the 2007 constitutional reform was rejected by a big majority in the north-east. No wonder. It was a gerrymander to prevent the new actors from the countryside ever again taking political centre stage. Bans on Mr Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai (Thais love Thais) party – the only party ever to win an absolute majority – and its successors reinforced the message.

    While Thailand ostensibly has a strong unifying force in King Bhumibol Adulyadej, there have been 18 coups under its constitutional monarchy. Like any other complex and dynamic society, Thailand needs more than a regal umbrella: it needs solid modern institutions.

    Mr Abhisit, who came to power in a murky parliamentary vote, can justify his position by recognising Thailand's new political players are here to stay, and by making its institutions work to accommodate them. And he should seek a proper mandate through new elections.

    The Financial Times Limited 2009

    Spot on - I really believe elections, at some stage, are the only answer to give a new mandate. It would be a move forward to see ALL parties of whatever colour committ to new elections and committ to honouring the result (hopefully validated by outside observers) - I may dream... but I'm not the only one...

    Well written. I agree fully.

  6. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-04/15/content_11188935.htm

    Scathing media cartoon burns sensitive nerve of Cambodia about ties with Thailand PHNOM PENH, April 15 (Xinhua) -- A scathing political cartoon has angered the Cambodian government at this sensitive time of the Cambodian-Thai ties, and pushed the publisher into an awkward situation.

    The government is demanding a written explanation for the recently-printed newspaper cartoon depicting Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra playing golf together, claiming that it could seriously affect the Cambodian-Thai relations.

    "I need (a) written explanation. It's all. But if I don't have any response, then I will decide another step," English-language newspaper the Cambodia Daily on Wednesday quoted Information Minister Khieu Kanharith as saying.

    In the hand-drawn picture published by another English-languagedaily newspaper the Phnom Penh Post on April 10, Thaksin shot a mine instead of a ball with his golf pole into the territory of Thailand, saying that "YES, IT'S MINE!!! THEREFORE I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANTN WITH IT..."

    Hun Sen, beside Thaksin right outside the borderline of Thailand, said that "BUT... WHAT ARE YOU DOING? IT IS YOUR COUNTRY..."

    Khieu Kanharith said that "it is not a problem of offending, but this cartoon came at the time Thailand accused Cambodia of harboring Thaksin."

    Meanwhile, the Ministry of Information issued a press release last week, saying that this cartoon was politically-oriented and would make readers misunderstand the political stance of Cambodia.

    Cambodia already spiked the rumor that Thaksin was hidden here, but the cartoon obviously told readers that he was temporarily living in Cambodia, Khieu Kanharith said in the release.

    "This came at the most sensitive time, and it is not a joke at all," he said, adding that the Phnom Penh Post should submit its evidence for Thaksin's stay in Cambodia.

    By publishing the cartoon, the newspaper had violated an article of the press law prohibiting publication of information inciting discrimination, according to the press release.

    Any media should be objective and neutral in its reporting, it added.

    In the mean time, Michel Dauguet, CEO of the Post Media Co. which started to publish the Phnom Penh Post as daily paper last year, issued a statement to clarify that "our editorial cartoon does not imply that Mr. Thaksin is living or has taken residence in Cambodia."

    Thaksin was represented in unspecified space outside Thailand, symbolizing his exile, and exacerbating tensions at home, he said.

    "The fact that some people may have interpreted that this editorial cartoon gives credit to the absurd theory of Thaksin's presence in Cambodia is an unfortunate misunderstanding," he added.

    In early April, spokesman of the Cambodian Council of Ministers Phay Siphan told reporters that "Thaksin actually didn't have any presence in our country."

    For anything that he did, Thaksin could observe his own country's law and the international law, he added.

    Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya once told reporters that the bilateral ties between Thailand and Cambodia could be affected adversely, if the ousted former premier were allowed to launch political attacks from Cambodia.

    Days of demonstrations by the opposition force have led to serious instability in Thailand. The Thai criminal court on Tuesday issued arrest warrants for 14 protest leaders including ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra. Besides, Cambodia and Thailand still have decades-old border disputes to settle. However, two heavy armed clashes between both troops in early April just have aggravated the tension at the border area.

  7. Treason charges against PAD were dropped because they had no sense whatsoever. PAD wasn't trying to overthrow the state power, not even to remove the government by force.

    Charges for airport takeover should correspond to crimes, not damages.

    Thai Airways or AOT can sue PAD for damages separately, and I believe they can easily win Chamlong's left slipper as a satisfying reward.

    Sorry, airports no damage, so no crime.

    Case closed.

    I wouldn't put it as simple as that...

    Let's say 1000 thaivisa members stormed into the airport, setup stage and started a party... I'd be willing to bet we'd all be arrested and charged with some offense. There are laws against this, not only here in Thailand, but all over the world.

    Yes but don't forget the yellows didn't do that!!

    The protested peacefully OUTSIDE

    The airport canceled all flights (yellow still outside)

    yellows got shot outside

    yellows moved inside the already disabled airport and not just 1000, several 1000s

    Most of the airport staff and Thai Airways support the yellows

    Well said.

    I am totally with you now.

  8. Treason charges against PAD were dropped because they had no sense whatsoever. PAD wasn't trying to overthrow the state power, not even to remove the government by force.

    Charges for airport takeover should correspond to crimes, not damages.

    Thai Airways or AOT can sue PAD for damages separately, and I believe they can easily win Chamlong's left slipper as a satisfying reward.

    Sorry, airports no damage, so no crime.

    Case closed.

    I wouldn't put it as simple as that...

    Let's say 1000 thaivisa members stormed into the airport, setup stage and started a party... I'd be willing to bet we'd all be arrested and charged with some offense. There are laws against this, not only here in Thailand, but all over the world.

    If we all dress in yellow, we will be OK. There is only one law in Thailand, the law for people against the yellow. Is is call LM.

  9. Treason charges against PAD were dropped because they had no sense whatsoever. PAD wasn't trying to overthrow the state power, not even to remove the government by force.

    Charges for airport takeover should correspond to crimes, not damages.

    Thai Airways or AOT can sue PAD for damages separately, and I believe they can easily win Chamlong's left slipper as a satisfying reward.

    Sorry, airports no damage, so no crime.

    Case closed.

  10. this will get me banned :D

    passing comments from delegates as they leave...

    1. brunei. well, at least your football team isn't as sh1t as ours... oh it is.

    2.cambodia. psst, wanna buy a temple, going cheap.

    3.indonesia. i see moody's still has an office in your country

    4. laos. why do you need our girls to work in your MPs, don't you have enough sex trade workers of your own!

    5. malaysia. first the south then the rest of the country!

    6. myanmar. we give you drugs you take care of our refugee problem. fair trade.

    7. philippines. you are lucky, your sex trade workers not look like monkey fall off ugly tree hitting every branch on way down. and they not need shave either.

    8. singapore. look like we need to open go go bars again. electronic industry up sh1t creek.

    9. vietnam. red shirt no communist. you sure?


    So what made you think you would get banned? Thinking up and posting Pure and Absolute Drivel is one of your rights.

    What a crock of sh*t


    Your name says it all.

    If wit was sh*t, you would be constipated.


    Yes, I suppose the old ones are the best

    Rumours not allowed. Please. According to TV rules.

  11. 300 troops move into the rally ground outside Government House

    After protesters left the rally site to board buses to return home, some 300 soldiers moved in to check the area behind the main stage in front of Government House.

    - THE NATION -

    Like The yellow PAD protestors, I am sure they will find a lot of nasty left behind by red UDD protesters. Check ASTV or Manager.com tomorrow, and all shall review.

  12. Veera urges officials to speed up checking of protesters

    Veera Musigapong urged officials to set up more channels to check protesters so that they could board buses faster.

    Veera said the two channels for female and male protesters were not enough to accommodate the huge number of protesters.

    Following the call, authorities stop checking the protesters' belongings, allowing them to leave rally site, heading to board four provided buses.

    - THE NATION -

    Check their pockets. They all have neww 500 Bahts note with running numbers.

  13. So, just let them go home now? And that's it?

    I cannot believe this. Is it so easy to forget about all the pictures of what happened yesterday?

    These were people who have attacked civilians, authorities, property, etc. with fire bombs, buses, knifes, sticks...

    And now they can just go home and have a happy new year? What's wrong with this? This will even worsen the image that the outside world has.

    As long as there is no effective justice and consequences for actions like this, it will not stop. Now everyone (red, yellow, whatever) will think that Bangkok is a place where you can ruin the whole nation's reputation without being charged afterwards.

    I guess it's mai pen rai again and hard for us to understand.

    They had to show offical ID to police before boarding the buses. It is also likely that the actual rioters are long gone. There were reportedly innocent demonstrators stuck at the rally site who just wanted to go home. The 4 buses (that is what 200 seats?) were reportedly enough for all of them.


    Show ID so that Mark can arrest them later.

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