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Everything posted by Surasak

  1. So the dark deed can be done from a distance I guess?
  2. As you rightly say, You can't cure stupid.
  3. Not half as enchanting as the 'Blue Pool' near Corfe Castle Dorset.
  4. Early days, but the Thai people should come first.
  5. One you can to that list is a teacher, Thai or other. As long as they add their W/P No and the school at which they teach. Has worked for me over the past few years. Although I didn't get any request 2020/21/22
  6. A PROOF of the fact you are still alive and thus the DWP will continue to pay your pension.
  7. For the number of times I have had to use the ID card over the last 4 years I think, as said at the bank a few days ago and at the hospital 2 years ago because I didn't have the hospital card with me. So is it really worth all the hassle to get a replacement? The bank were I suppose being careful? The young lady just asked for additional ID, no big deal. As to a driving licence, I gave up driving 6 years ago, I'm no spring chicken any more and don't have a driving licence.
  8. I have a Pink ID card which has an expire date 2 years past. It cost me 60Baht and at that time I was 70ish. Will I have any problem getting a replacement, or should I even bother? The reason I say should I bother, in the bank the other day I was asked for other ID than my passport and the pink ID was accepted.
  9. I have a Chihuahua and feed her Cezar various packs. She also gets Royal Canin dry biscuits which she eats as and when. Raw mixed veg two or three time per week, but she wont touch raw meat.
  10. Hopefully that will change. The sooner the better.
  11. Someone clipped its wings some years and it will never recover. 2008 was its swan song.
  12. Perhaps I was being pedantic? It was the use of the phrase 'Proper English', when I was expecting, 'Correct' English. However, I won't split hairs. Life's too short.
  13. I have to assume you are not an English Teacher?
  14. What could possibly be worse than England? Its on a very slippery slope on its way to hell in a hand cart. If the Torys lose the next election the covers will be off the tubes and Starmer and co will be shovelling for all they are worth.
  15. If I entered a pharmacy and the pharmacist did not speak English, I would do an about turn and walk out. Same goes for a doctor, dentist or any other medical person.
  16. Let's wait and see, we might al be surprised.
  17. In which case there is nothing to stop you from disabling the adblocker for the sight you need to use. Yes, I accept that an invasion of privacy is more than an inconvenience, unfortunately at present we have to live with it, until governments world wide do something about it.
  18. So use an ad blocker such as 'AdGuard'.
  19. Made worse by restrictive sale times.
  20. When I was kid manners and politeness was instilled in the first five years, along with discipline. There was also respect for one's elders. Slowly over the years that kind of thing has diminished to the point of non existence. Most kids of today have no respect for anyone or anything.
  21. Prohibition in the US 1920-1933 proved unworkable. Governments around the world could make billions in taxes on legalised drugs. Place a ban on something and that item has a value, which will be exploited.
  22. That would be nice, but when is it ever likely to happen? I doubt I will see it.
  23. I'd like to start a Go Fund Me, but I'm still trying to think of a unique reason that would attract the sympathy and plenty of money.????
  24. 'What time is it Eccles'. 'Just a minute my good fellow, I got it writted down here on a piece of paper'. Compliments of the 'Goons'.
  25. Just think of the chaos!!!???
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