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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 4 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    OP, so your first report due 90 days after you obtain your annual extension.

    Be aware that report can be done in person up to 15 days prior to your due date and 7 days post due date.

    Your first report must be done in person or via mail.

    Subsequent reports can be done online.

    Note online report window is 15 days prior and up to due date. 

    If you ever exit and re-enter Thailand then your 90 report clock is reset and starts from date of reentry. 


    But only if you get a Re-entry permit before leaving, unless things have changed?

  2. 3 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Google Maps could not find there way out of a wet paper bag. I listed my wife's business with the actual street address but Google Maps did not like the location so they moved it to an area about 3 kilometres away from where the business is located and it did not matter how many times I tried to edit the location they stil0l had it listed at the wrong location so I gave up and removed the listing because Google Maps are nothing but a bunch of incompetent idiots. 

    About as much use as a fart in a colander, same a Google translate.

  3. 5 hours ago, meechai said:

    Yeah what ever..........Start with the fact the poor doctor was killed by a Cop who then left the scene without so much as a sorry


    Anarchy is way over due & would be a vast improvement over this ruling class of swine

    You insult the swine, who in fact have nothing to do with this, I personally would use stronger language, but fear I would be cancelled. However, swine are clean beast by comparison to the filth running the show at present.

  4. I have had two calls from this number 044 004 756.

    Its a recorded message and when trying to return the call the message, 'number does not exist' is displayed.

    I have no idea what it is as it is in Thai,  and difficult to understand. I have blocked it so hope I get nothing like it again. Scam or genuine I have no idea.

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  5. 7 hours ago, Karma80 said:

    I'm stunned someone even thinks this news. If you genuinely feel aggrieved or strongly about $9 being hidden in your plane ticket, alongside the barrage of additional landing, departure, fuel surcharges, passenger movement fees and so on, you're really going to have a miserable time in Thailand ????


    Do try to remember not every one is rolling in money. but then you don't have to think like that no doubt.

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