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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 19 hours ago, Speedo1968 said:

    If you are from the UK and are classed there as non-resident my understanding is, that you are not entitled to free NHS treatment and care for three months, should you decide to return there.   This is irrespective of the time you may have worked in the UK.

    One of the requirements for retirement visas in Thailand is the 800K bank deposit, no doubt this is to ensure you could, if necessary pay off your hospital bill.

    Traveling back to the UK could be very expensive depending on your condition and of course flight regulations could ban you from traveling anyway.


    Not sure what will happen once UK leaves the EU, no doubt reciprocal health care agreements will stop.


    Yes, it may not be fair that having paid private medical insurance for years and then no longer covered because of age but that's the way it is.   No doubt as the world gets more sick insurance premiums will rise.


    "OP original comment " - Annual Insurance premiums in excess of $100k are not in my reach so my plan has always been to hop on the plane to the UK if taken seriously sick .   Do you mean insurance premium or cover ?     Do you mean dollar or baht ?    Just hop on a plane ... the airlines do not have to let you travel if they see you are sick.   A global rescue insurance may help but if you can't afford the 100k premium then it is probably out of reach.     What happens if there is another pandemic or similar that bars flights between certain countries, how would you hop on a plane then ?   It's an overall irresponsible attitude towards family, airlines, it's passengers and those concerned.

    Hi Speedo, I have to pick up on your first sentence of non entitlement to NHS care for 3 months. IF, it is an emergency then NHS will treat you, in fact they will treat anyone from any country in an emergency. However, for a UK national, the hospital reserves the right to claim compensation. Some will and some won't, it depends on the hospital management. Further, while an inpatient, you may find your pension will be either withdrawn or cut considerably, again depending upon the hospital management. The same applies should you be imprisoned, your pension would definitely be withdrawn for the full term.   

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  2. 7 hours ago, madmitch said:

    I suppose the TAT statistician(s) have to do something but it surely is a total waste of time coming up with figures based on nothing but hypothesis and guesswork.

    So, just more hot air to add to the all ready hot air we suffer each and every day. Well done Tt, you will be catching up with yourselves coming back at this rate.

  3. 22 hours ago, Bangkokianbaba said:

    Thank you Stephenterry! I thought however, that the dizziness is because of nocturia! 

    The dizziness may be due to dehydration. Not drinking sufficient water, being worried about the night time problem. Plenty of water in the daytime but none after 7pm mat help?

  4. 6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    They don't send 'forms' to you if you live in the UK (beyond the initial claim form).

    There is no correspondence or ongoing interaction between the DWP and UK based pensioners.


    The DWP admits it doesn't have a current address for 40% of UK pension claimants, as it's not required.

    Am I clear enough for you?

    I have a box of medals, feel free to come and help yourself.

  5. 23 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    I don’t cheat the system but I can tell you that I don’t receive any mail from DWP the only mail I get is from HMRC as I am clobbered for U.K. Tax due to having 3 different pensions and although I have a HMRC app they insist on sending out my P60 out by mail each year

    I don't remember stating anyone cheats the system. I got the Impression the OP was about to apply for his state pension while living in Thailand.

    I also didn't mention the HMRC, to my knowledge they don't deal with pension applications. Be so kind as to why you think I suggesteed they do?

  6. 23 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    You are not sent life forms if in the UK, the bell rings when you die and pension is stopped automatically. If abroad they do not know when you die, hence the life forms. That's how it used to be anyway.

    I didn't mention 'Life Forms'? If you use a UK address when claiming your pension, ALL correspondence will be sent to that that address. If this takes a two week turn around for your family to send to you in Thailand, and you then return them to your family to post on, the length of time will start bells ringing. I do believe that is clear?


    • Sad 1
  7. 22 hours ago, Eindhoven said:

    ATM has nothing to do with it. ATM has no effect on the exchange rate you receive(unless you choose the option of letting them convert for you).

    ATM makes one charge of 200 to 220 baht). The rest is charged by your bank.


    For those whose bank does not charge, they pay only the ATM fee. Some people avoid even the ATM fee by taking a cash advance over a bank counter.

    Its not possible to take a cash advance over the counter in some banks. Some can't do it because they don't have the correct card reader, and some banks just refuse with no reason. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, John1012 said:

    I use online services quite frequently, and find that Kerry is highly efficient and not costly. This industry is driven by service levels and cost to consumer. If costs spiral or service level drops, they lose business. There are many alternatives, albeit not as good as Kerry, but acceptable.. why does the government need to become involved in a purely commercial enterprise? 

    Money, Money, Money !!!!!

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  9. 58 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

    People can decide in LOS ! Where you have  seen that dream? Or have you ever visit here!?Hope your Boris is really good to bargain or you loose all benefit to be EU member!

    Then you feel what was that benefit! Ofcource if you think your Boris has every facts and numbers for what going to happen im happy for you!

    The back of a small postage stamp could be used to write the full benefits of the eu. Talk about corruption in Thailand, they could learn a few things from the mob running the eu.

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  10. 2 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

    This is a question for thailand.just like amercia people voted for trump it was they choice.in the uk boris was elected like we voted to leave the eu finally.The remainers complain but we are leaving that club.The people have their say and the foreigner can only observe the results.no matter what we think of past and present leaders the countrys people decide.

    In a democracy, yes. And, we always get the result we voted for, then have to put up with it for 5 years.

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