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Everything posted by FlorC

  1. Skype is not a phone , and skype doesn't work for me since about 6 or 7 years or so.
  2. Ah you too . I have set up another account , but after the sign up , I can't log in to that new account. Log in worked fine for 2 months , even with older OS and browsers and email , no phone . Now I'm f....ed because they have new security software ...
  3. Lazada is NOT a bank or so where absolute security is needed. I use a computer , it should not be needed to have a phone to log in. Even if I had a phone , you have to log in to change the authentication method ... but I can't log in.
  4. Why would incognito mode work ? If they can't put login cookie , you can't log in. The browsers that work with lazada don't have incognito. Lazada doesn't suc- , I like how they suggest other items , which shopee doesn't. Well lazada sux a little for not letting me log in.
  5. I posted before : I don't have a phone. If shopee is a one time deal , then I can ask the cleaning lady for the code. But not everytime I want to log in. Besides explaining it on the phone in a different language in not good for me.
  6. Ah BritmanToo , I like what you did there with the solar panels, and your previous avatar pic , but no , I don't do social media ! Facebook ? YUK !
  7. Shopee only lets me sign up with a cellphone number. Is this a one time thing , or do you need a cellphone every time thereafter to log in ?
  8. My connection is fine. After continued retrying (10x) , lazada cut me out .
  9. The browsers that I used for 2 months , doesn't have add-ons. TV or now aseannow is their problem. Of my 4 browsers , opening this website changes. My oldest can open TV-aseannow again (but without pictures or log in) , after not being able to do so for years.
  10. Tried that before , the suggestion was on the other threads. Do the shuffle too many times and :We have detected unusual traffic from your network, please try again later..... The email option with SEND doesn't show.
  11. A phone is not an option. Somewhat good news that Shopee has COD ... if that site works.
  12. Yes i've seen : https://aseannow.com/topic/1187334-lazada-login-problem/ And the recent : https://aseannow.com/topic/1248219-lazada-problem/ and one from 2019 that I can't find anymore. All the suggestions don't work. I've been using Lazada for 2 month now , no problem. Since 2 /3 days , It changed : I get these screens in a loop. Security allerts come to my mail address, but no verification code. Lazada has no email , only a chat bot AFTER you log in. I can make a new sign up ( with different email address ) , to try the chat , but it is useless. Logging in with the new address = same loop as the old one. I have no phone to call them , and it is too hard to explain anyway. For a one time purchase an alias email address that yahoo let you make is a way around it , but you can't log in to check anything. The 2 last Kerry deliveries did not show on https://th.kerryexpress.com/en/track/ like they always do , I had to log in at Lazada to see the progress. While I opposed sites like Lazada , covid forced me to use them ... and i'm glad I did. I really blows that I can't use it anymore. Sick and tired to hear the mai-mee or pay way too much in local stores. COD is a godsent for people without credit card and don't want to bend over to the bank costs. So I look at Shopee , and they have much of the same at near same prices, but their payment options translated by google translate is not christal clear about COD. I haven't made an account there , because , no COD , not want. Although the site works better in my browser , Lazada gives better information. Better to have access to Lazada again . The pics : First the usual , click , but than the new one with a timer and it does nothing. Only thing to click is : another verify method , which goes back to the first pic. And then there is this cr_p : I click to open a couple of Aseannow links from the newsletter and I get "blocked. Opening it in another browser , works ...til more than a couple of tabs.
  13. Must be quite some big filter to filter high frequencies out of an inverter that delivers 10's of amps at 230 V.
  14. Have you checked the claim it is a pure sine inverter ? Maybe I don't know enough of electronics , but going from DC to an AC sine , must have some serious dissipation loss.
  15. Cold , yeah , but at least the air is much cleaner in europe. Not looking forward to spend the next 5 months in very bad PM2,5 air .
  16. Ok, ticks , thanks guys . Now I definitly know what to ask the vet. Checking the blood is 400 THB , but there is no print out or proof she really did it. Seems ivermectin shots are the best way to go here. Anyone know of a brandname for this ivermectin ? She did a test for FPV a while ago , like a pregnancy predictor stick and it was positive , but none died , not even the 2-3 month old kittens which should have died because it is fatal for kittens of less than 5 months. It is an accurate test and they had the symptomes . It's highly contagious but 3 of the 7 were not ill . 2 only mildly yet living close together , eating from the same plates. Mother or grandmother has mild Cerebellar hypoplasia , so maybe antibodies against FPV are given through milk . Still very hesitant to get them inoculated. Last spaying she wouldn't let the cat stay because she still feared the cat had FPV and wasn't inoculated.
  17. It's not when you can't see them that they aren't there. One very long haired cat has a very bad reaction to fleas with bald spot like yours from licking . Zoetis Revolution did a good job for her . Another victim of bugs , like yours bald behind ears .
  18. Advocate is essentially the same as Advantage , and has a long lasting aweful smell , I will never use that again .
  19. Yes that is the one I use now , it is one of the safest but not that effective and I use this every month since i found these bugs. My vet says they are discontinued , it is now revolution plus in orange packet with an extra ingrediend that I don't like. I'm not a fipronil fan .
  20. I don't have a cellphone and don't get sites like lazada and shoppee .
  21. I'll ask the vet next time , but I thought ivermectin was only for internal parasites . Can I use my ivermectin tablets ? Although they are freaking expensive too.
  22. Small correction , the "half mountain lion" , is not the OP's cat but toofarnorth's cat. Funny enough my big fury male cat looks more like a lion , beige with blue eyes.
  23. I don't have a creditcard . Lazada site doesn't work in my 4 brrowsers , CPU goes 100% and I hate their commercials. Now Taillybuddy seems ok and payment via bank , but 540 B in promo for 1 month ? https://tailybuddy.com/product/748/frontline-plus-cat-flea-for-cats-kittens-8-week-or-older I have 6 cats , 7th missing for 2 weeks . That's a lot of money ! And not even in stock. Simply .... Like I said before , it is hard to do it right with thick fur . Some of the fluid is lost on the hair in stead of on the skin to absorbe.
  24. I can't buy from lazada and my vet only has revolution , and now revolution plus . The selamectin in it is one of the least harmful for the cats , revolution plus has an extra ingredient that I don't like. She has a 3 month one too which has been discussed here on the forum , I forget the name , but that is some nasty toxic stuff , I won't give them. Only bayer's Advantage I can buy from another , but that is nasty stuff too , it smells bad and does so for a day . It is very hard to give the in neck type of liquids . Some of my cats have such thick fur , it is hard to get to the skin. And keep them from scratching it and then lick their paw , or just licking it directly when I did it too far from the middle.
  25. Not if they get them from their prey or in the bushes , where they go walk every day. Maybe less ticks in the dry season ?
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