How can you suggest funds be redirected from deep pockets to good causes. Surely that goes against Hi Thai principals of what's yours is mine and what's mine is my own.
Some of the doctors here need to understand, these medical tourists will be asking questions and expect civil answers.
Not the attitude, 'I'm the doctor, how dare you ask'!
That attitude mostly from older doctors.
That tax Threshold is staying @£12,570 according to yesterdays UK papers. Problem being, until Hunt gets up on his hind legs in parliament on Thursday, we cannot be sure.
I have found in the past Friday is not a good day to transfer from the UK to Kbank or KTB. My online bank says it has been received with two minutes but the banks don't show it as received until Tuesday midday.
It is my experience that if the bank thinks it can make money by not passing on the transfer, they will delay.
Its not just Thailand. I have found this with other banks in other countries also. Not often, but it does happen.
Having spent so much money to buy such a small piece of land, can you then pass it on to your family in UK/US/AUS?
If not, how do you take in with you when the time to answer the call arrives?
The benefits are being paid to the illegal immigrant @ £40 per week, 4 and 5 star hotels and all found. @ 6.5 million per day/25Billion + per year and increasing is not sustainable. Taxpayers are right to complain and object and Suella has only been in the job five minutes. Give her a chance and lets see where it goes.
I sent a small package to Manchester three weeks ago. With tracking it arrived in swampy with 9 hours and departed to the UK within 2hrs. Arrived in Landon and sat for almost two days then in Manchester another 24 hrs before delivery to the addressee.
The UK postal service is about as much use as boobs on a fish at the present time with strikes.
Having said that, about five weeks ago I was asked for 970Baht for an EMS letter to the UK. Ordinary post 340Baht. Sent it via the cheaper and it took 5 days.
As long as it gets there within a reasonable time i don't complain.
There's always one! Can't see the wood for the trees.
I don't see boat loads of foreigners making there way to Thailand to snap up a few square meters of land at exorbitant prices, with strict conditions.
I can honestly say that is not my experience. Customer service over the past 30+ years has been exceptional. I will admit I've had the odd exception, but they have been minor to the point I cannot give details. Is it good luck, or good service?
The last three words in their statement for the reason for abstention says it all really....."global economic collapse".
It frightened the life out of them.