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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. I didn't want to put into words what I was thinking, but the implication is there nevertheless. Reading between the lines has its advantages as well as disadvantages.
  2. If he hung himself with a cord from his shorts, why was said cord not taken from him before being placed in a cell? It is not difficult to hang ones self if determined enough, but to assist by leaving a cord to do so beggars belief.
  3. I would think not. Knowing how to use the correctly is possibly the problem!?
  4. There is also no mention of the fact a retirement visa is for 12 months and any reentry permit is only valid up to, and I believe not including, the expiry date of the visa.
  5. Clarity can save so much confusion!
  6. I had something similar happen to me some time ago. I don't normally give my card details to be stored for future use, but having used Lazada for a couple of years, one item could only be bought with payment from a bank card. Duly paid and no problems for a few months then all of a sudden 27,000baht disappeared from my Thai bank. Checked at the local bank and got a statement and a payment of the said amount had been deducted by, of all places, Deliveroo in the UK. There had been two deductions and two additions of 32baht to the A/C prior to the 27,000 deduction. I contacted the bank head office, explained the situation and got my money back with 10 days. Very lucky. However, I removed my bank details from the Lazada web site and will only pay via COD now.
  7. What it obviously amounts to is, 'No one knows how to stop this carnage' or perhaps wants to. In my thirty years of visiting and living here nothing, totally nothing has changed. Driving schools would not improve anything, as who would teach the teachers. It would be a case of 'Yes, Yes I understand, but as soon as ones back is turned it would back to, 'We've always done it this way' and the carnage would continue. Flogging a dead horse comes to mind.
  8. 'Trotters Independent Traders'. I'm sure there are a few who can remember?
  9. Should have deposited it in the hotel safe, do you think?
  10. Possibly acting his shoe size and not his age.
  11. I have to assume you know what sarcasm means?
  12. If you were moving money at the weekend you were asking for problems. Some of the Thai banks will hang onto the transferred sum until the Tuesday hoping to make, at your expense.
  13. Requires a UK address and a UK phone number. Then it will work flawlessly. Same same with all the other internet banks.
  14. Colouring already cured, tanned leather can be done with Carnauba wax. Various colours available at varying cost from Lazada. Recolouring leather can be done, but usually if going to a similar but darker colour. Hope this helps?
  15. That is certainly true. It is very easy to acquire a number in almost any country via of all things, Skype. I have one myself to enable local calls to a couple of family who have no clue of smart phones, and UK companies I deal with from time to time. At £35.00/year its a steal. So yes, be careful of foreign country phone codes.
  16. And there was I believing that was what made the place so interesting.
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