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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. Whatever did we do before all these vaccines came along, I dread to think. I have had flu once, 1978 and wouldn't want the same thing again. The company I worked for, offered all employees the jab the following year, for free. Most took advantage but a few didn't. A bad batch or circumstances, who knows, but over the next week the number of people off sick, closed the place down for almost a month. I vowed then never to have the flu injection and I don't see me changing my mind anytime soon, but who knows. Each the their own I guess.

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    • Confused 1
  2. 6 hours ago, wotsdermatter said:

    Sorry, but you have made a slight mistake.  The best masks for better protection are more than cotton as that is not sufficient to stop things properly.  A proper mask requires layers of materials which includes more than mere cotton.  Also, most masks leak like crazy and allow leakage because they do not fit properly, especially over the nose and around the ends of the mouth.  Part of my job as a Clinical Psychologist has been to help conduct experiments and tests with some Experimental Psychologists.  Look at some videos from Finland and Canada that use green lasers to display what happens when a person either sneezes or coughs using different types of masks.  You will be surprised at what happens.

    'nuf sed.

    So, be so kind as to let us all know where multi layer masks can be purchased over the counter? One thing for sure, these white and green flimsy masks that most people are relying on, are about as much use as tits on a fish. They might as well not bother with them.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Greg O said:

    Make it fun again , oh it's a riot from my perspective ( retired on a comfortable pension and home is paid for ) but they (the paralyzed and indecisive government and TAT)  are 100 percent effective at sucking the fun out of everything...Where's the revenue coming from, what incentive is there to come here when the social venues have been bankrupted or just closed .  To be harassed and told where they can go and what they can do ? Can't even go to a National Park ( please explain why ) ..

    All that you say is true and they get this from their bestest friends in china.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, chowny77 said:

    Basically they are after digital nomads. Wasn't it a few years ago that they were kicking these people out for not having Thai work permits?? I think it's about time that Thailand reverses this draconian law and allow people to work in any job if they have the knowledge or skill. It's not difficult and I expect more foreigners are likely to pay tax rather than their Thai counterparts. 

    Yes, and remove the age restrictions for over sixties. There is a wealth of knowledge in older people, we don't all suffer from Alzheimers, Although I can never remember his first name????

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, OnTheRun said:

    Moron? A bit harsh, these masks that leak the covid virus through like water in a collander, before you get too upset I wear these totally inadequate masks to go with the flow in the full knowledge they are totally useless.

    As you say, Moron is a bit harsh. However, as to wearing a mask, it depends on the type of mask. These flimsy green and white stripe things are useless, but a proper cotton mask will give possibly the best protection. They are also washable and so can be used about 5 times.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Crossy said:


    If you can find the wording that says this in the social distancing rules I shall of course be grateful.


    The dividers are not necessary, provided you are the prescribed distance from other diners.

    True, but is the prescribed distance the correct distance? It is very possible for the droplets from a sneeze can travel more than 15 feet. So, social distancing is good, but not infallible.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, JWRC said:

    I don't know this beach but a lot of that rubbish looks like it has been washed up by the tide. However I do have a question, are rubbish bins available anywhere? I live in a different province, but there are no rubbish bins to be found anywhere, not even in shopping malls, so just where are folks supposed to put rubbish. 

    Rubbish bins are so few and far between, it would take weeks to find one. Been like that for at least the past thirty years to my knowledge. Having said that, there are bins in the local shopping mall, have been since it opened 4 years ago.

  8. 17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Well they are wearing gloves and pharmacist coats, with face shields as well, so who knows what they are doing.  I do know that their is a sort of spray station you walk through before you get a squirt of sanitizer on your hands and you enter the store.  OTT maybe just a little, but it sure made me feel that they not only had there safety in mind but yours as well...

    Sounds a little OTT, but better that than nothing.

  9. 6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Would this then be Phase 2 of soft openings and another test to see if we can behave ourselves when shopping in a bigger setting.  The Pharmacy I use only allows a person to enter when the Pharmacist has finished with their last customer, and there is social distancing tape placed on the sidewalk in front and a barrier limiting your distance to the counter and the pharmacist.  Payment is put into a container to your left and then the pharmacist pulls the container in, puts your order on the container tray with your change.  Lets see if this is the model for a mall....

    Does the pharmacist wash his/her hands after handling your money and the going on to the next customer? If not, the dreaded lurgy is possibly being spread far and wide.

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Bert got kinky said:


    Aah, so you are only selectively quoting what he said.

    The lie was in his quote 'Now the west have copied the same lockdowns and they don't work'.


    If you still have trouble understanding, please tell me which syllable you are stuck on and II will try my best to explain it to you.


    The lie was in his quote 'Now the west have copied the same lockdowns and they don't work'.


    I believe Sweden don't have a lock down as such and their numbers are quite low.

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