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Everything posted by Tropicalevo

  1. And it is families like this that the governments should be helping. Not bickering amongst themselves. You should be ashamed of your illegal legacy Prayut.
  2. My only Plan B would be if I left Thailand permanently. Then I would choose Portugal. I have worked in/visited the other SE countries and I have zero interest in living there. A quick summary of nearby countries - Malaysia - no beer. Vietnam - great to visit but can you trust communists. Cambodia - mostly undeveloped apart from Phnom Penh. (Lots of good beer in PNP.) Laos - even more undeveloped. Burma - I will not support the army there and they are going to be there for a long time. Then throw Chinese infiltration into the region and - Portugal.
  3. Ah yes. The infamous article 44. The illegal, corrupt junta stating that 'We can do what we want, whenever we want and no mortal can stop us.'
  4. Seems a decent chap. Probably needs to care care a bit. Some might not want him around.
  5. A major issue for motorbike riders is that all large, four (or more) wheeled vehicle drivers are 'out to kill them'. I ride a motorbike every day, but I know that no one will give way to that bike. Vans, trucks, lorries, buses ALL expect bikes to give way. Even if the bike has the legal right of way - it is expected to give way to the bigger beasties. I am not saying that this is what happened here but it is a major cause of death on Thailand's roads.
  6. Not that big a gap considering that it is the 'red shirt capital'.
  7. He has not fled. He has gone overseas looking for treatment for that rare Thai disease. Fraudulantitis. He is seeking advice from Boss Yoovidhya who was probably at Los Vegas Saturday night..
  8. The CC is constitutional. The members of the EC were put in power by Prayut and his henchmen, who also expanded their powers.
  9. Strange comment - total over-reaction Does your mum still hold your hand when you cross the road? If you read the report, all sensible precautions had been taken. The storm came in very quickly - with minutes. They do that in monsoon season here. Then 5 minutes later, they can be gone.
  10. What planet are you from? Big (Thai) Brother can and does decide what you can import. Up to you if you decide to break the law.
  11. Maybe because there are more people there making an honest living. Of course, they never appear in the newspapers.
  12. Sinkholes have been around in Bangkok for decades. Here is one of the latest ones. https://mothership.sg/2024/10/sinkhole-appears-in-bangkok-thailand/ and another
  13. And then the rescuer picked the poor mutt up by it's throat. That dog does not look very happy.
  14. Very brave lads - well done.
  15. Not sure if this is official or just the police being creative. 'No parking' signs have gone up on the road into Fisherman's Village coming from Bangrak. These signs are made from some kind of plastic covered material and are just tied onto the lamp posts. They turn in the wind! Now, it is a good thing that something is being done about the parking there but this one seems to be a bit flakey. The signs run from QR restaurant (and Chez Francois on the opposite side) down to the one way exit road. I saw quite a few cars clamped with the police coming along later to collect the money and unclamp them. The next money grab comes after 20:00 or if you try and park from where the signs stop - the owners come out and ask for 50 baht parking fee.
  16. Even a helmet did not save this poor lass. A tree that large is pretty unforgiving.
  17. Back in the UK, in the 1950's, things like this were drummed into us at school. There were even road safety lessons in the junior schools. In senior schools, these progressed to bike riding and even a riding test. For adult drivers, there were the black and white TV commercials.
  18. And houses. Not sure if it is happening more often, or just being reported more. Certainly, since GA came onto the scene at AN we are seeing a lot more local news. Thank you George.
  19. What is the issue here? I always have to pay all of the costs when I stay in a hospital here in Thailand. Presumably he his also having plastic surgery. He certainly looks different in the photo in the main picture
  20. I must have missed something. What law are they flouting? I can find nothing in the AI blurb that tells me. I just just see a small crown of lads. Is that against the law?
  21. Totally agree. Hopefully his reward will not be a motor 'accident'.
  22. There are responsible Thai leaders? Who the heck was he?
  23. Noooooo! Leave the BOT alone. They know what they are doing.
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