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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. "The incident occurred at approximately 11:00 PM at a condominium" The Unixx :
  2. Perhaps she has a wonderful personality? If I was in the same league as him and had the opportunity to speak to her I think I would be looking to avoid contact with her from the moment I first clapped eyes on her. But maybe he really likes the inflated, plasticised, worn out, "matures" porn actress look.....and made a bee line straight for her at the speed dating evening?
  3. It's not ticket/baggage check-in.....the airlines job. It's: "Thailand's Immigration Launches Automated Passport Control"
  4. The events of the late 17th century arose from the pro-French attitude of the Siamese King. If anything they arose as a result of his seeking to maintain independence against other influences than France: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_revolution_of_1688 "King Narai especially sought to expand relations with the French, as a counterweight to Portuguese and Dutch influence in his kingdom, and at the suggestion of his Greek councilor Phaulkon" "With Narai's permission, fortresses with French troops and under French control were established at Mergui and Bangkok, in order to reaffirm the commercial treaty of 1685, provide a counterweight to Dutch influence in the region, and help to combat piracy."
  5. Prefer J myself:
  6. "nothing to do with a rule change." It sounds like the threatened new laws concerning NGOs in Thailand have been passed. It has been in the wind for a couple of years: 2021: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/04/thailand-ngo-law-severe-blow-human-rights/ 2022: https://www.civicus.org/index.php/media-resources/media-releases/open-letters/5786-thailand-s-abusive-draft-law-on-not-for-profit-organizations 2023: https://www.icnl.org/resources/civic-freedom-monitor/thailand "Previous versions of a restrictive draft Act on the Operation of Not-for-profit Organizations (“NPO bill”) proposed by the Office of the Council of State (OCS) and approved by the Thai Cabinet (and analyzed by ICNL here and here) were tabled in advance of the elections." The organisation had no previous problems but now does......as of very recently this year. That sounds very much as if the draft law has been passed into legislation, and, contrary to your assertion, the rules have changed. Given that the organisation had no problems, up until very recently, it seems that its present problem is EVERYTHING to do with rule changes.
  7. This is how the 3035 (main road through Ban Ko Rang) gets across a waterfeature just East of the settlement: Maybe you can work something out about the "flipping" from it. There are a couple of other possible crossings, but they are not covered by Streetview. My guess is that the GPS is innocent.......but the crossing is effectively a ford during flood periods and was obscured. He ran to one side and/or was washed/rolled off?
  8. It is not even clear that there was a "relationship" to start with: "Mod revealed to the police that the Thai gunman, Jiradate, had a crush on her 19 year old daughter named Noey but she rejected him" The freak (previous conviction for murder, 25 years sentence.....let out after 5) may just have got an obsession for her.
  9. No need for them to be deserters. Do your National Service in Ukraine, see your mates get shredded, collect your PTSD. Off for extended R@R in Pattaya. The advance guard have been arriving since earlier this year, expect to see a lot more with the intro of the 90 days.
  10. Just press that button and a nurse will be in to see you as soon as they can.
  11. No, but they meet the definition of a firearm in Thai law and as such would require licencing to import/hold/distribute. I'm guessing the illegality in this case is the absence of conformity to bureaucratic procedures. re. the blank firers: "The firearm imitations are controlled goods being sold without the Thai government’s permission" Everyone getting very "huffy" with Anutins new regs. on the way: https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40031632
  12. Yeah, sure UK pensioners are "flocking" to Thailand to pay £1500 a month......with UK State Pension at £883 (taxable) a month. Typical Daily Mail advertorial BS.
  13. This thread only needed about four posts to be over and done with. Extraordinary that it has run to 90 replies over 4 pages. 😲
  14. It is the same with the theory and practice of religions/philosophies worldwide......the notional beliefs of any country and the actual behaviours are very different things. Consider what notional "Christians" have done, and continue to do, to each other and everyone else, since Jesus preached love and compassion for all. The difference in Thailand is that the alleged "genuine" adherence to Buddhism, and the consequent, alleged, unchallengeable, "loveliness" of Thai people, has been invented and heavily sold, by it's tourist industry, as a USP to help bring the tourists in. Anyone spending more than 2 years in the country must be blind if they haven't worked out that they were fooled by TAT and that Thai people are no less "wayward" than any other. People who keep blathering on about Thai people not living up to what is essentially a mythological representation of them (which they, as individuals, played no part in creating) actually annoy me a lot more than the Thai people do.
  15. Possibly they would like to see a PDF of a conventional bank statement rather than a screenshot of the app?
  16. But the beefed up Tom (the 16 year old girl) is......hence it turning violent. Act/mouth of like a teenage bloke......get slapped like a teenage bloke.
  17. He said "Russian", not "Russians". The trouble started when a Russian in the villa took an unprovoked swing at the IOs with a baseball bat. Presumption is that he has also been sent home/banned.......but who knows?
  18. Empathy is not imagining how you would feel on the receiving end of what you perceive to be another persons "misfortune".......that is a popular, self involved, misconception. Empathy is being in their head.......with their history, their conditioned emotions, their conditioned thoughts and reactions. People with a co-dependency problem frequently mistake themselves for "empaths".
  19. Congratulations. You have recognised the core of the visual joke.....a joke that was almost certainly created by an Indian. Once again.......congratulations
  20. I think your comments may be based on zero knowledge of the school, it's pupils and it's "ethos". It is a very International school ("British kids" only a fraction of pupils) that teaches English Secondary Curriculum with an emphasis on a specific area of endeavour. In this case it's Sports. In another world it might be Performing Arts or Technology. That is typical of many English Secondary "Colleges". Something of an eye opener for me when I actually checked it out: https://twitter.com/BrookeHouseCol/status/1716985856592879913/photo/1
  21. "I intend to write a book about you guys........" But you won't. "After I arrive in Japan, I will commit more time to my research of Yukio Mishima." No you won't. You are tiresome narcissist.......just go away.
  22. Story should be titled: "Silly old *** meets 18 year old ****wit" Bad idea to cross in front of approaching traffic. Also PU driver looks to have steered to the right in order to continue in front of the MC, rather than steer to the left to pass behind him as he crossed. In doing so (as I have seen so often in CCTV of Thai accidents) the PU driver guaranteed impact.
  23. "anything else I should know?" You are definitely going to fall off. The fall may involve another road user but you, a novice, one way or another, are definitely going to fall off. The better the safety gear you wear the less it hurts 👍
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