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Everything posted by puchooay

  1. You are off topic with regards to thr conversation I'm having with another poster.
  2. So, there is an economic crisis. Got that. However, not everyone is struggling. There are those that are and earn more that my wife and I, who are not struggling. The only difference I can see that would cause those who struggle to do so would be lifestyle choices. You said that was rubbish. So, why do you think some struggle when their salaries are equal to or more than those who are doing OK?
  3. UK passport holders need a visa to travel in EU? I must have missed that story.
  4. Pensions are not benefits. They are entitlements based on money paid in NI contributions during one's working life.
  5. Not irrelevant to the post I quoted.
  6. I'm asking you why some, on more salary than us, are struggling when my wife and I are not.
  7. Only in name. My wife was the cook.????????
  8. No you haven't. An answer to my question would clear that up. ???
  9. I wasn't talking to you. My post was relevant to the post I was quoting.
  10. Even more than you think. I used drum sticks. They are more expensive in Thailand than breast. Thais prefer meat on the bone or near the fat and pay more for it. Something that surprised me when I first noticed. Also belly pork more expensive than loin or fillet.
  11. You know how much chicken costs in UK but not in Thailand. You do, however, feel qualified to compare prices. Strange.
  12. Excellent. So your comment, sorry, assumption on price differences was just that. An assumption. Not much use in your argument.
  13. I paid £2 for 800g of chicken. About 80 baht. How much is it currently in Thailand?
  14. Yes, they do. However, because of lifestyle choices, we are not struggling. Please explain how those on higher salaries than us are struggling, if it's not because of lifestyle choices.
  15. OK. So, please explain why those on much higher salaries than myself and my wife are apparently struggling, if it is not because of lifestyle choices?
  16. Agreed but is wasn't and usnt. Cheers.????????????????????
  17. I'll see if I can sign up to Deliveroo. Strangely, in these desperate times, they are still busy.
  18. You're slightly off the mark. Our subsidy is £1 less than our direct debit. Thus, we pay around £1 a month for energy. ????????????????
  19. My wife and I earn less than all those professions you listed. We are doing OK as we have never overstretched ourselves, I understand that prices go up, as fo interest rates and thus we plan ahead. Upto and including during the pandemic things were good. So good that some people thought, foolishly, it would last forever and spent spent spent. My wife earns £10.90 an hour. I earn £11.04. We pay £1000 a month rent. Add all the other monthly bills it adds up to about £1500. Add food and probably in the region of £1800. 2 cars, paid for as we didn't overstretch anf get finance to buy something we couldn't afford. Petrol for cars about £200 a month. I guess we are spending above average yet we can still save each month. If a couple a couple of nurses on £30+know a year, for example, can't do what we do, they have made some serious financial errors.
  20. You'll find most people who complain are from so called deprived areas. Mostly inner city. Lots of shopping opportunities nearby.
  21. Due to laziness, yes. Yesterday I made a chicken casserole for 4 people. Total cost £3.80. Chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, spinach and red pepper. Served with jacket potatoes. 10 minutes prep, 50 minutes cooking time. Cheap, wholesome food with minimal fat content. Just a bit of effort needed.
  22. For sauce and marrinades I tend to use a can of Cola as the base. Any Cola will do, diet Cola works if one is worried about sugar content. Add garlic; celery, onion, chilli, cinnamon, coriander, liquid smoke if you have it and basically, any thing else I think might go well. Boil and then reduce. Remove any big pieces or liquidise. Never fails. Living in a hot climate, as we do, it's also easy to make "salts" for rubs. Put onion, celery, ginger and garlic in the sun for a couple of hours. Grind in a machine or pound in a pestle and mortar. Can do with capsicum too to make your own paprika. Make a lot and store in a jar. Should be good for a couple of months.
  23. In my experience most villagers, my wife, father in law, mother in law and generally most of the family, recognise what type of snakes I or they see. Why not just ask them? Pop the answer into Google translate snd "BINGO".
  24. @MarcelVasked about teaching in Thailand. He also said " I'm talking as a "teacher", not some other made-up staff name.". That kind of negates your post. @MarcelVyou have a year. I have seen many reports of expats signing up for courses to enable them to take the TCT tests. St Teresa's in Nakon Nayok or PGCEi from Nottingham Uni seem to be the most favoured. These were mainly those on 3 waivers looking for a 4th. Its not quite clear from your post which number you are now on.
  25. There have been confirmed reports both ways. I took my daughter, then 16, to UK alone. My wife signed a letter and we had it with us but we're never asked to show it. No harm in typing up a quick note and getting your wife to sign it.
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