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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 1 hour ago, whooshbang said:

    It must have been a while buddy, because that's clearly photos of the arrivals area.


    As per the article heading ????



    I stand corrected. As said, it is quite  while since I was at this airport, at least 8 years. i just don't remember seeing seating  and some of the other furniture in arrivals. Having said that, I don't hang about in arrivals in any airport, I like to get out A.S.A.P.

  2. 5 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    My local Makro is checking everyone’s temperature trouble is it doesn’t tell you if you have the virus so it’s a wee bit useless to say the least . Has Thailand got testing kits yet ? I doubt it.  ????

    All Makro are doing this I believe. Checking someone's temperature is pointless, you can have a high temperature for a number of reasons. One of which could be having just eaten a hot chilli meal. Like many other things in LOS, just pointless, but we are doing something.

  3. 23 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    We’ve seen enough videos of Police in Thailand kicking people who don’t stop off their bikes. 


    So I don’t believe for a second the BiB did nothing. 


    However, another facet is how else are the police supposed to stop people trying to flee a check-point?


    If trying to flee a check-point these guys are obviously up to no good, drunk etc, down the line they could injure or kill and innocent pedestrian.


    So, in this case its possible an innocent was protected by the actions of the Police, something we’ll never know. 


    Unfortunately the deceased made his own bed, he crossed and line and paid for it with their life. 


    Reckless endangerment by the Police? probably. Unwarranted? maybe not. 




    Obviously been watching the UK police videos, and trying to copy something which takes a great deal of training.

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