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brommers last won the day on April 1 2019

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  1. When I wanted my bathroom floor and shower retiled, new washbasin & new toilet Boonthavorn would not even look at it. Too small. I got a single guy to do it all but sadly he has moved onto other things.
  2. Israelis might be a focal point right now because there are up to 3000 of them in the Pai area and they behave badly, but the real issue is over tourism. Thailand is rapidly approaching the level when visitors impinge on normal daily life. Phuket is already the most over touristed place on the planet and others like Pai are following. Many years ago a local in Pai said to me " we used to farm garlic, now we farm tourists" and this attitude has led to the current situation. Israelis are renowned for ignorant behaviour but are only the tip of the iceberg. A wholesale review of tourism policy is urgently needed.
  3. Without knowing the food you will drink it with, your personal likes and your budget it isn't possible to answer your question. Rimping and Food Hall in Festival have decent selections but lack knowledgeable staff to guide you. The very best place with the biggest selection and knowledgeable staff is Enoteca, located at the rear of the 5th Avenue office park on the 1001 near Meechok Plaza. They have more old world than new world wines and their prices are surprisingly reasonable given the quality available. Personally I see no need to spend more than 2000 baht on a really well made enjoyable wine.
  4. CNX ought to be able to handle way more aircraft movements. Gatwick in the UK handles at least 3 times as many take-offs and landings per day, is closed for part of the night (unlike CNX) and is a single runway operation. So correct investment in equipment and staff can handle far more traffic than now but the terminals are unable to handle much more throughput so the planned rebuilding is crucial.
  5. Thai media report that it was a military grade grenade of Myanmar army origin and was thrown by teenagers, one of whom is already known to be involved in drug related offences. As Tak is close to the Myanmar border and has many Karen refugees it is suspected that this event is linked to the civil war and or drug trafficking.
  6. At 9pm the level of the Ping in Sansai is 80 cm higher than at the Nawarat measuring station and the water flow is rising fast. The forecast is for the river to peak in the city at 2 am at levels way higher than even 2011. This is a real crisis for many people and for many businesses still trying to recover from the enormous damage caused by the COVID crises.
  7. For what? The level of the Ping river has actually been dropping in the last 24 hrs and the early week flooding upcountry was well covered by news media as well as social media. So this is old news and has ,ittle or np beating as the weather forecast is for rain to ease off.
  8. Barf.
  9. Dyson spares are a nightmare to get and very expensive. My vacuum cleaner, 9 weeks for a new battery that you cannot install yourself, 26 weeks for a dust collection bin that is made in Malaysia! I would never buy Dyson again.
  10. brommers


    Rimping Meechok have a selection of Mainland Cheddar cheeses ranging from a mild young Cheddar to a Tasty and on occasions a Vintage. Stock varies but there is always at least two ages from which to choose.
  11. I second Dr Chanakarn. He recently dealt with my long lasting Achilles tendon issue by prescribing anti inflammatory and muscle relaxant tablets plus stretching and walking modification exercises. After 4 months it is almost totally resolved at a cost of a few thousand baht, compared to a surgery proposal by a top line hospital at a cost of 130000 thb. Oh, he is also team doctor to the national sports team so he knows what he id doing. His clinic is very busy and does not take appointments but I highly recommend a visit. Google Maps is your friend.
  12. As a type 2 sufferer I fail to understand why it is not possible to purchase a Continuous Glucose Monitor in Thailand, unlike many Western countries. These easy to use devices give out realtime information on glucose levels without the finger prick. This greatly enhanced our ability to understand the impact that foods have and modify our eating to minimise sugar spikes. Why does this country prevent us living a more carefully managed life? I suspect there is pressure from the likes of hospitals that want to control their use and make big bucks.
  13. Khun La you are wrong, in my part of CM the AQI was over 300 on Thursday for many hours and hardly ever goes below 200 for many weeks. There is nothing to be gained by minimising the issue.
  14. Since the pollution became critical there has already been a reported drop off in forward hotel bookings. My partner runs a tourism dependent business that has done record turnover for over a year until a month ago when business dropped off a cliff with revenue being up to 40% down on numerous days. Meanwhile the governor holds a presentation telling everyone that pollution better than a year ago, but fails to mention that CM has had a record numbers of days when it is world number one. The extended crapshoot of Songkran events is heading for a financial disaster for many businesses.
  15. And where pray are the designated areas where this ban will be in place? Or have they not yet decided where to apply it!
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