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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 2 hours ago, mr mr said:

    not even willing to discuss or admit to those mistakes is surely. aw forget it. 

    The way of the world is what it is. I would suggest you take another look and lay blame at the feet of those who lead. We all vote for those leaders, hoping for change. The pendulum swings back and forth, but the only say we have, is the tick or cross on the ballot paper. I will freely admit mistakes have been made in the past, we can all name a few obvious ones, but in many ways the general public had no say in those actions. It all comes down to, what can you do as an individual, to change the path any government chooses to follow? Other than full on civil war, we follow the leaders we voted for.

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  2. 2 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

    The fact that you have such a negative overreaction to a fairly factual sounding news report, shows the level of mental breakdown you are suffering. I meet people like you sometimes here. Fact is most of us living here for a while dont have this kind of mental breakdown. Most of us realize that living here, we are not on some kind of perpetual holiday. We realize that, like living in any country there will be good and bad....and yes even some racism toward us at times. I have NEVER really experienced much in the way of negativity toward me by Thais. At times the odd motorcycle taxi driver has had a comment etc.....but so what? Is your backbone weak? Do you miss your pork sausages from Sainsbury's  too much? Did you finally realize that the woman 20 years younger than you isnt with you because of your good looks and charm?

    Ask him ref, ask him????

  3. 2 hours ago, Anton9 said:

    "Ergo no one has Covid" it's not the case since a very high percentage has either very mild or no sympthoms at all.

    And it's another proof this massive overreaction over this Flu like virus is ridicolous.

    Not going to say you are right, but equally I won't say you are wrong. Thailand has had some quite high figures but these were mostly from around the Bangkok area. I think the same applies to its direct neighbours, the major city's being the most effected. Like so many here on TV believe, the numbers don't add up, but we have no real way of confirmation. Russia, the US, UK and EU appear to have been hit very badly, but again, can we confirm the numbers? Same with the south American countries. We cannot confirm, and speculation only causes confusion.

  4. I have just returned from shopping in the local Mall. The form to fill with pen thousands have handled, or scan the bar code. Thats just to get in. Got to the restaurant and have to do the same but, only two people per table and sit diagonally. At the next table people sat behind you are no more than 30cm away? There is no way you can keep 2 meters from anyone on the concourse

    Tops was heaving with people milling about like there is no need to keep distance. The only god thing, if it was, a lady wiping the trolley handles before giving them out. We stocked up with all we will require for at least a month, I'm hoping things will be a little more normal by then.

  5. 20 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    I am a boomer, born right in the middle of the boom, but I am also well aware of what my generation has done.


    First it didn't invent computers, or anything significant for that matter.


    Computers were made possible thanks to the discoveries linked to quantum theory, around the 1920s, with the first machines appearing by the end of WWII.


    Boomers were hippies in the 60s and 70s.


    Then in the 80s they became golden boys, and came up with their only significant, and disastrous, creations: the financialization and globalization of the economy.


    Also, from the 80s on, they released the vast majority of the toxic emissions and poisons that have contaminated our soils, waters and atmosphere to this day.


    Under their enlightened guidance, inequalities have reached new heights, while education and morality have reached new lows.


    As for the internet, there is not much to be proud of, considering how it has zombified a large part of the population in just a few years, while contributing to the restriction of freedom of expression thanks to the very few monopolies that rule the web.


    Now in 2020 the boomers are actively working on the final destruction of the remnants of what was a quite wonderful society before they took charge.


    By 2030, most of them will be gone, but not after having left the world in ruins...


    Would hate to think you had been left with nothing to do?

  6. 20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Care to expand on your "The most hated generation ever to walk this planet".  You sound like a very judgmental person whose beliefs and values do not line up with what the real world is all about.  Without the Boomer generation, then your generation would not have the computers invented and the internet which is just one of the many contributions, but then you knew that already didn't you and so you believe we are just sucking up needed air and resources your generation thinks they need.  I get it.  You want us to move on so you can move upward, well stand in line for a long time, we will not be dying off for a long time as the last of the boomers were born in 1964, which is where I come in as the last of the boomer generation, so at my age of 56 you unfortunately have a long wait ahead......

    Yes, and many who were ahead of you by 20 years plus, are still hanging on in there. Each generation depends upon it previous generations. So, maybe when he grows up, he will realise this? 

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  7. 20 hours ago, mr mr said:

    you make a sad dad quip and i am the one to grow up ? 


    the boomer generation will go down in history as one of the most hated ever to walk this planet. 



    Had it not been for the 'boomer' generation, just where would you be now?????

  8. 7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    If you want an example of democratic power gone off the rails, just look at the UK.  That place is a mad house of over bearing Police, incompetent Central Bankers, Civil Servants  and politicians, with too much time on their hands, not a clue what is going on and with too much power to abuse.  In comparison, Thailand is a beacon of stability and common sense. I am just glad I was here in LOS during this social media driven, monumentally economically damaging fiasco

    Unfortunately, none of us know the full and whole picture. Most of the problems surrounding the Covid 19 in the UK, just happened at an unfortunate time when the Captain was not at the helm. Its easy to point the finger and make accusations, but without full knowledge???? The argument was to follow the science, and even some of the scientist couldn't agree. Only one minister among the cabinet is a qualified scientist, and again, unfortunately she was a lone voice crying in the wilderness. Which begs the question, in both the UK and Thailand, do we have the right people running the country at a time of crisis? I won't name names, but one minister in particular stands out as most definitely unqualified for the position held. And that applies to both countries.  

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  9. 18 hours ago, EricTh said:


    For a European to learn another Indo-European language is much easier than for a Thai to learn a European language which is so different from theirs and vice versa.


    Furthermore, there are much more opportunities for you to practice English back home than Thai people.


    A Thai teacher should have 'good' pronunciation but one shouldn't expect her to have perfect pronunciation as a native speaker. Anyway, there are so many different English accents such as American, British, Australian so which one is considered 'good'?



    No need to spread different English accents around the world. I am English and have difficulty understanding some 'native' English accents.

  10. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Obviously no money from international tourist is bad. But what is the alternative?

    Until now Thailand has very few Covid cases and very very few death. How would that change if tourists come into Thailand unchecked? Do we need to have hundreds of dead people everyday to act? Or is it better to stay alert so that the situation does not get worse?

    Maybe just open i.e. Phuket for international tourist - and close them for everybody else. And then see what happens.

    Unfortunately, you cannot isolate communities like Phuket and Pattaya, due to the logistics of supplies in and out. In fact any town cannot be truly isolated.

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  11. 1 hour ago, bangsaenguy said:

    With all these restrictions, are restaurants washing dishes in hot water or sterilising between uses? Hell no

    The heat of the water is not really a problem as long as they are using soap. More of a problem would be how often they change the water in the bowl used, which in most places is what is used. Having said that, I much prefer kitchen utensils washed using hot water.

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