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Posts posted by humbug

  1. 12 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    can rabid dog meat be eaten? Better to offer 20 baht for every dead dog brought into collection centers where they could be burned 

    this is a disgusting post and should be reported as wum and abuse. Having foolish thoughts behind a keypad is one thing but trying to act like this on a grown up web board is quite another.


    and yes people are aware of the foolish souls who think that is okay to do that in Asia when all society knows this is wrong

    • Like 1
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  2. 4 hours ago, jackdd said:

    They are referencing these laws:

    Section 397 Whoever, in a public place or before the public, does,  by any  means whatever to  annoy  or bully  the  other  person,  or  causes  the  other  person  to  be  ashamed  or  troubled,  shall  be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one month or fined not exceeding one thousand Baht, or both.


    Section 420. A person who, willfully or negligently, unlawfully injures the life, body, health, liberty, property or any right of another person, is said to commit a wrongful act and is bound to make compensation therefore.


    If you want to have it in Thai Google for มาตรา 397/420


    So the argument of the initial article is that the loud noise harms your body and health. Makes sense, but Thai people don't give a crap about noise, so do you really expect that the police will do something about it? With this law you could also do something against all other loud noises, but who will enforce it?



    these types of laws can charge 99% of the population


    a nonsense thread from a nonsense lawyer being paid to target animals when dog poo is the least of worries compared to what humans destroy on this land

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 1/24/2018 at 1:07 PM, ajarnrose said:

    Thank you for your input.


    I have noticed this A LOT over the past month.


    I am staying clear and keeping myself to myself and looking for something else :) 

    i have met many a person who refuses point blank to hire any phillapina's in any industry. This thread does not surprise me one little bit. Some Phillapinas in Bangkok have even warned me of these certain character traits of their own country people. I used to think some British people were poison, until i came to asia they seem amateurs in comparison

  4. so many laws in every country which are never really used


    i bet there is some a Thai law some where that states with evidence that anyone urinating on pavements, outside private property can be prosecuted. That should put 80% of the taxi/tuk tuk drivers into a court of law. Or maybe there is some Thai law on littering. The animals seem to get it in the media more than most especially by a Thai lawyer trying a weak counter argument against all those mostly animal lovers wishing the disgusting fool of ITD is put away, one can wish, but in the meantime i am sure there be a few more of these anti-animal articles by Thai Lawyers 

  5. 1 hour ago, debate101 said:

    The paid Thai-military cyber warfare trolls are out in force today to try to muddy the waters. Not everyone who posts pro-junta rhetoric falls into this category, but there are at least a handful, even native English speakers.


    The Chinese government employs millions to scour the internet for party criticism and post pro-government propaganda. The Russian government makes use of bots. I've no doubt the current gang have made this a priority, as their attempts at internet and social media control have mostly failed.


    Suspicious accounts include those registered in the past few years with posts that number in the hundreds on only or mostly political topics, odd, irrelevant avatars, and inconsistent "characterisation." Several accounts could belong to a single user.


    Ironically, pro-democracy elements are often accused of being in the pay of Thaksin, while it is the old establishment that has much deeper pockets and takes fewer risks to express anything at all. 


    No one is going to risk years in prison for a few hundred baht a day, for example.



    they didnt even deny it in the past. There was even a picture of a few years ago of a cyber room run by the thai ops with staff working shifts over 24hrs for what you mentioned.



  6. On 31 มกราคม 2561 at 11:14 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    I am often surprised that this does not occur more, especially after seeing the amount of people who walk around cities completely unaware of the 'snatch risk'...  I see handbags held on the 'outside' or left open, phones readily visible for a pick-pockets etc, 


    Confrontational crime is fairly rare in Thailand, this is part of what makes Thailand a pleasant place to live and is an indication of how inherently good people are here. 


    That said, we all need to be alert, the more the media publicises these handbag snatches the more likely we are to be exposed to 'copy cat crime'.

    much more of this in Kuala Lumpur than here but i have seen it twice in Bangkok both of the victims were standing alone and their phones snatched by two guys on a motorbike one time in front of the Jasmine building on Sukhumvit and another in front of a car dealership in Ratchoyothin. 

  7. On 3 มกราคม 2561 at 9:16 AM, Happy enough said:

    slightly off topic but what happened to seven starting to charge for plastic bags? i got a can of coke yesterday and the girl put it in a small bag then a bigger one and put in 2 straws. i just took the can out and left the rubbish on the counter

    i give the bags and extras back to the 7-11 counter staff all the time. Here in Bangkok i have only seen one store have a used bag collection box which is the branch on the corner of convent and silom

  8. 3 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

    IMHO the real problem is also the parents, but coming in very close second is the schools. Been here a long time and as a teacher first question I ask is, "What is the discipline policy?"


    Most schools don't have one so I am left to improvisation. Lunchtime detention is out cos the little darlings must eat and relax. Copying lines is out because they will hate writing, even if they never have the intention of writing anything else other than their names. Timeout in the hallway is out cos you can't kick a child out.


    The big problem is that schools are their to teach socialization and interacting with others to children. A school is meant to get the kids ready for the bigger world out their. Rather, they are taught that they live in a world without consequences. Proof to the matter, all we need to look at is the abhorrent driving demonstrated on Thai roads. Maybe if people stopped coming up with goofy child psychology theories and got back to basics their would be no survey asking about this problem because the problem wouldn't exist.

    the teaching industry is close to becoming the factory work of our time so its no wonder thai/foreign teachers are unskilled to use behaviour analysis or trying to find the correct levels of students along with keeping disruptions to a minimum and allowing more focus and engagement.


    negative re-inforcement and positive re-inforcement as well as observing throughout the day would be a start but then the pay/motivation is lousy and that is when the use of sticks is prevelant as they dont care to be better skilled or dont know how to better skilled as teachers. Then you have the huge competition for students even at the cheaper schools so everyone wants keep the client happy and paying the fees.

  9. 1 hour ago, steve187 said:

    what is your solution to this dog then, come on help out other members.

    i wouldn't do anything


    to many control freaks think everything apart from humans should be euthanized. Animals just like humans will have their reasons for attack or defence. 


    One thing is certain is there must be a WUM on here ressurecting an 18 month story to enjoy keyboard warriors debating something that many have opposite views

  10. On 20 เมษายน 2559 at 11:35 PM, lenscapasia said:

    I am not quite sure where you think these dogs were being taken where they were "humanely killed for food". Dog meat is very tough so the dog is routinely tortured by being skinned alive, boiled alive or beaten to death so that certain enzymes are released to tenderize the meat. No dog being exchanged for a bucket met a humane end. These are sentient beings in many ways as intelligent as humans. Would you like to meet that end? We are all animals. Why should you survive and the dog not? Thank god for the bleeding heart liberals of which I am proudly one. All it takes is effort and compassion. Here on Samui we have a free dog neutering service for strays thanks to a great charity and other compassionate expats take others to locals vets to ease the load and pay the money to neuter them. In my street all dogs have been neutered and so have all the dogs in the local temples near me. There is still a problem with too many stray dogs, but poisoning them is not the way. Neutering them is. I have 6 rescues. Last week I had seven but some "compassionate" human decided to put poison on the beach and not warn pet owners. So my eleven year old lab ate strycchnine and died in front of my eyes on his 11th birthday. Anyone here who is advocating culling dogs - this is how the Thais will do it. It is the most painful horrific way to die, and if you can wish that on anyone or anything then you cannot sleep easy at night. If you have a problem with strays in your street, sort it out. It is encumbent upon you to do your part. Feed them, show them love, give them shelter in the rain, take them in if you can. And get them neutered, And the person who asked which idiot made it a crime to kill animals. I suggest you pop up to the palace because it was the king, a great dog lover, with children who have rescued hundreds of street dogs themselves. Many soi dogs now live in royal palaces. You can see them in the princes palace on Khao San road. It is your turn, if you want to live here, to do your bit too. These poor animals need kindness, compassion and help.

    well said lenscapasia

  11. On 24 เมษายน 2559 at 7:17 PM, Thian said:

    Let's start with the people who feed them every day. We have some lady's driving around the area who feed all soidogs everywhere. Big groups are waiting for her every day (laying on the road, fighting, running like crazy).

    great i am one who helps also by feeding and giving fresh water to homeless animals. I wont stop.



  12. hard to tell if this system created for the last 80 years resembles a pyramid sales scam or more akin to an organised crime network.


    clearly those at the top of the chain can tell national court judges what to do and play media circus games with ex-pm's


    what a horrible corrupt, controlling system it really is


    you can see why the masses have been trying to kick it out over the last 80 years and bring in a fairer system like democracy

  13. i can believe this somehow


    i went to N-section at immigration not for any education related visa extension as they also do a few other visa extensions etc.


    Anyway the staff seem to be much more on the take now than i have seen in many years. Agents inside the quiet room with imm. officials, desks for other visas taken over by agents and officialls with countless passports but no passport holders, agents walking to the front of the line without any tickets, imm. Its just become the slowest section of all because of their more corrupt ways recently. What should take 1 hour now can take 3 hours.

  14. This is a very interesting topic that i have got to know a few very skilled autistic teachers who lived locally in Bangkok. Dr Kwan owns little sprouts in Thong Lor she does a lot of work in organising film festivals on Autism. Care centre of Autism related orders run by sarah nieoff is another one.Stay away from the ones that charge a fortune but treat the kids like an oliver twist movie like the vie(village int.edu), reed inst. and atop

  15. 1 hour ago, wildewillie89 said:

    When did I ever blame the dogs for the situation they are in? I have actually posted numerous times that it is incredibly unfortunate that the dogs are in a tough situation and that most people on here are not 'dog haters', but are haters of the humans who put the dogs in the situation they are in. 

    Clearly you and I have different opinions on ballsy. I used to volunteer with Sea Shepherd protesting and I also was part of Maremma Sheepdog rescue back home, as I saw those things as a worthy cause. However, what I do not consider ballsy is dying of rabies. I just went through 2 months of complications with a tick disease that would certainly kill my daughter at the age she is. Now we go through many precautions to make sure she and our family is safe. Why would i want to bring in animals that will have such risks to my family?

    I have also campaigned to change the rabies vaccination given to any dogs the officials can find in Thailand to every 3 years instead of every 1 year to protect more dogs, lessen side effects to the dogs, and protect people. The research i put forward was read out at the Thailand rabies conference and discussed. So don't give me this ballsy bullshit argument because you know your argument is fundamentally flawed. But yeah, feel all warm and fuzzy, whilst other dogs, children are dying of disease (rabies deaths are 80% children). Or many of the Malaria cases that Mahidol University believe are actually Babesia.

    I would be interested to know what you have done? Fed the odd dog? Further creating more problems. Why don't you tackle government departments? Have you? Please tell me which departments. Where? What was the response you got? That is sometimes more ballsy, especially in Thailand :). Generally it is unwise to play the macho card as your main argument lol. 

    well wild willie which pet hospital did you use for blood tests to find out all these stray animals had rabies????


    Or maybe you are just talking out of your rear end harking back to days when wild willie was shooti g protected species in idaho or wyoming?


    In earlier texts on this thread i quite happily told of what i do but why have you infultrated this thread with your ignorant views?


    do you think its okay that many thai drunk thai men destroy the fabric of villages with their incest and violent ways or just myopic and think about starving animals dont deserve to live?


    anyway i will keep helping when you havnt got the balls to help

  16. 12 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    That is all well and good until the species that is in need of help is carrying life threatening diseases (as is the case in Thailand/dogs). Environmental departments have laws for these very reasons in more developed countries, and generally they are there to protect other living species also (especially native). It is why you cannot feed stray/feral animals. It is one of the reasons some countries have gotten rid of such diseases (as they have feral populations under control). There comes a time where to be humane to one living creature, you must be inhumane to another. 

    Simple example of this is probably the food these people are feeding the dogs. What is it? Another creature that has been inhumanely killed. I think it is not as black and white as you think. I wish it was. 

    I know of no organisations in my area or surrounding areas that I can call upon to help. Usually they are in the touristy areas as they are the only places that can get volunteers. 

    I will not, however, put my family at risk of rabies, rickettsia, babesia, etc, just as  you think it is the humane/ballsy thing to do.  I see it as bringing further diseased, low quality of life animals (puppies) into the world. I think it more humane not to bring them into the world. 

    its ignorant not to help and if you think about diseases these were created by humans. Really you clearly have no balls to protect species on this planet just create scare tactics and forget about the drunk villages causing 99% of the mayhem in your area but lets just be ignorant and blame the starving species.


    Theres always a way to help anyone or any species there is no excuse just ignorance

  17. On 5 มิถุนายน 2560 at 11:04 AM, wildewillie89 said:

    By definition surely if stray dogs breed then the pups become feral dogs,  isn't the animal then becoming reliant on you? Probably the reason some dogs are more fearful than others. Some have been abandoned, so are strays (less fearful), others have gone through generations of not having homes so are feral (more fearful). 

    Isn't this the very reason why government departments tell you not to feed animals in places like national parks etc. If the animal becomes reliant, they lose the knowledge/will to find their own food. Not to mention, if they have reached 'feral' status, there is more potential for fear aggression and attack? Why governments tell you not to go near or touch dogs in Thailand.

    Being 'humane' and being an unintentional disservice to the dog is a very fine line that I think many don't understand. .

    being humane means that we respect all living creatures on this planet. Wild life is completely different to being protected to that of pets being abandoned and becoming ferile in their environment. You should know this as life has changed into euthanizing everything to trying to respect everything.


    If a living species on this planet is starving or need of help the more civilized way is to help this doesnt need a discussion it just needs action and balls by all those who walk past a species in trouble.


    Just this last week monkeys being electrocuted were seen by passers by and those thai people contacted wfft who came and rescued those monkeys. If species are too dificult to help there are plenty of organisations who can help in a humane way even in Thailand and especially the west.

  18. 7 hours ago, Gary A said:

    Just a few years ago there was a truck that came around and picked up unwanted dogs. I called it the bucket truck because everyone who brought them a stray dog was given a plastic bucket. These dogs were taken to Laos and sold for food. That is certainly not a great solution but it is better than having the local farmers poisoning and/or beating these dog to death. THEN, a group of do gooder farangs decided that these trucks should be illegal and lobbied the government. Now there are no bucket trucks and the dog population is out of control. The dogs are starving and take to killing chickens and ducks to eat. Those dogs are promptly killed by whatever method the locals can find. 


    The do gooder farangs thought they had scored a great victory. They rescued more than five thousand of these dogs. The big problem was that they gave no thought to the fact that these dogs had to eat and be cared for. Apparently the dogs all starved to death while locked in a huge pen. Some of the locals feed these unwanted dogs to protect their chickens and ducks.


    If the do gooders want to do something helpful, they should set up sterilization clinics. BUT, ohhh that would cost them money. Can't have that.

    Thanks for telling people how to think it wont stop me helping living species but thanks for keeping everyone up to date on the level of ignorance and civilizationin some villages where incest is ripe, cutting up bodies is fun and giving away living species for plastic buckets , must be a blast living there.


    So dont forget that 99% of those people helping species in Thailand ate Thais not foreigners, looks like some people in Thailand want to improve life for every species on this planet.


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