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Posts posted by humbug

  1. more than 12 people died in one road accident yesterday in Thailand. 27,000 people die of road accidents in Thailand in one year and 6 people die of rabies in one year. 

    The whole rabies scare is nonsense but feeds into the humans who want to kill

    everything in life like a few posters on this forum

    • Sad 2
    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    And in Trang today a Myanmar boy died of Rabies, just after they declared that the outbreak is under control.

    that mynamar boy came from mynamar with his disease hoping for better help.


    Mass hysteria over a few deaths compared to thousands of deaths from HIV+ is not even remotely comparable.


    This mass hysteria is causing innocent animals to be murdered like what happend at the temple is the south this week conducted by monks. 


    No one should ever condone this hysteria as this country has seen many a result eg 1976 conducted by the same type of mob control freaks that are in power today

    • Haha 1
  3. disgusting excuse to kill as many homeless animals under the guise of rabies outbreak of a few hundred dogs infected compared with 400,00 thais infected with a more lufe threatening HIV+. to get around the animal protection laws.


    Well the mass hysteria has now seen monks in the temple Khao Pedi in Thungsong have men just kill all the dogs and puppies luving in the temple.Witnessed by extremely distraught Thais.


    I expect nothing less from these lying control freaks in power to do this. Everyone is starting to see through this lie

  4. crazy idea of an amendment of law as it will just  let the idiots let loose their unwanted pets on the streets not caring if they are taken to an inhumane government shelter or not as no one will enforce it or chase up the owners.


    you get the feeling this whole rabies exageration of a few hundred dogs was another intimidation story to press through this crazy amendment to satisfy the control freaks in power



    • Sad 1
  5. 27 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    Until their dog comes into contact with an unvaccinated stray.  I repeat you have to have little sense to own a non-working dog in Thailand.

    we get it "Mike" you're lonely


    dont worry after trolling the voiceless threads of a few hundred with diseases there will be another one on the 400,000 who have the HIV virus which is far more important to humans. Cant wait to see you on that thread with the same attitude.




  6. i will never stop feeding dogs and giving water, but thanks for the naff thread on how to be control freaks


    its no surprise to see a few on this thread blame the voiceless when they have not got the balls to face the Thais all around them treating this land like  trash.


    Oh yeah the rats, you mean like the billions of rats living in sewers and buildings where humans defecate . When is the last time one of you brave souls went up to Thai who just chucked their trash out on the street and told them to pick it up and put it into the bin? Or wait a minute how many of you brave souls told the the taxi drivers to stop peeing on the pavement and find a petrol station urinal.. 


    yep not one of you

  7. 8 hours ago, robblok said:

    If those in power get voted in I have no problems with them being in power, just like I would not have a problem with PTP being voted in. 


    Would be nice if there was a good alternative but there is not.

    i am going to be polite about how i feel about your posts and how the show me that this is more of a job for you scouring the net with those huge yellow tinted goggles of yours.


    A person who has come to power through illegal force and murder should be tried in a court of law first before he is allowed to be free to run in an election.


    its not dificult to understand how mr P should be locked away. But this is the reason for this interview mr P benefits ftom it thats why its been allowed to get through the media tight rope controlled by this group.

  8. i dont know too the history of arrests and charges for this gentlemen. Anyone wanting a fair election and better society would never allow mr P to be able to run for any election but want under a better society a rule of law which would then have mr P in jail.


    so many others wanting real change have had to leave homes, been put in boot camps and are not allowed to protest. 


    This gentlemen has been allowed interviews etc but crucially wanting an election with those in power allowed to to form a government.For me this is the reason he is allowed air time.



  9. this seems to have an underlying sinister motive in this man and group. Somehow this man and movement are being allowed to protest and being told they protest too many times when other groups are being charged, arrested and intimidated or thrown into boot camps. Then within the interview is family ardent supporters of the yellow shirts, major bets on long term democrat supporters just want an election but no to red shirts, no to peu thai etc. and the in the interview its okay for Mr P to carry on as PM. No sir its not okay Mr P to be PM. Mr P in any rule of law society with freedom of elections would by now be rotting in prison



    • Like 1
  10. no rule of law and this is what happens to any society


    Thailand has been under no rule of law longer than most so its more entranched in society. For those that say Thailand is such an individual country are talking nonsense. 


    Most societies would be like this with no rule of law.


    Its why most people lie or are so corrupt or do so many illegal things on a daily basis as they know they can get away with it. 


    All under an ancient claste system brought to this land by the Aryans so they even have a tier system under this no rule of law. 



    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Yep! Right, this is really high quality news. Got to learn much here.


    • Horses can run over railway even around Hua Hin
    • That horse news is suited for 2 videos, but news in general only contains of 1
    • Almost forgot. The horse survived! Made my day!

    Now back to all the unimportant news about murder, corruption and fugitives threathening a soon to come election.

    Life is just wonderful.

    why the condescending tone, no need to post or read on this topic if you just want to read about dystopian facism and corruption.


    this story is a welcome change, people helping before a sentinent being is harmed


    its great to know  theres some people out their with caring hearts

    • Like 2
  12. There should always be a more humane way to deal with every situation in todays society moving ever closer to AI intergration.


    Very few articles are talking about the more thzn 400,000 people in Thailand who are HIV positive and yet not one word in culling in those articles. 


    600 dogs in one year in Thailand and people are talking about culling its just pathetic. 


    We all should always look at humane ways especially with amount of rubbish/polution around Thailand producing countless diseases and infections and reducing the mortality rate in certain areas.

  13. This bunch are comedians using the intimitation tactic for any one looking to join the protests and trying to scare the current protesters by bringing up the 1970's with arresting any one they choose and planting the olde rebelion/revolution sub plot 


    The only ones who WANT to believe this are the beurocrats their backers including the CPgroup et all along with a few hangers on in the middle class.

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