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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. Maybe he is ignorant of the common, highly descriptive, easily understood term for his "Special" government, which is: "Government of National Unity". Anyway, too late for that chum.......the cracks that were so easily papered over previously have now become yawning chasms. It also ignores another glaring truth, which is: The people/faction that convincingly lost the national elections are in the way, and will only accept a "Puppet Government" and a de-facto "One Party State". That is their sole aim. The fuse burns on.......
  2. ..........or declare a Peoples Parliament. Because this one ain't.
  3. "Such a parcel of rogues in a nation......."
  4. There is no Secondary Year 5 in the UK. Secondary school starts at age 11, the first year of Secondary school is Year 7: https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum
  5. Interesting that it was Korat Red shirts who said they were going to meet him at the airport and not the CM ones......traditionally his strongest supporters. Interesting that it was CM Red Shirts who burnt their shirts a couple of days ago. Who knows how many PT voters only stuck with the party during the election because it said it was going to push for reform along with MF? Interesting times.......
  6. You think it's over? You think he's "finished"? ????
  7. Thai people not same you.
  8. There are plenty of other reports giving information and showing photos from different angles. Thaiger tells as good as nothing. Google Streetview will show you the twin lines in the foreground, on an embankment, and the single line beyond them at a lower level. The embankment could conceivably mask the approach of the freight train. You really need to use that to look around and get the lie of the land. Thaiger report is wholly inadequate as a resource. I did not mean to spend as much time as I did chasing it up.......the issue is now very much yesterdays concern for me. Thank you for taking the time to write a cogent and civil reply to my post.
  9. It is a nonsense thread.......they turn up over and over again. But "just the ticket" for disappointed, lost, hollowed out old men who are now out of place and running short of time. Me?.........I'm 68! ???????????????? Into my heart an air that kills From yon far country blows; What are those blue remembered hills, What spires, what farms are those? That is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain, The happy highways where I went And cannot come again.
  10. Google route check points to an obvious crossing point. Photos and more specific details from other news sources enable identification of location. Vehicle approached from this side. It finished between the yellow and red signs on the opposite right side. Vehicle finished up astride the road between yellow and red signs. Other sources show rear of freight train in the distance on this line. with vehicle between the signs in the left foreground.
  11. MF remains the only political entity with a vision focused on something greater than preserving the privileges of its elected representatives and executives. It is the only way forward. Those facts are not unnoticed by the People.
  12. This article from the Royal Automobile Club will tell you all you need know in the "EV whole lifecycle impact" section: https://www.rac.co.uk/drive/electric-cars/choosing/are-electric-cars-really-better-for-the-environment/ The rest of it is interesting as well.
  13. Nice, disciplined formation. Be interesting to see how they perform when things heat up a bit more...... Only joking of course.
  14. No Protestant work ethic, no Catholic guilt. A fundamental characteristic. Thailand 1.1 "Look before you leap"
  15. If I had there is no way in a million years that I would be typing these words here and now.
  16. My friend has been spending 6 months out and 6 months in (TVs various, VEs, appropriate extensions) for 10 years with zero problems. Maybe think about re-structuring your life until you gain the ability to live year round (Non-Os) without constantly trying to game the system...........it sounds like a real ******* drag.
  17. "Countries have interests, not friends. I don't know who said it first." "We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow" Lord Palmerston (1848)
  18. They can certainly try to re-instate them. That will be interesting. It will make good "news"........and read very well in the history books. I'm sure "MFP and Co" know that. ????
  19. Over 75% voter turnout........a record. 37,987,549 valid votes. At least 66% of those who voted do not approve of those presently holding power. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9791/ Those who didn't vote have written themselves out of the equation. That is the shape of the nation.
  20. So he aspires to live in Thailand without acknowledging, or making concessions to, the culture and society in which he has planted himself. Nothing peculiar about that..........on the pages of AN ????
  21. My first thought was that the hair was a result of chemotherapy. Possibly for hyperthyroidism.
  22. It doesn't matter. Votes for MF and PT alone in the election show that at least 66% of those who voted do not favour the creatures in power. Their "Scourging of Pita" only makes them look worse. With each stroke of the lash hatred for them grows. Every day they further incriminate themselves. Every day they blindly plunge on, closer towards their tragic destiny. Perfect.
  23. Pita and MF are clean and clear at the moment. His/its reputation can only improve. They are the logging elephant. The vanity, venality and duplicity of PT, together with the intransigence of the anti-democrats, will bring forth the war elephant. Just a matter of.......when? There is no civil solution.
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