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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. The main problem we have here is children trying to play educated adult games. While we continue to see statements like this, "[but] today I instructed [officers] to review the vehicle-impounding action because keeping vehicles for a long time can lead to problems. We might have to return the vehicles and seize the driver's licences instead, so they can't go out and drink-drive again," he said.], from a supposed educated general, the country will continue to be non-progessive. Introspection is a difficult state to evercome.

  2. Once again this guy is seriously challenged when it comes to common sense !! Let's not take the cars of them just take there licenses. As somebody else said since when has not having a licence stopped anyone in Thailand driving ! Arrest them,lock them up and take there licenses and if caught driving when they get out without a licence seize and sell there car and lock them up again!.

    And as for seizing cars halved the drink Driving by half ! Lol..They don't normally check for drunk driving so how would they know ! Air heads !!

    You mustn’t let logic stand in the way of good argument!

  3. The British government would never dare have such a referendum.

    I suspect they will but I think Cameron, with the conivence of his EU masters, will play every dirty trick possible to get his own way The UK public were conned into believeing the then Common Market would be good for Britian, which on the face of it, it was. What we were not told was the then known intention to expand the EU to its present state and beyond.

  4. People wanting to exit are living in the past.

    And not everything was better then, and the glory days of the HK are gone, never to return.

    They're much, much better of in the EU and also the EU is much better of with GB in.

    Of course the EU is better off with the UK as a member, by £50million per day for a start. The laws and rules of the EU are followed to the letter by the UK, all the other members pick and choose those they believe suit them best. We are restricted in our trade with the rest of the world by membership of the EU, outside we can trade with whomever we decide is best for Britain.. And please don't say we will lose trade from the EU because of a Brexit, they need us more then we need them.

  5. A good move if the Authorities are genuine and not simply offering a 'sound bite'....

    Improvements need to be realised at a 'cultural' level... the majority of road users need to be taught and understand consequence, which for the moment appears to be an alien concept.

    A great start would be to have Televised Road Safety campaigns... When I see the Authorities using Televised Road Safety Campaigns we may then start to believe they are serious about this issue and not simply nodding to each other going through the motions in endless committee meetings...

    I totally agree but would add, many roads are in such a bad state of repair, weaving around potholes either by cars or motorbikes is also a major contributor to accidents and death. Especially i the rainy season.

  6. I've been asking people about this recently. Bangkok Bank has been recommended for UK citizens. Apparently they have a branch in London where funds can be paid in and the exchange rates are very reasonable.

    So can I ask, how does one open or transfer funds to the BKK Bank in London? With no UK address this would not be easy to open an A/C. Unless with a BKK Bank A/C in Thailand the same A/C can be used.

    If anyone knows the how and why I would very much like to hear about it.

  7. Having seen 3 new mothers bring up their child both male and female from birth and more, MHO is that parents are very represive towards the child. All have been restricted from self expression. How can a child be free to explore its surroundings when the mother is almost constantly removing things the child takes an interest in. As for this practice of the child, be it one or two, sleeping with the parents up to at least ten years and sometimes more, just further restricts the chils independance. Much as I appreciate in some cases there is insufficient space in the house for a room of their own, communal living should not mean the child sleeps in the same bed as its parents for years.

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