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Posts posted by Surasak

  1. 34 minutes ago, Pepper1959 said:

    Go to a major temple in India and there is always a guy who is responsible for the shoes. You will pay him say, in Thai, a baht and he maintains the shoes in order, and of course stops them being stolen. The great thing about these guys is that with the huge population he never forgets the person and which shoes go together, a fantastic skill. 

    Your are stretching it just a little if you expect skill in LOS!


    1/  The later you come home the DOG is more excited to see you

    2/  Dogs don’t notice if you call them by another name

    3/  Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor

    4/  A Dogs parents never visit

    5/  Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across

    6/  Dogs find you amusing when your drunk

    7/  Dogs like hunting and fishing

    8/  A Dog will not wake you up and ask, "If I died --- would you get another Dog

    9/  If a Dog has babies you can put an add in the paper and give them away

    10/  A Dog will let you put a studded collar on it --- without calling you a pervert

    11/  If a Dog smells another dog on you -- they don’t get mad -- they just think it’s interesting

    12/  If a Dog leaves they don’t take half your stuff



  3. This is going to tempt the proverbials. I have never had one of these proof of life forms, retired and living here for ten years now. I have changed my address once in that time but the DWP and my other pension providers know my present address. I guess they will catch up with me sooner or later.

  4. For all his bravado and shouting he has not fixed one problem in this country...

    A high ranking cop & his cronies sent to jail, finally sorted out the lottery price, some people in Phuket just been jailed over land issues, cleaned up Surin beach, army guy & others arrested for human trafficking, many other cases pending. He may not be perfect but has done more than previous governments.

    I used to be perfect, but I'm better now!wub.png

  5. The biggest disappointment of this beautiful country was its massive attendance by expatriates of the lowest class.

    Reason I bless this forum to stay informed without duress to meet in live.

    This review is for expatriates. Joyful visitors I met when I lived in Pattaya were infinitely more interesting in my opinion.

    It has been my experience that the population of self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats destroys the pleasantness of Thailand a lot more than any member of the 'lowest class'.

    Again, my experience, but the vast majority of the 'lowest class' speak there minds as it is, thus upsetting the 'self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats', bursting their bubble as it were.

    Idiots are classless.............................wink.png

    I find that most people who 'just speak their minds' are some combination of bigot and bore.

    I think I prefer people wgo speak their minds. At least you know where you stand with them.

  6. Years ago while on holiday here I and my then wife refused get on a boat fearing it was over crowded. Those oganising the trip were quite put out by our refusal, but we won when three other couples decided to follow our stand. Another boat was quickly found anf the whoile party split between the two, and we set of for Panyee and the James Bond Island. As has been said, some of the people in charge of the boats have no idea of the dangers to overloading.

  7. Years ago while on holiday here I and my then wife refused get on a boat fearing it was over crowded. Those oganising the trip were quite put out by our refusal, but we won when three other couples decided to follow our stand. Another boat was quickly found anf the whoile party split between the two, and we set of for Panyee and the Jmaes Bond Island. As has been said, some of the people in charge of the boats have no idea of the dangers to overloading.

  8. A new UK passport to replace an existing passport DOES NOT require a counter signature on the applicants photo. I did mine last month and no signature was asked for when the forms were submitted.

    While that statement may be true in your case there are instances whereby a renewal my require a counter signatory,this can be the case when a persons appearance may have significantly changed from the previous passport.

    My apologies. I should have included that statement.

  9. Does this mean more tents with 'Volunteers' with medal ribbons sitting in the shade reading comics, watching TV and with the Whiskey and Lao Kao ready under the table for the evening shift ? That's what we have around our way and they are as useful as a chocolate teapot !

    I often use the expression myself and tend to forget a chocolate teapot has at least one use.

  10. The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

    If you want to be ruled by mad Angela by all means join. She is looking for more warehouses to store her surplus immigrants. All these immigrants just made an EU economic mess much worse. Most of the immigrants are Muslims who do not integrate well. They are also masters at taking advantage of the Social Welfare system. The multiplier aspect of these people is through the roof. They will assimilate you.

    Racism is a very unpleasant thing

    Yes, racism is an unpleasant thing, but it works both ways. If I were to make any kind of perceived racist remark it would be jumped on with the full force of the law. If an immigrant makes a racist remark against me, it is very often overlooked or ignored. Justice? I think not!

  11. Contrary to what some believe.

    The EU is only for changing in one direction. That is the direction of total monetary and political integration. This is the stated aim of the EU. That is not going to change for anyone.

    If you are a UK Citizen and have no wish to see the UK become a Federal State of the EU, there can only be one option. OUT.

    That was an original, founding aim. However that has been abandoned as part of the renegotiation by Cameron

    Would you care to explain the detail of Cameron's renegotiation. The little he says he got is not worth a knats ass and can be overruled by the eu parliament either before or after the referendum, so what was gained?

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