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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. One of the huge issues here is the princely treatment given to boys. They are nothing special. On any level. Yet, the parents let them get away with nearly anything, and spoil them rotten. What Thai parents need to start saying to their sons is this: You are nothing special. Your sister is as good as you, or better. She works harder, she is more ambitious and she does not take everything, and everyone for granted. So, until you prove to us, to the family, and to the community that you are special, by your deeds, actions, and hard work, you are not anything but a normal kid. Nothing more. My guess is there are alot of Thai parents who wonder later, where did I go wrong with my son, and why did he turn out to be so self entitled, so spoiled, so unwilling to put in a hard days work, and how did he become so rotten, and so undeserving of our care and protection? Also, it is my observation that alot of parents seem to have lost the art of parenting. The child sort of becomes the boss. This is epidemic in Thai households with the sons, who are treated as if they are very special, when they are just ordinary boys, who have proven nothing to the world yet, as to their worthiness for adulation. As a result, children today are less self-reliant. Many preteen children don’t yet know how to be alone at bedtime and they haven’t been forced to learn. Parents band-aid the issue by allowing co-sleeping.
  2. They already announced last month, that the mask mandate for outdoors would be lifted on June 15th. Then, they changed their minds. So, if this really happens, it will be HUGE. Life will be a bit more normal without having to wear face diapers everywhere we go. I have already stopped wearing a mask outdoors. Enough. That is on a cowardly administration, that has deliberately chosen to NOT pay attention to, nor follow the science. I have chosen to be disobedient. They made the announcement, then they changed their small minds. That is not on me.
  3. You will have to disobey the masters, as it appears they are going to insist we continue wearing the masks as long as they want us to, despite the drop in cases, and despite all scientific information to the contrary. We need to be kept afraid.
  4. Many foreigners can be very, very evil. Generations of bad influences. Most locals are very, very honest. A long standing heritage of integrity, a devout nature, and the ability to always choose nobility and doing the right thing, over an interest in money.
  5. I have a friend working as a surgical nurse in a big hospital. She said they have not seen a covid case in quite some time. When are YOU going to let this go? And why follow a silly mandate when there is little to no risk? Why follow the whims of a horrendous regime?
  6. Exactly. We know helmets save lives. What do we know about the use of a cloth mask outdoors on a motorbike? Well, we know for certain they accomplish nothing. That is what we know.
  7. Infections still rampant? Honestly? Under 2,000 a day. Are we being a bit dramatic? Can you cite any science pertaining to wearing masks outdoors?
  8. Whole wheat is readily available, it is just more expensive. We use the Italian flour to make our pizza at home. It has gone up from 54 baht to 89 baht, due partly to Putin's escapades, and partly due to corporate gouging, which is becoming very common, using covid as a cover, or an excuse. And most wheat bread is no more than 50% wheat, at most. The rest is white flour.
  9. I had a sense that this legalization would be confused, muddled, and incoherent. The new Bangkok governor came into office, with alot of high hopes. Just a few more mistakes like this one, and he will be written off as a village idiot. Claiming people are dying from ganga, is a bit like suggesting drinking bleach for covid. Pretty out there. We are likely to see alot of fear and paranoia from alot of fake puritans.
  10. Being in a foreign land does not mean one has to give up all rights, common sense, and be a lemming. Being in a foreign land does not mean I have to comply with ridiculous policy, that has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with fear, oppression, and the greed of a highly corrupt administration, utterly desperate to cling to power.
  11. It is not about my politics, but rather theirs. Civil disobedience is a great thing, when faced with politically motivated oppression, and extremely dumb "local rules". Please share some scientific proof of the benefits of wearing masks outdoors, or on a motorbike, if you can. Bet you cannot.
  12. Yes, I will not be wearing a mask indoors because of safety, but rather to avoid scaring the locals into having heart attacks. Outdoors, is a completely different matter.
  13. I have stopped wearing a mask outdoors as of June 15th, the date they originally promised. Enough is enough. With the daily cases so low, there is no reason to wear a mask outdoors anymore, other than to keep the people scared and uncomfortable.
  14. If masks were no longer required, people would be more comfortable, the fear would diminish, protests would start again, and the extreme displeasure with the goons that 97% feel, would be expressed. So, the creeps feel that by keeping this mandate, it is easier for them to hold onto power. That is all this is. With the daily cases so low this has very little to do with the health and safety of the people. At the same time, they are sabotaging any hope of a tourism recovery. Who wants to come to one of the few countries still mandating the use of masks? Not many. If they cared about the science, they would have suggested immediate removal of masks outdoors. But, fear is a very effective tool, for keeping the masses pacified. I will no longer be wearing a mask outdoors. Science denial by adults is not an appealing trait...
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