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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 1 hour ago, Hayduke said:


    Okay....everyone knows that checkpoints are:


    a) A visual 'in-your-face' reminder to keep the proles in fear and focused on who is in charge.

    b) A good opportunity for the police to extort money from random and miscellaneous victims.


    .....but how on earth does a gang of rogue police hassling people in the middle of the night benefit public health?


    This circus of a government goes further down the rabbit hole every day.



    Are you sure its a rabbit hole??

  2. Its not just the footpath, I find I have to have eyes everywhere where the foot path is like a mountain range. Then you have all kinds of things hanging from wires, or blinds with metal poles sticking out to take your eye out if you are not careful. Trucks parked across the footpath but not being loaded or unloaded. The lady selling live fish, crabs, frogs and whatever, from bowels placed in the way of what would otherwise be a straight line to walk. Not too bad if you walk that route often, but in a strange place you put your life in their hands. It aint dangerous, its completely ludicrous.   

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  3. 7 hours ago, mr mr said:

    drastic times call for drastic measures. thailand could fix the current tourism problem in 2 simple and easy steps. 


    step 1 - legalize gambling and open casino's - provides much needed jobs.

    step 2 - legalize cannabis - provides jobs and a hope to many a farmer who may be able to make money off it.


    i am not saying that these things will not cause problems on their own but they are simple and easy solutions that could be used NOW to save this place for the near future. 


    ps...legalizing cannabis would return the moniker the land of smiles

    May be a good idea, but I wouldn't want to go betting in any Thai casino.

  4. On 6/13/2020 at 11:47 AM, stouricks said:

    Isn't it strange that you can call us Pommies, an Irishman is a Paddy, a Welshman is a Taffy, an American is a Yankee, a New Zealander is a Kiwi, but someone from Pakistan??????

    Yes, but to refer to someone from Pakistan in the way you infer, could be standing on very unfirm ground

  5. 2 hours ago, jonesthepost said:

    As I understand it you cannot register on the goverment gateway if you do not have a UK. address

    Strange that. I don't have a UK address and haven't had for 15 years, but I have a gov Gateway which was opened in 2016, using my Thai address.

    I also believe anyone who pays UK tax can open a gov Gateway?

    • Like 2
  6. 23 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Badge engineered Balaj .. But it makes sense to get a foothold in the massive Indian motorcycle market .. Since their rebirth Triumph have made bigger capacity hi end machines not easily affordable to the masses but the brand of Triumph is iconic so doing this allows access to the badge for those not loaded with the dollars for a big Triumph ..  Don't expect it to go down well with the purists though .. 

    Original 1960's 200 Cub Triumph .. 




    Similar to the Arial Colt if memory serves?

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