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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. On 6/25/2020 at 2:32 AM, yuyiinthesky said:

    Also unlike Italy, Sweden, UK, USA there are not many old and obese people in Thailand. Keep in mind that the very big majority of deaths are in the age group of 65 and older.  If I remember correctly in Italy 20% are 65 and older, in Thailand < 10%, and in Cambodia with zero deaths less than 5% are 65 and older. So much less easy victims to harvest for the virus.

    That is another reason why claiming that It would be like Italy if there would have been no lockdown is nothing but scaremongering.


    Now how many of the ones posting here are 65 and older? What, so many? Aaaah, that explains why many are so scared.

    Just a thought on your last sentence. I'm almost 80 and in reasonable shape but, read below. This is how I look at life

    Life  should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention  of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved  body, but rather to skid in sideways - Chardonnay in one  hand - chocolate in the other - body thoroughly used up,  totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO, what a  ride!!"   

    • Like 2
  2. Had a slight problem with KTB regarding old passport. Wanted the NEXT app on my phone but it wouldn't accept. Went to the branch and the young lady said 'Wrong passport number, one moment'. Did something on her computer asked for my phone. When she returned the phone a minute later she said, 'Is ok now, thank you'. So much depends on the person you see.  

  3. 2 hours ago, Mulambana said:

    The whole World knows it so much so that people travel 10,000 miles in search of their brides or engage in orgies in Thailand and Thais are in denial. What bubbles do they live in? Do they think that people travel 10,000 miles for temples and beaches in Thailand? 

    The longest journey starts with the first step. And anyway, I only traveled 6,000 miles.

  4. 18 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    How can they dare to maintain China in the list of the ''safe'' countries

    with the last events in Beijing ?



    I feel sure you have been in Thailand long enough to realise, you cannot understand or change Thai logic. If, and whenever you do, it is time to pack up and leave.

    • Like 2
  5. 48 minutes ago, connda said:

    They "are still drinking the cool aid" because most governments work in conjunction with the media outlets to create an extremely effective propaganda network. 
    Average members of the unthinking public, the majority, buy whatever "authoritative" spin is pumped out on the airwaves or via the Internet.
    Since Edward Bernay's time, propaganda has evolved into an art form.  And Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" is alive and well in this 21st Century world.  It's now promoting a seasonal flu as something that it is not. And the propaganda is highly effective.  Most governments world-wide who have taken this approach have a knee firmly on the necks of their citizens.  And their citizens will dance almost any dance they are instructed to perform to get that knee off.  Humankind's basic freedoms are taken away; a few freedoms are reinstated if citizens obey and comply; the citizenry express love and adoration for those who were moments ago choking the life out of them.  Stockholm Syndrome on a global scale.  Need people compliant?  Roll out The Second Wave, or a brand new pandemic (next year).
    It's truly fascination to watch although it sucks being part of the world's population who are firmly in the cross-hairs of this campaign. 

    I can't call you on this, but I do have a question. Who was it and how, did they get 99% of world governments to agree to this, scam? Just asking.

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    • Haha 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

    A quick recovery and prevention from covid is also good indication of a strong and caring society where people come together and help fight off and prevent danger.

    Now look at countries that have been heavily effected by Covid, such as the UK and USA.  Look whats happening there now.... Massive groups of people protesting & fighting during a pandemic with zero social distancing ! 

    That to me is a sign of a broken society, and that is one of the reasons why the virus spread so rapidly in such countries.  



    I will take issue with your last sentence. The virus was on the decline well before these BLM massed on the streets of the UK. It still is on the decline. Its not necessarily a broken society, more the fact of the government being in disarray due to the many more pressing problems it faces. The UK government have made many bad calls over Corona 19, and to my mind relied far too much on the supposed science. This last was in many cases very contradictory, but then I'm no scientist. As the saying goes, the idea was to drain the swamp, but when up to you're a$$ in alligators, its easy to lose sight of the initial intention.  

    • Confused 3
  7. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Not really, no way you can prepare a nation of 70 million people to a pandemic... is just that Thai people have taken this threat more seriously than most other countries around the world and acted accordingly, where in ma many countries people throw cation to the wind Thai people are still wearing masks and mindful of the virus coming back...

    I didn't notice much of the social distancing last Thursday in the supermarket, or the fresh market on Friday. As to masks, most wear them but many don't bother, neither did the IO on Wednesday. or the guy in the bank. 

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    Now ! If I had pots of Money ( which I dont ), the very last place on the Planet that I would vacation would be Thailand.

    I can imagine it now.

    A Beautiful Sunset ( or it would be if the Sky was not obscured by Toxic Pollution ). Sitting on the Veranda ( with a high degree chance of contracting Dengue Fever from a Mosquito ), sipping a glass of Bubbly ( Ridiculously overpriced ) , and listening to ... Dogs barking and Howling, and breathing in the fragrant fumes from a trash fire in the close vicinity.

    All this after a day of sailing the Private Motor Launch around the Gulf among all the raw Sewage and rafts of Trash, and then a relaxing drive back to the House, trying to warn the Driver of each hazard to avoid if possible.

    Its tough at the top.


    Is that a dig at the trade descriptions act?

  9. 7 hours ago, WhatsNext said:

    Get wealthy tourists to thailand, ok then :


    - Make clean beaches, streets, sewage systems that work, no floodings, get rid of air pollution, soi dogs, crazy dangerous traffic, overhead cables, make food safe, supply service on a western level, have flexibility for guests in hotels, increase english knowledge, have sidewalks bigger than 40cm, have clean public parks, boulevards without traffic, classy nightlife, quality all in hotels, and have a street appearance on 1st world level not somewhere between 2nd and 3rd. Put sex industry out of sight and then maybe MAYBE some high class tourists might come. 


    I live here so for me the reasons to be here are entirely different than for a tourist. If i was an upper class tourist , thailand would not be in my list of goto desitnations.

    What you suggest would bankrupt, not only the country, but the generals in charge, and that would never do.

    • Haha 1
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