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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 4 hours ago, drbeach said:

    Isn't this a violation to people's right to privacy? What happens if you refuse to allow them to come inside your home?


    How do they know when to knock on your door? Some people leave home very early and work all day, only coming home pretty late in the evening.


    Are they also heading into forests to check the temperatures of forest dwellers?

    Lots of unanswered questions.

    When did a Thai ever knock on a door, I've never know it.

  2. 4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Is it actually legal (To use someone elses money for the 800 000 Baht in the bank for a retirement visa)

    It's obvious you don't know the answer, or you wouldn't be asking me. I was not asked to prove where my lump some came from, so I can only assume the IO is not interested, only that the money is in a bank A/C with my name on it. If you know different, you are in a minority, possibly of one.

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  3. 2 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    No, you initially have to show the money got transferred into Thailand from abroad .

    Maybe not after the first time of renewal, but first time you have to provide the money transfer from abroad code

    That would obviously depend on the IO and at which office. I was never asked to prove how my lump sum got into the bank and have never been asked since.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Bob A Kneale said:

    "It has to be you're money, not someone elses"

    It has to be in a bank account in the applicant's name, that's all.


    "You need to show immigration that the money come from your bank account abroad as well and it was transferred to Thailand".

    As far as the lump sum method is concerned, no, you do not have to prove that to IB.

    Quite right, I never did.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, herwin1234 said:

     no, but than again, Thais in their new homecountry behave and are positive and integrate. Farang on the other hand are abusive, negative, and insulting their new home country on a daily basis, and behave like the Thais should adapt to them and their superior ideas and attitude, instead of integrating.

    so yeah, i can understand why the Thais are not really going for the idea of giving citizenship too easy for the farang...

    An HTT member I see.

  6. 2 hours ago, natway09 said:

    Just keep quiet about it.

    If they are being careful they are not hurting anyone 

    or are you one of the non guests wanting a drink?

    No, I am not a non guest. Very rarely go into the place and if I want a drink, I am quite capable of getting my own.

    I asked the question due to a comment by an acquaintance.

  7. Can someone throw light on a subject in dispute. The owner of a small guest house has a few guests staying to whom he serves alcoholic drinks.

    Food is also food, available and open to non guests, but these non-guests are refused alcoholic drinks.

    Is the owner breaking any law, in force at present by serving guests, and could he legitimately serve drinks to non guests?

    Sensible answers please



  8. 1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

    Ahh thats what ive been missing, some good old Thai bashing.


    Thailand like all countries has some smart people and some not so smart people, I work with some extremely talented mechanical engineers (Thai) so one should not tar them all with the stupid brush.

    You are of course correct, Don Mega. I have worked with very intelligent Thai people. They were sent to UK schools from an early age. Went on to a UK university, before returning to Thailand. These people come from the families with money, possibly as those you work with do. Unfortunately, the average Joe here has had to suffer in the average Thai school. How many Thai's can't read or write? It isn't their fault, as compulsory schooling has not been in operation here for so very long. So the older generation teach the youngsters and the same mistakes get made due to lack of knowledge. When we want something done to a set western standard, its not funny when Bodger Bill turns up.

  9. I have bank A/Cs in Thailand and UK. I have a WILL for UK family and a WILL for the Thai family, and never the twain shall meet.

    Neither one know details of the other, and neither WILL makes mention of the the other.

    The police are usually the first to be notified of your death, who then notify the embassy. The embassy notify the relevant authorities who then notify the next of kin. This can be done very quickly providing you have filled the name of the person you wish notified, in the back of your passport.

  10. 1 hour ago, joe jadore said:

    I Hope the Thai Government will buy the ONE MINUTE Covid19 tests the Israelis have invented for use at the AIRPORT!!!


    None of us want to go through this BS again! Least of all the poor Thais, most of who are still dreaming about the 5k per month they never got!

    The housekeeper got it, my son and wife got it, also her mother and sister got it. But that's only five, I really can't speak for the rest.

  11. 1 hour ago, baansgr said:

    True, they never complain about double pricing..all the Temples, parks etc are full of Chinese at 500 a pop.....look in the outlet malls and Central etc...All Chinese.....old whitey is usually found in the 20 baht shop or night market.

    Why not, when we know better. I seem to remember a saying of, 'A fool and his money are soon parted'. I don't think that has changed. On the other hand, we are not all skinflints or spending more on cheap seconds.

  12. 36 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Talk about minnows against giants. The home team were in The 3rd Division South. Big crowd of just under 30k.


    Bournemouth and United didn't meet in any competition for 25 years after that game. They have a terrible record against Utd. Villa did Utd in the Cup final that season, 3-2 I think.


    Let's hope they stay in the EPL for many seasons yet.

    Yes the Cherries were the minnows back then. They have done very well over the years, not that I follow them or ever did. The ladies who owned the Kings Park ground gave the club some encouragement in that if the club should reach the 2nd division, the ground would be given to the club. However, the ladies died before that event and their estate was, to my knowledge, divided between the borough council and the Bournemouth NHS hospital, hence the new Bmth hospital on Castle Lane. Chase Manhattan took over the Cooper-Dean house but I don't know details. You're possibly not interested, as its all local history. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, mr mr said:

    not even willing to discuss or admit to those mistakes is surely. aw forget it. 

    The way of the world is what it is. I would suggest you take another look and lay blame at the feet of those who lead. We all vote for those leaders, hoping for change. The pendulum swings back and forth, but the only say we have, is the tick or cross on the ballot paper. I will freely admit mistakes have been made in the past, we can all name a few obvious ones, but in many ways the general public had no say in those actions. It all comes down to, what can you do as an individual, to change the path any government chooses to follow? Other than full on civil war, we follow the leaders we voted for.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

    The fact that you have such a negative overreaction to a fairly factual sounding news report, shows the level of mental breakdown you are suffering. I meet people like you sometimes here. Fact is most of us living here for a while dont have this kind of mental breakdown. Most of us realize that living here, we are not on some kind of perpetual holiday. We realize that, like living in any country there will be good and bad....and yes even some racism toward us at times. I have NEVER really experienced much in the way of negativity toward me by Thais. At times the odd motorcycle taxi driver has had a comment etc.....but so what? Is your backbone weak? Do you miss your pork sausages from Sainsbury's  too much? Did you finally realize that the woman 20 years younger than you isnt with you because of your good looks and charm?

    Ask him ref, ask him????

  15. 2 hours ago, Anton9 said:

    "Ergo no one has Covid" it's not the case since a very high percentage has either very mild or no sympthoms at all.

    And it's another proof this massive overreaction over this Flu like virus is ridicolous.

    Not going to say you are right, but equally I won't say you are wrong. Thailand has had some quite high figures but these were mostly from around the Bangkok area. I think the same applies to its direct neighbours, the major city's being the most effected. Like so many here on TV believe, the numbers don't add up, but we have no real way of confirmation. Russia, the US, UK and EU appear to have been hit very badly, but again, can we confirm the numbers? Same with the south American countries. We cannot confirm, and speculation only causes confusion.

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