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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. Putting a top grade fuel in an MG is like feeding a pet top sirloin. How much better is your mileage, and does it justify spending 25% more on gas?
  2. Thanks, Dad. Appreciate the advice, however if you think driving over 90kph on a main highway, that is 4 lanes and divided, in good weather, than we do not have much to discuss.
  3. I think it is safe for us to say that the GOP is a party engaged primarily in denial of truth, facts, and science. They are moving backwards morally, and ethically, by nearly every measurement. Sure, the dems are broken too. But, they do not seem to have that same extreme aversion to truth, like the GOP. Facts do not matter. As their boy Rudy said, "truth is not truth".
  4. I don't care how the rates are calculated, as it is part of the official deception. Cost of groceries. Anything labor related. Tequila. Rent. Housing expenses. Restaurants. Cocktails at a bar. Car repairs. Clothing. Lumber. Appliances. Airfares. Hotel prices. Getting laid. Did I leave anything out? Are you in the US or Europe, or are you just reading stuff?
  5. There are people in this world who have reasonable expectation, and there are those who don't. Even though traditionally, teachers hold a place of honor in Thai society, in reality respect ALWAYS has to be earned, and NEVER, ever should be freely given, based on seniority, politics, age, or status. So, this teacher is a BOZO for not understanding that, and what she is saying should be totally disregarded. If a kid claims that they were beaten down by a teacher, I am inclined to believe the kid. Having said that all accusations of violence, harassment, and sexual impropriety, should be backed up by some proof, witnesses, etc.
  6. Many seem to have acclimated to an "emergency situation" and don't want to let it go. Maybe an attraction to drama? Especially the officials. Helps the highly unpopular desperados to cling to power. And likely the CDC, WHO and Big Pharma for sure. If it does not exist invent it!
  7. I will believe it, when I see it. As of now, there is no central database, and the DMV does not prevent the renewal of either car or bike registrations, nor drivers licenses, or title transfers. Believe me, I know. I have ignored dozens of speeding tickets, that have been sent to us. They go straight into the bin. I cannot abide by, nor respect speed limits of 80 or 90kph, on major highways. That is on them, not me. At least until they get their act together, and centralize the database, which is likely inevitable, at some point. But, it could be another 30 years!
  8. According to the story - backed up by "Biomed Central" - the man was a frequent marijuana user who took a three months break before smoking two grams of the drug in a bong. His penis started swelling out of control and the top was wonky. After having a snip he removed his penis with scissors in the paranoid attack. Doctors couldn't reattach the Thai member due to dirt and ants and there was only a 2 cm stump left. Huh? What can one say? For once, I am nearly without words to express what I am thinking. OK, let me try. First of all, 2 grams is about 3 or 4 joints. With the level of THC in today's ganga, I would have simply passed out, after 5 hits! What on earth was this guy thinking? Who on earth engages in this kind of action? Why such compulsive and addictive behavior? What does that come from? I can think of many other far more productive things to relieve a swollen member. But, scissors? A paranoid attack? This serves to reinforce some of my prior posts about ganga's potential to create mental problems. Sure, if you are unstable, bent, really messed up in the head, or have some sort of major mental health issues, ganga can put you over the top, just like many powerful drugs can. But, what percent of folks who get high are this abnormal and twisted in the head?
  9. Not sure what real inflation is here, but in the US it is likely over 20%, at this time. If you take into account products and services that mean something to the masses, not the ones they count to come up with these fake and misleading numbers. Inflation back there is historic. It is insane. It is unsustainable, and I believe it is largely driven by corporate gouging, using covid as a cover. It is positively heinous what they are doing, and is a good example of mankind showing it's lower nature during a pandemic.
  10. Monopolies almost always hurt the public interest. For an official to think otherwise, he would have had have to sold his soul to the highest bidder. State some examples of how monopolies have benefitted the public good, if you can.
  11. The President of the Senate Pornpetch Wichitcholchai is obviously a morally and ethically bankrupt man, who sees nothing wrong with anything associated with foul and corrupt behavior, habits, and caustic political practices. It was an abhorrent statement, but at least he is being honest about the way politics are practiced here. What can one say?
  12. Absolutely not. Without the assistance of the US in the 1950's and 1960's, it is possible Thailand would still be a swamp infested, economic backwater of a nation. All the money the US put into infrastructure here really put Thailand on the road, and made the place infinitely more appealing to Japanese manufacturing companies. Of course they had ulterior motives, (and the fight against communism was ridiculous, overly costly and fairly unproductive) but most nations that provide massive assistance always do. And who would you choose between the US and China? I am not particularly proud of some of the foreign policy adventurism of the past 70 years or so, on the part of the US. But, I trust them more than China. The CCP is positively heinous, and their intentions are foul, aggressive, and increasingly dark.
  13. Lucky your Mom was not a small contractor hired on one of his projects. Jenkins was just 19 when Triad Building Specialties, started by his father in the mid-1970s, got the $300,000 contract to provide guardrails, doors, stalls and paper dispensers for the nearly 300 public bathrooms at the Trump Taj Mahal casino overlooking the Atlantic City beachfront. What Trump didn't say was that he financed the Taj with junk bonds. And what he did not tell the scores of contractors who worked on the overly lavish casino was that he could not pay their bills. https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/columnists/mike-kelly/2020/01/24/donald-trump-still-owes-money-to-contractors-who-built-taj-mahal-atlantic-city/4547037002/
  14. That is a good one. The joke of the day. Humans infecting monkeys with monkeypox. What is next? Cancer is contagious? Brain cells lost from kissing? Women getting pregnant from getting felt up?
  15. The big accounting agencies need the creative juice, to figure out a way of getting their multi billion dollar a year corporate clients off the hook, and able to pay no taxes, under an extremely corrupt US tax code. Ganga likely helps with that. Only us commoners pay taxes.
  16. That sounds more like it. Many of us would pay the 50,000 baht, to be in a position to not have to deal with immigration each year, to renew our visas. That would be a bargain. And when it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
  17. They were allowed to eat, drink and use the lavatory, provided they did not break their embrace. Thailand appears to be re-defining the concept of intimacy. And this, on the same day there was a post about Thai women who do not enjoy kissing!
  18. There seems to be an astonishing lack of science in this article. How did they know the cat had covid? Was the cat given a PCR test? How far up the nostril did the cat allow them to go? How does the vet know for certain they got it from the cat? Five days is an awful long time. Where was the vet in those five days? Who were they exposed to? There is so much fear mongering, and so many bizarre aspects of the entire covid narrative. And now this? Will pets need to be locked up and quarantined? Where does this all end? Is humanity becoming hopelessly neurotic?
  19. No. Trump has been guilty since he was a young man. He has stolen countless billions along the way, was involved on 3,600 lawsuits at the time he took office, and has made a career over ruining the lives of the small contractors he has worked with.
  20. For me it is far more about the quality of life in my remaining years, than it is the number of years. I take alot of herbal supplements, create my own green drink from wheat grass, beet, barley green, blue green spirulina, kale, and broccoli powders. All organic, and all available here. Very powerful food for the body and mind. I exercise regularly, eat well, try to maintain a light heart, and alot of humor, and keep my mind stimulated with alot of reading, great movies, frequent travel, etc. And I have some passions, that keep me engaged. Also, I do some inner work, on perspective, attitude, and try to keep a hopeful attitude about life. What else can we do? I do not use much medication, in the way of pharma stuff. Hope a time does not come where I am dependent on those. And if I were to get something like cancer, I would not do chemo or radiation. We shall see what happens. I do know one thing. The remaining days, months and years mean alot. And I do not think about how many years I have to live. I think about how many months I have to live. It offers more perspective, if I think in terms of 240 months, rather than 20 years. It means I do not have time for waiting on lines, for dealing with nonsense, or for dealing with fools.
  21. I think you are getting with the wrong women. Certainly, a percentage of women from any country are just not that into sex, and foreplay. They may engage in it, because that is what they assume you want. And after awhile, not so much. That is why we really need to take our time getting to know someone, if we want to engage in a relationship with them. If it is good, it is only going to get better. And if there are issues, if she is frigid, if she is not into sex, if she is simply having sex to make you want her more, but does not enjoy it, or want it, these things will reveal themselves over time. If you meet someone, and she is not into kissing, is not affectionate, passionate, or playful, why would you stay with her? If she tells you she does not like to kiss, you just tell her she is not your gal! See ya! Just move on. It is part of the qualification process. Part of auditioning. I have been with my woman a very long time, and the sex is sort of routine at this point. But, she is very affectionate, we kiss, play, and have all kinds of fun and games with each other, all the time. Sometimes it is, sometimes it is just playful. But, it is utterly delightful. I have known guys who have settled down with women who will not have sex with them. Also, know guys who have women who are not into affection or kissing, at all. Why on earth would a guy with self esteem settle for someone like that?
  22. Wrong. The very powerful ganga today, can result in spinning, dizziness and some symptoms. It is strong stuff. But, rarely does it lead to any complications. In rare events, it might push someone with a serious illness over the edge. Most people will just pass out, and be fine in a couple of hours. I say that from experience. LSD on the other hand, has led to long term effects, for those with weak minds, or those on the verge.
  23. I know plenty of brilliant people who smoke, and it has not slowed them down. To the contrary, alot of highly intelligent people use herb to slow down their brains, create some perspective, alter their perception and boost their creativity. Speaking from experience, there is little about ganga that is harmful, as long as it does not become a daily habit. I used to smoke occasionally. It was delightful, and did not make me stupid. It did make me funnier, and enhanced my life on several levels. Dancing, sex, skiing, music, movies, and many other activities seemed more enjoyable. I consider alcohol to be infinitely more toxic to the body and mind. Not to mention society. Yet, it is legal. Like many things, moderate use can be enjoyable and relaxing for many. And from a medicinal point of view, it is astonishing. My mother smoked. She had severe degenerative osteoarthritis of the spine. She was in alot of chronic pain. It helped her alot. And my guess is it was far better for her health and mind, than pain killers.
  24. There is little doubt Trump broke multiple laws during the lead up to Jan. 6th, during, and afterwards. He makes Nixon look like a boy scout. I think the DC fiasco backfired for sure, and he lost alot of his "middle of the road, sensible, hard working, decent people" base. It was an enormous miscalculation, and an act of sheer desperation by an unhinged madman. Now, with the permanent ban on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, he is almost a 305lb. zero. Trump incited a riot. He has no limits of civility or temperance. And the more extremist nitwits within his base take what he says as literally as some fundamentalists take the Bible. Add in nutters like Cruz and Hawley, (small minded men just jockeying for a powerful future position) and you have a near civil war. Fair to intervene? Or just sit back, and let it happen? I think what FB and Twitter did was glorious, wise, and upholds the republic. I never in a million years thought Dorsey or Zuck would have the balls to do this. Good on them!
  25. Police at the scene with 50-year-old Canadian Joseph S. on Saturday morning after his 49-year-old wife was killed tragically in a freak road traffic accident when a pickup driver, travelling at speed, hit Mrs Marine S. as she cycled after her husband while crossing the road near a resort they were staying at in Kanchanaburi. Totally false. There was nothing freaky about this accident. It happens alot here. There is a hierarchy of vehicles. Trucks always have the right of way, as they are the largest. Then minivans, and pickup trucks. Then cars. Then motorbikes. Bicycles are the lowest on the list, along with pedestrians. Many drivers refuse to yield to you. A social scientist, or a psychologist could spend a year breaking this social phenomenon down. I consider most Thais to be polite. But, once they get behind a wheel, all bets are off. The woman was hit by a pickup driver travelling at speed who failed to stop on time after honking at the woman as she cycled her bike across the road behind her husband. So, what was this all about. Obviously the pickup driver saw the woman. No excuses there. Was it possible she just did not look, before crossing the road, or under estimated his speed? Did he make an attempt to stop, or swerve to avoid her? There are some unanswered questions here. Many years ago, I attempted to cross a road, and not being that familiar with this insane driving, I nearly got killed. Always use a crosswalk or bridge. And always cross at corners, if possible. And most of all be cautious, always look both ways, and always allow a substantial distance, as a margin of safety. Survival here depends on smarts, good common sense and being very careful. Drivers here yield to few cars or motorbikes or bicycles. It always astonishes me here how the average Thai person behaves, once you put them behind the wheel of a car or truck. Most seem quite kind and considerate. Until they get into their cars. When I was growing up and learning to drive, I remember so much of what my lovely mother taught me. She had so much wisdom, and was a very kind and respectful woman. She was constantly emphasizing the need to be courteous to other drivers, and pedestrians. She imparted alot of wisdom. I wonder how many Thais get that kind of coaching and inspiration from their folks.
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