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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. One dinosaur promoting another. Pigeons of course are another matter, unless someone fancies a pigeon pie.
  2. There have been similar down pours over the past week in Khon Kaen. I am convinced these people believe water runs up hill as over the past 16 years was have had floods of 18in outside our building. About three months ago the 'workers' turned up and took almost 2 weeks to lay a stretch of concrete 50yds long by 6 in deep. The floods are now just as deep and the whole street is floods now. The lake at the top of the road is overflowing and the school is flooded. 1 Km of road is flooded outside the Uni after new drains were laid last year. With the amount of rain this country gets each and every year, one would think these people had some idea of water management, but they are blind to the obvious and wont be told. One day possibly, but not in my time i guess.
  3. "mandatory training for all emergency vehicle drivers"??!! Who would teach them? Is there one person in the whole country with the correct knowledge and skill.
  4. Physically they may be grown ups, mentally they are still kids. Until the education system advances beyond the 1700s, it will always be thus.
  5. The lack of forward planning adds to the spice of life.
  6. Dan O has suggested a Trust Fund and I would fully agree. A competent lawyer in the states dealing with trust funds will give all the advice required. Setting up the account for the recipient also requires careful thought. Restricted access would not be easy, but a bank book only A/C would mean having to present the book at the counter to draw funds. By-annual accountability is also a good suggestion from Dan O.
  7. they would then fill them in to make roads like they did in Bangkok
  8. Have you checked the WALLET! I know we are not allowed one but I had this same problem a few weeks ago. I would suggest you phone and give the details, they will send you an email with instructions of how to make the claim. Its not a scam, just the merchant doing what they would normally do with an item they cannot supply. The phone number....02 018 0000 They have been very helpful in the past with my requests.
  9. I'll be OK at that rate. I only have another 99 years to go.????
  10. Am I correct in my thinking, there were severe floods in Bangkok, maybe 1992?
  11. Which of course will only have one name on the ballot paper.
  12. Twenty eight bullets would possibly do the trick at that rate,
  13. RTP Pol Gen Damrongsak Kittipraphat who is in charge of traffic matters. Needs to get a new job, the one he has at present is obviously beyond his capabilities.
  14. Kasikorn is the same. which is more secure. KrungThai is just a 6 digit access code and away you go.
  15. Perhaps if the country was given a none preordained and free general election with no coercion, then maybe they could allow the winning party to choose their own Prime Minister. Its never likely to happen, but I guess I can dream.
  16. On my one and only visit to a government hospital, I presented my Thai pink ID. It was not refused but my passport was also required. The private room @ B1300 per night for 2 nights was about a quarter of the total price. The operation and ancillaries making up the remainder. This was KK General about 4 years ago and I have to say the service was first class. If needed again, I would certainly make it my first port of call.
  17. I think the OP is aptly named, and looking for trouble where there is none and getting people stirred up. Sticking his nose into other peoples business is a dangerous game. I personally use an agent for the hassle free service they provide, and it is worth ever last Baht I pay. Whether I have the required money in the bank or not, is nobodies business but mine. Butt out Mr, whoever you are and stop stirring muck.
  18. So I get 12 points on the motorcycle licence, and another 12 points on the car licence?
  19. Dr Jack. May I point out, 12 monthly transfers can be used to obtain an extension of stay. If the OP wishes to hold a static amount in a bank that is entirely his prerogative. And I might add, there are alternatives.
  20. Not hard to find, but I suggest you have a quiet word with an honest bank manage. The police have to informed of a foreigners death, and we all trust the Thai police, don't we! I don't keep more than one months living expenses in a Thai bank for this very reason.
  21. when no one takes up this wonderful offer, perhaps they will think all foreigners are stupid, or possibly their perception of us all rolling in money is not true????
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