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Everything posted by aussiexpat

  1. If it stresses you out, just check back into the ibis with your girl the night before you go to immigration Also, if you arrived 1 May on a Visa exempt, you need to get a normal 30 day extension of that first before you can apply for the 60 day covid extension
  2. That's not original packaging. Expensive jewellery would come in their own individual box (more like a tray customs use to hold and show the jewellery?)
  3. Wow, I just confirmed on the Thai customs website which says you must go through the red channel if you have: "Personal belongings in reasonable quantity, which are worth no more than 20,000 baht in total..." So pretty much most people are lying when they tick nothing to declare as who wouldn't have 20,000 baht in total worth of personal items in their suitcase
  4. How do you consider the jewelery to be in original packaging. It clearly look like what she was wearing including what looks like her wedding ring
  5. So Thailand has been promoting they want only the 'quality tourist', but if you're wearing a $600 watch and necklace (isn't an iPhone more than that) you could be stopped and charged customs duty...way to go Thailand I mean the picture of all her stuff threatened to be confiscated looks nothing special Note: you are not importing items to the country if they are used and for your personal use and are taking them back out again after your holiday
  6. OP states she had to remove all her jewellery she was wearing She said that she was taken to another room and searched and her jewelry such as bracelet, ring, necklace and earrings were removed.
  7. As the originally OP incorrectly said it is unlikely to get a covid extension past 24 May, it's now been edited to say you can only get one up to 25 March lol Will I still be able to stay here on a Covid extension of stay after May 24, 2022? Occording to media reports foreigners will now have until March 25th 2022 to extend their special COVID extension stamp, as announced by the Bureau of Immigration.
  8. Glad this is not in the visa section where newbies go to get real facts on how things work. So many obvious inaccurate statements, pointed out by so many, and yet no corrections made to the article?
  9. ^ Can we just ban Leaver from happy threads? This thread was created because of his constant doom & gloom posts about bars failing and yet here he is still spilling his self entitled BS Also isn't talk about illegal activities banned on here, so all his chat about so called bar fines and his whole life needing prostitutes in Thailand not allowed to be discussed (so sad) ?
  10. "customers must be fully vaccinated and already received booster shots" So you can get on a plane and fly to most places in the World with 2 shots that make you fully vaccinated, however to drink in a bar in Thailand you must have had a booster shot Thailand madness continues....
  11. So you rate road safety deaths only just above 'noise'. What planet are you from?
  12. They also turn up really early. I've booked for 4pm and then found myself ready at 3:30pm so send message I'm ready and they have always said I'm here...I like no stress worrying if they'll turn up on time ????
  13. This survey is way off. More like a marketing strategy to find where to focus news stories How about real issues: (1) having to wear a mask everywhere, even on an open beach 200 metres from the nearest person (2) having Thailand pretend to close all the bars because they are high covid risk, but then allow same bars to open with a nice brown envelope donation. Bars and GoGo's are not formally allowed to be open only to allow these donations to continue...not a covid health risk in sight (3) the mockery of covid extensions making immigration lines ridiculous. No tourists now but when 39 million entered in 2019 I could get a 30 day extension or TM30 in less than 20 minutes...now an extension could take 3-4 hours of lining up outside in the heat, only to get a come back tomorrow (4) and of course the complete insurance scam of the century where Thailand is the only country to demand covid specified insurance. To do an O-A retirement visa in Australia Canberra embassy says they require 400k baht health insurance and still requires US$100k covid insurance for the entire year to get the O-A visa...major issue you'd think when limit is now US$10,000 and most say 30 days insurance is enough
  14. Fees are same in both directions. I dont do it for the fee as I'd happily pay 1500 for the nice car and safe driving. Note the use of small car is a new option I was only offered this month from Pattaya so best to check with them
  15. What a joke Thailand has become. Bars are officially banned but all are open as they changed to restuarants. Funny how so many of the new restuarant bars I just visited had no food But hey, let's open the bars...
  16. Well he posted it in the Pattaya forum asking for a taxi to the BKK airport?
  17. @mikebell Nams taxi has very safe, reliable lady drivers, nice cars, been using for over 5 years, always on time They are 1000 for small car or 1200 medium sedan (include all tolls) for Pattaya to Swampy airport https://www.namstaxipattaya.com/contact
  18. It took a long time, but.... Chinese plane crash that killed 132 people in March 'was caused intentionally by someone in the cockpit', data from the black boxes suggests https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10826335/Chinese-plane-crash-caused-intentionally-cockpit-black-box-suggests.html
  19. This same old story where one million entries to Thailand is sold as one million tourists Who wants to come to Thailand as a tourist when you are forced to buy covid insurance, fill out Thai Pass, have to wear a mask whenever you leave your hotel/condo and bars and GoGo's are officially closed. Madness if tourists choose that as a holiday destination
  20. It hasn't got zero to do with me, I have to maintain funds instead of spending it. Because when you needed 800k to show you could spend 65k per month, people would cheat and use an agent to lend them the funds for a day So they changed the rules to have to maintain the funds year round. Only ever affected the legitimate bank account holders, the pretend funds through agents still survived which is what they were trying to eliminate Makes me think they only ever changed the rules to promote more agent use with the IO payouts
  21. Another smug abuser of the retirement system causing us legitimate retirees to have to deposit 800k for most of the year to get an extension instead of being able to spend our deposit. It used to be 800k in the bank was to show you had 65k per month to spend on living expenses for the next 12 months and you could spend it, now it's pay an agent to fake you have enough to live on
  22. I just must be lucky but my Juricstic management at my Condo block offer cleaning, electrician, aircon servicing and painting. Have you asked them? All profits go back to condo fund so even better
  23. That's hilarious, so using the same logic: (1) I've watched thousands of movies so would be a great movie Director (2) I've watched F1 for over 20 years so should become the next Ferrari Team Principle (3), etc, etc, etc Meanwhile all the bars outside of GoGo's and Soi 6 appear to be doing very well (soi 7 & 8 were dead years before covid). Not all of us come to Pattaya for bar fines like you think
  24. Feel sorry for you. You care if some people call a "Non-imm O visa extension based on retirement" a "Retirement visa" for short lol
  25. With this show 800k 3 months after getting the retirement extension, does this mean you have to stay a minimum of 7 months? I assume you can still leave after 4 months by applying for a re-entry permit and have the bank showing canceled? (30 days visa exempt + 90 days non-imm O + 90 days to show 800k still there)
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