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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. "He said that the decision of China would have positive impacts on Thailand and all sectors of the Thai economy". Very negative impacts would more likely be the case with untold millions dying from Covid in china, due to the crazy mass lockdowns. Just goes to show how greed for money can control STUPID.
  2. In the UK it is an International Driving Permit. Also in English, Licence is the correct spelling.
  3. There must be a special breeding ground for government idiots who think up these crazy restrictions.
  4. "That ' fee ' and many other ' fees ' from other people following this route is then divided between corrupt immigration officials and the agent and whoever else is ' in the loop ' to look the other way such as secretaries who enter the data etc." If you think the 'small' amount I pay gets divided between so many people, then they are not going to get rich very quickly. However, you are of course entitled to your opinion and I refuse to get dragged into an argument over a minor subject of the rights and wrongs of a 'service'.
  5. sounds like tennis elbow. best treatment I had for this was acupuncture.
  6. There are other reasons for using an agent than the usual financial requirements. I now of a few people who use an agent, including myself who have the financial wherewithal. None of these people consider they are paying a 'bribe' for a service provided and I can say you would be met with total contempt if you suggested it. When mud is thrown some of it has a tendency to stick, might I suggest you be a little more careful when using a black pot of paint?
  7. Quite obvious when someone posts a comment of this nature, there head is not a consideration. I am also of the impression Bananas are not straight, I have yet to find one.
  8. My understanding has always been, the car is insured, not the driver. This came up a few years ago with my car. I was returning to the UK for a while to clear up a few loose ends, and the wife asked if her brother could use the car while I was away. Having checked with the insurance company they assured me the car was covered and anyone can drive it.
  9. I have a toss up of the two most exciting things to do. Either watching paint dry, not very productive. Or a little more stimulating is watching the grass grow. This of course leads to a short boost of exercise, when the grass needs cutting.
  10. Perhaps the bottles were labelled 'Best Before 07.00'.
  11. Every time I read about anything this man has uttered, I have to ask which Neanderthal did hid he borrow the brains from. He opens his mouth, puts his foot in then opens it further to put the other one in. Since when has Covid had a time restricted agenda?
  12. The only company in the world who had my bank details on file was "Lazada". Who else could it have been? Those details are now non-existent, the money was returned and the A/C closed. One and only, never again.
  13. A similar problem with Lazada some months ago. A first time allowing my bank details. 26K baht was taken and spent in Deliveroo in London. The bank did get the money back for me, but how did Deliveroo in London get my Thai bank details. Needless to say C.O.D. now and my bank details stay with me and a new card.
  14. Not sure an agent could help with 19 days overstay?
  15. 'Smart Cars', I thought these were about a few years back as a two seater 3 wheeler. Or am I bit behind the times?
  16. At 80+ I'm full of the joys of spring. Just one problem, spring was a long time ago. I've been in hospital a couple of times where they wanted to take my leg off, but I told them I had had it a long time and I would rather keep it thank you. And of course I've just beaten Covid, so the devil can take a hike.
  17. I'll let you know when I get back there????
  18. If you are lucky, but no harm in dreaming.
  19. A rhetorical question. Its the lack of any driver training AND who would train the drivers? No one here has the experience?
  20. Expats who live here would know that. A short term tourist would not. Where is the sign on any Zebra crossing that says, 'Crossing here is at your own risk'?
  21. With many countries in recession, Thailand are pinning their hopes of tourism on very thin ice.
  22. A deck of cards with the Aces missing may not have been the problem? Perhaps the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top?
  23. Are you referring to woman in general, nurses, or the sick men? Asking for a friend????
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