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Everything posted by gargamon

  1. Van der Valk latest season has started. I don't recall seeing it posted here.
  2. Electricity usage in Thailand is highly dependant on location of the property. I had a conversation with a neighbor in the elevator a few days ago as I was going to pay my bill. Mine was 450 and his was 2300. The difference is that his unit is in the sun all day and I never get sunshine. Same if you're on the top floor. It works out well for me as I'm here 5 months and gone for a month then back for 5 etc. My two months per year away perfectly coincide with when the sun transitions from north to south and vice versa. So I never rent in the sunny side. I guess if i decided to buy a condo I'd need to get two, one on the north side and one on the south side.
  3. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/crypto-king-pleterski-kidnapped-1.6790615?cmp=rss An alleged kidnapping, duped investors and losses topping $40 million — those are some of the newest details emerging as authorities try to unravel what Canada's self-proclaimed Crypto King did with the money investors gave him. According to claims spelled out in a new trustee report from bankruptcy proceedings against Aiden Pleterski, while authorities were trying to track down millions of dollars given to him to invest, the 24-year-old was allegedly kidnapped in the middle of the night last December. The trustee believed much of it went to fuel a lavish lifestyle and that very little of it was actually invested. Pleterski's father told the trustee Pleterski was driven around Southern Ontario, beaten and tortured. Pleterski's landlord said he got a call asking for ransom of $3 million. Pleterski was released after a few days, the documents say, but was told he had to come up with the money soon.
  4. There's your problem. Real electric rates are around 4 baht per unit. Hopefully your lease term isn't too long.
  5. Anyone remember the two-stroke Kawasaki 500 triple? Quite a bike for it's day.
  6. So the big question is why is fox fiction(aka fox news by the unaware) still a valid source to link to on AN? With their recent admissions about their lying they should be banned just like the other fiction sites like facebook, etc.
  7. Roid rage? In conjunction with alcohol and maybe meth.
  8. Another nothing burger from fox fiction. Let me see if I can recall a few more. - Benghazi - twitter papers - Clinton email server - Whitewater - fast and furious - etc Any more I missed?
  9. Makes me glad that I brave the lines at the IO and not use an agent.
  10. I normally take the bus but have a few bags this trip which would make the bus problematic. Taxi to bus, extra cost for the bags, etc.
  11. Thanks in advance for your help...
  12. Purchased on AliExpress. Cigii model B26. Another thing I like about it is you can power it with a standard USB power source. About 500-600 baht if I recall.
  13. In: everyone is screened and recorded. Out: get on the plane or car and away you go. Nobody records outbound.
  14. The more I read about the situation in Israel the more I side with the Palestinians...
  15. What language are you speaking? I'm somewhat technical and I don't understand a bit of what you're looking for. Or maybe you're drunk...
  16. Taking blood pressure meds should be managed by a physician as sometimes you need more than one med to reach the desired levels. Some of these BP meds are not to be taken with other BP meds, so better to leave it to a physician to manage.
  17. Of course you could whitelist AN...
  18. My ad blocker (adaway) uses host files to block ads. It works very well but Thai ads keep showing up as their source URLs are not in the standard lists. Anyone have a link to one that includes Thai sites?
  19. More like little London. You want little America, go to Angeles City.
  20. Yes, just give your money to the taxi mafia. Get in line for the daily tour bus. Eat where they take you because they get kickbacks. Buy souvenirs where they take you... Frankly, if they implement this Bali is off my list of travel destinations.
  21. Cocaine Bear has dropped. Hint: If you're looking for a boring crime docudrama, this isn't it.
  22. Almost nowhere on Earth is safe in terms of air quality: study https://www.ctvnews.ca/climate-and-environment/almost-nowhere-on-earth-is-safe-in-terms-of-air-quality-study-1.6310186 When it comes to air quality, almost nobody on Earth is safe, according to a new study. We are constantly breathing in fine particulate matter detrimental to our health in nearly every place across the planet, researchers found, with only 0.001 per cent of the global population being exposed to levels of particulate matter considered safe by the World Health Organization (WHO). Researchers found that the daily levels of fine particular matter had been decreasing in Europe and North America in the two decades leading up 2019. However, in the same time period, levels increased in Southern Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America and the Caribbean.
  23. Most men with prostate cancer can avoid or delay harsh treatments, long-term study confirms. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/11/health/prostate-cancer-surveillance-survival/index.html CNN — Most men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer can delay or avoid harsh treatments without harming their chances of survival, according to new results from a long-running study in the United Kingdom. Men in the study who partnered with their doctors to keep a close eye on their low- to intermediate-risk prostate tumors – a strategy called surveillance or active monitoring – slashed their risk of the life-altering complications such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction that can follow aggressive treatment for the disease, but they were no more likely to die of their cancers than men who had surgery to remove their prostate or who were treated with hormone blockers and radiation. “The good news is that if you’re diagnosed with prostate cancer, don’t panic, and take your time to make a decision” about how to proceed, said lead study author Dr. Freddie Hamdy, professor of surgery and urology at the University of Oxford.
  24. Keep it up boys and girls. The MAGA morons and the De Santis Simpletons are fighting over 30% of the republican base. I doubt either could win a general election.
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