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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 1 hour ago, geejay said:

    Hello Everyone.

    Many of you may be aware already but we all know that Western Union is a fast method for transferring funds but can be very expensive what with  fees and exchange rates, if collected in cash.

    However they have an online service but only up to a maximum  £4000.00 and the fee is just £2.90 and surprisingly as long as you are sending £501+ then the rate they give you is comparable with the yellow TT exchange booths here in Pattaya.

    Note the funds have to be drawn using a UK debit card and paid into a Thai Bank here. 

    You will get a summary page showing rate, fees and total before you click send.

    I have used this service  quite a few times and the amount they quote is what is paid into your Thai bank.

    I hope this may be helpful to some.


    You are correct geejay, but, if you ahve not used western union before, you can only transfer £800:00 the first time. You than have to confirm your ID to gain the £4000 transfer. However, £4000 can be transferred every three days ofter the ID confirmation is complete. But as you say it must transfer to a Thai bank, if you want to collect cash the fee is £30

  2. 6 hours ago, wpcoe said:

    Just shutting down your computer might be a false sense of security.  To be safe, you really need to unplug all cables (power, Ethernet, phone line, etc) from the computer and all attached devices like monitors and speakers.

    And don't forget to turn the mirrors fo face the wall!!??:-)


  3. I have been attended to by all of the staff at KK imigration and cannot find a bad worf to say against any of them, all very helpful. Like anyone else, they have the off days, but on the occasions I have had to sit and wait, I notice they justified in having a go at those who waste their time. That is, with incorrect paperwork, more so when it is someone they know should know better.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, Toscano said:

    If Thailand wishes to encourage more EX Pats to come to live in Thailand : there needs to be an easing of the immigration regulations .

    I'm British , but lived in Italy for a number of years .  In Italy I had to register with immigration by three months ; all being well with my finances , given a 5year probationary permission to stay .  At the end of 5years i had to reapply and was given residency in perpetuity .  Malaysia offers EX Pats a much better deal than Thailand .

    I, like many other EX Pats love Thailand , but even after 10yrs living in Thailand , am caused terrible stress each year coping with the ever increasing documentation and demands of Immigration .

    If you have a thousand years to wait, Thailand may change its attitude towards foreigners. While they continue to believe the world revolves around Thailand and they are better than anyone else, the metre thick wall will always be there to bang your head against.

  5. Found this regarding school in Kohrat. Says all we need to know about the education system.

    Suranaree Wittaya School

    Suranaree Wittaya school in Nakhon Ratchasima.

    It is a girls only fee paying school often described as the top school in the region.

    It permits teachers to hit children and when they do so takes no action against the teachers involved.

    There was a video posted on youtube of a teacher beating several girls in 2008 (three years after it was made illegal) but the video was removed in January 2011 after the school was investigated by the Ministry of Education over the incident.

    The teacher is this video subsequently “retired” biut faced no official sanction or punishment as far as we are aware. If she did this was not officially published by the school.

  6. 2 ways to transfer a pension to Thailand. Have the DWP transfer it directly to a Thai bank. The amount is sent as Thai baht, not sterling which means a lower amount you receive. OR. Open a Bangkok bank A/C in Thailand and have the pension transfered to BKK bank in UK, they then transfer to Thailand as sterling. This latter will cost £12.50 for each transfer.  The choice is yours as to which system costs the least?  Note. If you are not a UK resident you cannot open an account in the uk. Only other option is to have the pension paid into a friend/reative's bank and have them transfer to you. Transfer fees vary from bank to bank, from as little as £4 to £20 per transfer.

  7. Nine years ago I taught my Thai stepson to drive. Illegal as he had no licence but I started him on quiet country roads. One hour per day until he got the hang of gear changing, hill starts and three point turns. After one month I allowed him to drive the 13Km from our village to the main road and a return, until he felt confident. Although not applicable to Thai driving, I made him study the UK Highway Code. The test here is a joke but he past with no problems. I don't say he is 100%, but I can trust him out on the roads to be careful and considerate, I also feel confident sat along side him and I can't stand being driven. I'm also pleased to say he is one of the few who does not drink, but he is mug enough to allow his friend to use him as a free taxi.

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