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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. Jko are you getting any exercise, I find if I exercise I become less lethargic.

    That also has been my experience....just try to get in at least 20 mins of a walk daily. I find when I start to lay around it gets worse. Hope it sorts itself out for you, I suppose it is part of the "getting older" thing.

    I go fo a swim 4 times a week for an hour each time and this helps. With the general walking aroundthe house and shopping, Ifind this keeps me somewhat fit. The real problem being, old age never comes alone!

  2. A similar thing at global a few months ago. I had cleared a large deduction with my UK bank for building materials with Global as the amount was approx £2500.

    I accompanied the builder and a member of the family and the oder was placed. When the bill was printed up I said to pay in Baht but was told a 5% charge would be added for the use of a foreign visa card. I immediately disputed this but the young lady was not to be moved saying it was their bank which made the charge. Having disputed this again, the young lady was not for moving so I cancelled the order and we made for the exit. the building materials were bought from another place in the town.


  3. I had a similar thing last Sunday. The Immigration officer said there was no Visa number and I just looked completly blank and said sorry. She stamped the new passport with the the permited to stay until the next renewal date and waved me on. I did have a re-entry permit but the Immigration form was blank in the space for the visa number, so I suppose I was lucky?

    However, one question, am I correct in thinking the 90 day clock runs from the date of entry? I've seen this somewhere but can't find it. If anyone can assist I would be most grateful.

    You should of put your re-entry permit number on the arrival card in the space for a visa number.

    The count for your 90 day report starts on the date you enter the country including that day in the count.

    Thanks for the info ubonjoe, I will make a note and remember to do this if I should need to in future.

  4. I had a similar thing last Sunday. The Immigration officer said there was no Visa number and I just looked completly blank and said sorry. She stamped the new passport with the the permited to stay until the next renewal date and waved me on. I did have a re-entry permit but the Immigration form was blank in the space for the visa number, so I suppose I was lucky?

    However, one question, am I correct in thinking the 90 day clock runs from the date of entry? I've seen this somewhere but can't find it. If anyone can assist I would be most grateful.

  5. What has me worries about the 'evidence' of the DNA results, was the very short time it took to verify the match. I am not very well versed in these matters but was it not the case that the results were verified within 24hours? If I am wrong please correct me, I was always under the impression it can take betwenn 48 and 72 hours to confirm a match? However, good to see the court is at last allowing the defence access to the 'evidence', if of course it is not contaminated!

  6. If I knew at ten what I know now, it's for sure I would not be writing this now. That said, I have nothing to complain about. I have had up's and down's like everyone else.but as to making a change along the way? I would like to have been able to move to Thailand many years earlier than I did. Here's hoping I have many more years to spend here.

  7. The witch hunt continues w00t.gif

    All this talk of reconciliation yet all we see is more revenge and oppression. This won`t end well.

    The witch hunt does continue and so it should, but it has to be against either party, be it RED or YELLOW. Reconciliation will only be achieved if the guilty of all sides are brought to justice. Perhaps the dear General PM needs to reset his priorities and become impartial?

  8. The EU is too rigid in its application of the rules. One size does not fit all and never will. A more flexible approach needs to be applied and util this happens those countries not in the euro will remain outside. Of the 28 nations within the EU only ten are in the euro zone. 5 of those nations are in deep financial trouble, Why? because as stated one size does not fit all. The one good thing George Brown did for the UK was to keep Britain out of the Euro. Had he not done so the UK finacial situation would now be in a verry sad state akin to Spain or Portugal. Prior to the UK being conned into the Common Maekt by the traitor Heath, the UK traded with the world and its commonwealth partners. The eu put a stop to that because it could not stand the competition. The eu is a joke and the quicker it falls the better.

  9. Maybe they'll start having one of these every a week.

    Or, better still, put some bins out and after a few fines for not using them, watch how clean it gets.

    IN all seriousness, thanks media helpers and whoever dreamed this up.

    It's not the ultimate answer to the problem though.

    But then, we know that already.


    I have to agree with you regarding bins.

    There a very few cities in this country which tak the trouble to clean the streets and the general attitude everywhere is 'I don't wnat it so throw it over the wall or onto the nearest vacant lot'. Nice people and shower twice a day but otherwise very dirty with no environmental sense.

  10. Education in the correct way to disposing of domestic waste would make a massive inprovement. The norm appears to be general across the country to just dump rubbish at the side of the road or on a convenient spare piece of land. It will get through to these people eventually that the dirty environment they live in is the cause of many of the health problems. I'm not holding my breath here.

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