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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. I'm a UK citizen & I really can't make up my mind on this, It would be nice to leave & see scamaron sacked, but then that leaves us with an unrestrained tory party asset stripping the UK & giving it all to their mates, at least there are a few checks from remaining in, but then apparently Turkey gets to become a member in the summer & I can't see how this would be anything but a total disaster...

    Hard call, As I now live here I m going to duck the issue, none of my business anymore...

    Sorry to say, but your defeatist attitude is one of total apathy. This did not defeat the enemies of the UK in the past.

  2. Very serious issue and in-sufficiently thought through by many before shooting from the hip. Careful consideration leads me to believe that we are better staying in and fixing the obvious issues from within

    I understand your feelings Grouse. The problem is that the eu will not see any other view but their own. As has been proved by the useless non binding supposed changes Cameron says he got. Without the eu there are 167 other countries the UK could trade with, without the restrictions placed on the UK by the eu.

  3. C'mon Mr. P isn't it time you published all your own thoughts, aphorisms etc in a small book that everyone can carry around and may I suggest it be bound in a military green colour as the red thing's been done ?

    I said small book and if the ' sense ' spoken by you is anything to go by it won't be very thick either.

    The book may not be very thick but the contents could be interpreted as such.

  4. Was this photo taken before or after the fine was paid ?

    If after and the offender allowed leave still ' topless ' the BIB are condoning the offence and the publicity seeker on the right should, at least, be reprimanded.

    However he's likely to be rewarded by the PM for upholding traditional Thai values by dealing with serious a serious case.

    And consider; The poor guy didnt have stitch of spare clothing so he might have even been fined a few times at 100Baht before he got home.gigglem.gif

    Someone please lend him something to cover up; a singlet, a hat, a bra, anything.

    But wouldn't a bra even be "obscene" "inappropriate" on him?. (whatever the word they used) 500baht fine sir?

    Steer clear of Songkran.

    Wasn't there a ban on water guns in previous years?

    If per chance he had a receipt for his fine, he could go on his merry way with impunity? At least for the remainder of the day!

  5. Let me see if I've got this right. The guy is charged with being "obscene" by merit of not wearing a shirt. Certainly, for any normal-thinking cops, priority would be given to cladding such an offensive sight as quickly as possible, but instead, they choose to give the press a photo op and actually become responsible for spreading this "obscene and offensive" image nationwide. After many years here, I still can't really get my head around Thai logic.

    When you understand Thai logic it is time to leave!!biggrin.png

  6. I was out yesterday as a passenger in a car. I was able to notice more closely the stupid antics of some drivers. It is not just the bus and minivan drivers who are at fault. the worst instance I saw, was the driver on the wrong side of the road facing on coming traffic. He couldn't see the road correctly due to the vehicle parked in front of him. This was no problem as far as he was concerned. He just pulled out to join the traffic on the correct side. How the motorbike and other car coming towards him were missed can only be explained as devine intervention. I've seen some hair raising things here, as I am sure we all have, as well as serious accidents. How to justify the Me,Me, Me attitude of these people when they are behind the wheel of a leathal machine, is beyond me. As has been said many times, until the existing laws are enforced strictly, things will never change.

  7. Web site removed last night after being hacked. (The admin password was ..... . . . .. 123456.)

    The site developer who had the live site with information supplied by the Immigration Dept is not answering emails or replying to requests for interviews.

    Would love to be a fly on the wall when this gets discussed in various meetings at the Immigration Dept over the next few days

    Even if you were able to be that fly on the wall, would you really learn anything new?

  8. Arriving at the hospital with a past history before arrival in LOS, I explained my symptoms and asked for a further check up to ensure all was well. The look of total horror on the docs face was a picture. However, I persisted and explained quite politely why I was asking for further investigation. I did get my way and later in the day the results showed what I had feared. Doc was most apologetic and prescribed medication to ease symptoms. I see this same doctor on a regular basis now and he always asks, 'Anything else I can help you with'? He did tell me later, Thai people do not generally question their doctor's diagnosis and I was the first person to do so. I have regular annual check up's now with the same doctor and he always explains the outcome.

  9. "The law is the law — whether you are rich or poor you have to pay for what you've done," national police spokesman Songpol Wattanachai said Monday, asking skeptics to have faith in the police. "Justice will be served. Just because he is rich doesn't mean he won't go to jail. I'm asking people not to think that way."

    police spokesman Songpol Wattanachai I think he can get himself ready for a transfer.

    I would like to see this video go viral world wide, to show tourist what they can expect in Thailand.

    RiP to the two that lost their lives because of some HiSo clown that thinks he is above the law.

    I read about this in the Daily Mail this morning so it is getting about out there.

  10. It always surprises me that so many farang would choose to live in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia when all they do is complain about how bad it is.

    The only conclusion one can draw is that the primary motivation is dictated by finances or lack thereof. Otherwise, why waste precious time and your remaining years in a place you clearly despise...

    Are you saying all farang guys here are skint....?

    Of course he is, His millions don't go as far as they used to.giggle.gif

  11. A good move and about time too.

    Get rid of the undesirables.

    There is no excuse for overstay.

    Sorry but I do not agree. A few years ago a friend overstayed quite by accident, partly the immigration officer and partly his own fault , due to the date on the 90 day report. A totally innocent oversight. It cost him ฿16000 and being fully aware of the consequences of objection, kept quiet and paid. As of today he would be deported, band from returning and possibly have to pay a ฿20000 fine. You know as well as I, there is no leeway with these people, black is black and white is white, no greys allowed.

    • Like 1
  12. Nationwide Bank in the UK has a debit card that does not make any charges for foreign withdrawals. I have their credit card also and it is the same - used to have Barclaycard and was horrified at the percentage they added to my purchases. Would definitely recommend you check out Nationwide.

    Is this Dabit card you refer to a FlexPluc card? If so it has a standing charge of £10:00/month. I which case it is not Free. The Flexacount Debit card charges 2% of the amount withdrawn plus £1:00. Plus you pay the 200Bht Thai bank charge. I am not aware of any other Nationwide Debit card, perhaps you can enlighten me?

  13. Have you considered walking into the bank and making a withdrawal from a real living teller?

    No ATM fees inside!

    I used to the that, and had done for about 3 yeas, but two months ago I was charged 2.5% plus the visa charge. When I challenged my bank in the UK I was told this was correct and fees had been applied since 2010. I now transfer cash via SWIFT for my needs of 6 months and this works out cheaper for me.

  14. The laws are quite clear.

    An International Driving Permit is valid for one year only, can be issued only from your own country and must be presented with your own country's valid driving licence that specifies the category or categories of vehicle that are applicable.

    This is not quite correct. An IDP can be issued by some countries for which you have a valid driving licence. This applies to Thailand.

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