One of the huge issues here is the princely treatment given to boys. They are nothing special. On any level. Yet, the parents let them get away with nearly anything, and spoil them rotten. What Thai parents need to start saying to their sons is this:
You are nothing special.
Your sister is as good as you, or better.
She works harder, she is more ambitious and she does not take everything, and everyone for granted.
So, until you prove to us, to the family, and to the community that you are special, by your deeds, actions, and hard work, you are not anything but a normal kid. Nothing more.
My guess is there are alot of Thai parents who wonder later, where did I go wrong with my son, and why did he turn out to be so self entitled, so spoiled, so unwilling to put in a hard days work, and how did he become so rotten, and so undeserving of our care and protection?
Also, it is my observation that alot of parents seem to have lost the art of parenting. The child sort of becomes the boss. This is epidemic in Thai households with the sons, who are treated as if they are very special, when they are just ordinary boys, who have proven nothing to the world yet, as to their worthiness for adulation. As a result, children today are less self-reliant. Many preteen children don’t yet know how to be alone at bedtime and they haven’t been forced to learn. Parents band-aid the issue by allowing co-sleeping.