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Everything posted by recom273

  1. Not out until the end of September. https://moonagedaydream.film/synopsis
  2. Yeah, don't employ a massage girl, they would be unreliable as well as untrustworthy. Go to the massage shop if you need a massage. We have a gardener, nice enough guy, a simple village guy who will graft, He doesnt come in the house out of respect, we do leave the house open if we need to pop out, it wouldn't occour to me that he would steal some computer gear, I doubt he would know what to do with it - but I would never leave cash laying around, not even hidden - open a bank account for the 20K if need be.
  3. A seller told me that Lazada assign the courier company, after a trial period they allow them to chose, I don’t know if that’s true or not. But, yeah J&T are the worst, calling to find out where you are, even tho’ it’s written on the shipping label, telling you the parcel is in the city depot and then 2 days later it makes it to the village. With companies like Kerry and Flash (I know some have bad experiences with them), you drop off before 3.00 pm and there’s a good chance it will be at its destination in the afternoon of the next day, so how and why does J&T fail so badly? and how do they continue to operate in such a competitive market (they are cheap, I guess)
  4. A long time ago, the bill had gone missing and after a month I came home to find no meter and no electricity. That was painful, we had one extension lead from next door to power a fan. A few years later, I forgot to pay, a young guy came after about 6 weeks to disconnected the meter. The power went off the meter, I ran out and I managed to get the him to reinstall the cable and I paid via the app, that was over a month. After that, luckily, he found it funny to ring the doorbell to tell me I had forgotten to pay and I paid using my phone.
  5. Huh? Haco is defunct?
  6. Back for season 3 - August 1st One of my favorite shows, if you haven't checked the first two, well worth it. I'm currently binging on Fauda Season 2 and 3, season 4 was supposed to be coming and I hadn't gotten around to continuing from S01. The plot and backdrop interest me at times, but when the guns are blazing it reminds me of an Israeli version of strike back.
  7. My buddy bought a Toyota car 6 months ago, he had delivery within a week. I bought a new pickup a couple of weeks after him and it was initially a month when we paid the deposit, but went to 5 weeks, they changed the date twice in the last week, one day. I'm sure you are correct, things change all the time - just adding some RL XP. With regard to Toyota financing, although my wife actually bought the truck for her business, I needed to show my bank accounts - the whole process was really good, efficient - always predictably a day or two late, but it was a good experience.
  8. My old office needed a request from the authority (DLT or Bank) before it would issue a certificate of residence, then they went to the applicant walking in (Free + 2 days wait) .. Now, im in Khon Khaen (Free and issued within 15 mins) again, I needed to get a requesting letter from the DLT when I was making an appointment - Try getting the DLT to request confirmation of your visa status and address.
  9. I’m back there on Monday, will post a photo .. it was in the lift or maybe a TV screen.
  10. What's the issue? Are you trying to install Kali in a VM? or are you having trouble using etcher in a VM?
  11. We are at KK Ram hospital now, discussing the same as this post. Moderna here is 500B - we had a Pfizer booster at the local village hospital. We arrived at 7.30 - sat under a plastic tarp tent for an hour until the admin staff showed up, no social distancing, we then proceeded to snake around the car park, completing forms that have been completed twice already, only to get to the front of the queue where they couldn’t find the westerners name on the system. It was like this last time. We got out around 3-3.5 hours later. This was the second attempt to get a booster, the week previous was so busy, we walked away. I normally wouldnt consider this, but my wife and I were just thinking, paying 500B might be the way forward, combine it with a regular trip to the hospital rather than partake in this six monthly communal activity.
  12. And the time I spent on every subsequent application since my first marriage extension has decreased along with my anxiety and interest in the whole process. I just throw all the documents at the checker, who doesn't seem to be interested in talking to me, the wife runs off to the photocopy counter. We sat and waited for 2 hours, sat infront of a paper shuffler who ripped me off for 100B. At 3:00 pm I walked out with the approval, the wife went to pick up the approved stamp a month later, took 10 mins from the time she walked in the door. 90 day reports online, automatically reminded by my iPhone, the web browser auto completes the form. I dont see how that's difficult.
  13. @essex boys When we moved to KKC we went to the 3BB main office, on Glang Muang Road to check that we could get a connection before buying land, They laughed at us and said "we cover the whole province" When we had applied for connection in the past they were really concerned with looking up the location on google maps and using their overlay to find the distance between the nearest DP. This office wouldn't even do this, they told us not to worry, and they were / are right. You can even do this on the phone, no need to visit. although they have difficulty locating you if you don't have a green book or address - also, I won't say that 3BB are perfect, but they can speak English on the phone, there is no reason for translation confusion - if it will help any, DM me, I have the direct number of the "head" tech at Khon Kaen who can explain perfectly why you cant have a connection.
  14. Maybe do your research. AFIK agents don't fake anything, it would be difficult, as you need to show stamped bank statements and then a corresponding bank book. More trouble than its worth, I imagine. (ETS: I see the title has now been changed) The usual method would move you to a retirement visa, open a new bank account in your name and apply on your behalf with some jiggery pokery. The retirement is subject to less scrutiny. If you aren't over 50, then you may have to bring the money from overseas. Many of us just leave the 400K in a separate account, you make a bit of interest every year, not a lot, but it works out cheaper and easier in the long run.
  15. Lol - I couldn’t stand the times in BKK we had a twin tub and would have to carry it to the shower, running a linked extension leads suspended above a water filled balcony, scared the <deleted> out of me. When we moved, i got away with years without buying a washing machine, I suffered endless Saturday mornings of her moaning, in the end it became fun, part of my logic was that I wanted a decent automatic and get it all plumbed in properly, which she got sorted eventually.
  16. 50K .. easily, somewhere between 20-40K living a nice life out here in the sticks, watching the gardener doing the garden, no massages, don’t drink, plenty of time to cook western food, no bugs or grubs on the menu, truck in the garage, the occasional meal out, I’m always doing something to keep occupied.
  17. I’m glad to see everyone is partaking in the same as Anutin. Very soon there will be a massive glut of <deleted> weed, sticks and seeds. I’m seeing stacks of bricks from Laos on Facebook. So much that, within a year it’s going to be worthless - it will be a good thing to see people develop and refine their techniques but for the most part, it cannot succeed as a method for national prosperity.
  18. There is now an online video - https://dlt-elearning.com First you answer 3 or 4 multiple choice questions, then you watch the video and then at intervals the video will stop and they repeat the questions. The video will not proceed until you answer the questions, every time you click on some other app or window on your computer the video stops, I actually sat and watched it all, but you could just as well walk away and keep an eye on the video to see if its at its pause state about every 20 mins. As usual, one (all) of the questions was worded in a strange manner, and I got one question completely wrong for the duration, and still passed. The questions aren't at all connected with the video. When you get to the end, they give you a QR code / completion screen - I think you are supposed to print it off, but they asked to see a photo in the office before you book an appointment to do the color / reaction tests.
  19. The info is very region specific too .. I did mine two months back, I was told to bring 2 copies of everything, and they only took one. A doctors note was needed in Khon Kaen DLT and we only did a colourbliness test where you are shown a card with the dotted number and a reaction test. All other tests had been stopped due to the fear of spreading covid through touch. I too was in at 8.30 and out the door by 9.15. I hope they stop the ridiculous video in favour of an online video and a code to tell you that it has been completed. The only true way to find out is to follow their instructions and even then it depends upon the direction of the wind if the instructions are followed.
  20. LOL ... I dont need your seal of approval on the "story" - You have demonstrated in every post that you are an idiot. She moved from Issan at the age of 15, moved to Chechensao and ended up working in a factory - this contrary, to your imagination, is what a good percentage of people from the NE end up doing, not sucking cock in Pattaya.
  21. Yes, you are correct! It's really weird - it is dependent upon areas. What is even weirder, its underwear!! She sells Bra's. I can think of nothing worse than second hand underwear. They are ones that have been placed in charity bins in the west or Japan / Korea, some of its new end of line stuff or factory seconds. Thai made bras are cheap, uncomfortable and they break frequently, the wife sells next to new Calvin Klein and Victoria Secrets for less than the price of a new Thai made bra to all these women in the villages, some villages love them and she gets hoards of customers, its insane. Other markets, you cant give them away, people ask "are these second hand?" with a look of disgust and scuttle off to wash their hands. I like to drive her some days, I know a few people in the market community now, they come and chat while i'm trying to sleep in the truck. It's a good way to integrate into Thai society and village life, it's a shame its off the cards for westerners otherwise I would love to sell some food I have made or something, the traders work hard and make decent money. So there is money in Issan, you just have to go looking.
  22. Really? I am amazed how much money my wife manages to find in villages around our area. She has business selling second hand clothes, gets herself up 4.45 am, drives the truck to various village markets around and never comes back with less than a couple of thousand, on a good day she can turn 5K in profit and still be be home by 8.30 AM. Last month she found a buyer for 10 rai of land. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, I imagined her getting burnt or even worse it costing me money to bail her out. Today she turns up with a big grin and 100K commission in a 7-11 bag. She's got another two plots of land to sell now. I agree there aren't so many jobs to be had here, It's not about the region there is money to be made everywhere in Thailand, some are too lazy to think of an idea to get it.
  23. I don't have an answer to that - We moved to Khon Kaen a year ago - It's a novelty to get out, give the kitchen a break, let her get some makeup on, take some selfies and food shots to post on fb and see some normal people instead of the village hedge monkeys. Sadly, we have visited a few places where we were the only diners in an empty restaurant. I have been enjoying Quinns, an Indian restaurant, although not talked to the owner, he's there watching football, chatting and drinking with some guys and there are always other (often big) tables coming and going, food tastes freshly prepared, no online ordering or digital menus. Trouble is, the guy has shot himself in the foot, I just learned to make BIR Indian food from YouTube and we can replicate the flavors at home. ????
  24. No, this was an independent restaurant in a city in Issan, no need to mention the name, because there was nothing wrong with the food, the service was just following the managements instructions, it was just an observation in the direction that things may turn. I had the situation you describe in one of my favourite places in Hat Yai, homeless cafe (although the menu grew boring after a while) - The service are "cool" young guys who can speak English, I asked what the one of their many burgers had in it, instead of answering the question, he told me to scan the QR code and check the digital menu. This wasn't the question I asked, he knew the answer and gave me some wise guy answer. Covid came along and we never returned.
  25. Yes, no tip needed. They didnt even have a gratuities box, which I thought was a bit of an oversight by the developers. There was no fun in ordering, like wether or not the waitress understood your Thai .. If the chef got the order and you were actually going to get your food. All those annoying things that makes Thailand great! All the food arriving at the same time was really off putting, I like to sit much on a piece of garlic bread, and wait that's why they are labelled "starters" on the menu". Its not the automation that bothered me, I use an automated shopping list / recipe server at home. It was the lack of personalization. Im sure the system wouldn't need to be developed if there was no covid, it's just the perpetual feeling of fear. If there is no interaction, the food tastes exactly the same at home - anyone can buy a can of pesto, fry some bacon, cut two cherry tomatoes in half and mix it all with some pasta, then what's the need of driving 20km into town?
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