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Everything posted by ballpoint

  1. The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have begun asking humans to prove they aren't a robot.
  2. Some of my friends exercise every day, meanwhile I am watching a show I don't like because the remote fell on the floor.
  3. Back in 1987 I started coming here fairly often on business trips and decided to open a bank account because I planned on being based here later. I walked out of the hotel I was staying in and saw a Thai Farmers Bank branch across the street, so I went over and opened an account. No questions about work permit or visa type back then. When I came out of the bank with my new passbook and looked across the road, the first thing I saw was a Bangkok Bank branch next door to the hotel, on it's right hand side. I'd turned left to get to the pedestrian bridge and hadn't seen it, so I could just have easily had a Bangkok Bank account for 36 years. However, in that time I've seen no reason to change to another bank, though the name has since changed to Kasikorn Bank, and that branch is no longer there. I find that the branch I moved to, and others I deal with are very efficient and friendly. I'd add that, I have bank accounts in Australia, Singapore, Thailand and the Isle of Man, and the personal banking apps of my Thai and Singapore banks are lightyears ahead of the clumsy, horrible things the Aussie and IOM banks provide.
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