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Everything posted by Enoon

  1. I would expect any woman who was separated from her husband to go back into the employment that she held before she met him. She would know the business and probably have less trouble getting back up to her previous earning level. What do you think she should have done......train to be an Architect? If only your pompous, arrogant self-righteousness had made itself felt when you first hooked up with your "whore" you would probably not be here, displaying your classic hypocrisy, now.
  2. Don't park your motorcycle on someones foot.
  3. This is a Badr Class Corvette, built by the Tacoma Boatbuilding Company, USA for the Saudi Arabian navy: This is the Sukhothai, built by the same company as a modification of the Badr Class design: Sorry folks, for some reason the system refuses to let me upload any image of the Sukhothai for comparison......now there's a funny thing! You'll just have to find an image to compare yourselves,,,,,,,anyway: Notice how much more upperworks have been added to the Sukhothai, plus an additional gun turret forward of the (increased height) bridge The Harpoon missiles have been moved up onto the added works aft the funnel, and a heavier missile system added in place of the gun (Phalanx?) on the fantail. They just had to have everything......and a bit more.....didn't they? You know......to show off.......you know. Anyone care to speculate what that added weight might have done to the stability of the design?
  4. Twin diesels exhaust out of ringed funnel. Something lower down (door on low-slung afterdeck?) left open? Doubt much "complexity" involved.
  5. The country is awash with guns. Tanks, which are possessed by those who would oppose the uprising, are extremely vulnerable in built up areas........which is where the conflict would be decided. All that would be needed is the will to carry it through......."a l'outrance".
  6. The "most opinionated"? Isn't that anyone, including you........and me, who takes the time to comment on internet forums?....Asean Now certainly! "O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!" Robert Burns
  7. It didn't work for me either. Everybody "gets" it........it's just not in the slightest bit amusing. It's just a thoroughly crass attempt at "humor".
  8. Some tedious pedant will be along soon to tell you that Wasabi, the "sauce" of your joke, is radish.......not mustard. But it was funny.
  9. I'd guess that he is a Thai-Chinese and they are trying to distance him from the fact that he was born, raised, and lived his entire life........in Thailand. But now that the lid has blown on his corruption they seek to identify him as "not Thai". Just a wild guess of course.
  10. Inside the mound termites are counting the number of people that turn up to pray, per day, during it's construction. Using those numbers they will determine the correct numbers required to win the Termite Lottery. It works every time..........that is the sole reason that they build mounds.
  11. Or maybe it'll result in a massive boom time for agents?
  12. "Kind of like" standard practice in Western Democracies. Where people get out when they are voted out and in when they are voted in. Both happening as a result of hope, effort, ability, success or failure. Where armies defend the nation.......not a single, particular, powerful, omnipresent, over-wealthy clique. The sort of system that the cabal in Thailand detest. "There is no civil solution"
  13. "To Protect and Serve" is a motto invented by the LAPD. . It is not a universal "Police credo". ie: Motto of RTP is "I will show you". In this case the policeman is showing the world what a **** he is. That's normal for Thai police.......it pretty much sums up his "duty". There are also many other differences between the USA and Thailand.
  14. "Singular they, along with its inflected or derivative forms, them, their, theirs and themselves (or themself), is an epicene (gender-neutral) third-person pronoun. It typically occurs with an unspecified antecedent, in sentences such as: "Somebody left their umbrella in the office. Could you please let them know where they can get it?" "The patient should be told at the outset how much they will be required to pay." "But a journalist should not be forced to reveal their sources." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they
  15. ..........and stand up straight, take your hands out of your pockets, get in line? **** me......you people, really.........you people. First class evidence that there is indeed: “a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.”
  16. The poster to whom you are replying was commenting upon his own experience on public transport, not the OP about a bank.
  17. Maybe "Pock" is Thai for "Harvey"?
  18. You could ask the neighbours. Photo of police possibly doing exactly that: (It's been long enough BMT......time to move on)
  19. Been running for at least 10 years: Service Workers In Group Foundation, 45-54 South Pattaya Road https://www.swingthailand.org/ "The Sex Workers IN Group (SWING) are a sex worker organisation with drop-in spaces and offices across three of Thailand’s most infamous red-light districts: Bangkok (Patpong), Koh Samui, and Pattaya (Walking Street). As an organisation working at the local, national and regional level, SWING are recognised for their expertise in developing creative and innovative core programs and projects which focus on the health and wellbeing of sex worker communities, using a human rights framework and peer-led health promotion activities..............After several years successfully implementing programs for trans* and male sex workers, SWING expanded its focus to regional areas and began to include female sex workers in its program work. SWING’s expansion involved facilitating programs in Pattaya (2006)" https://www.nswp.org/featured/service-workers-group-swing
  20. Because, as a rich and "beautiful" privileged person, it was not part of the great cosmic scheme for her to suffer any more than a teeny weeny bit, she would not have been reincarnated as she is if it had been. in order not to upset the scheme, which would render the people who put her in jail liable to an unsatisfactory reincarnation themselves.......they have let her go. Blindingly obvious really.
  21. "which is now the world’s only one remaining fleet of Peacemaker aircraft" There never were any other "fleets". 35 Peacemakers were built, specifically for use by the US in it's Vietnam War. Operational test and evaluation found them rejected for service. 1 crashed, 34 went back to the US: "The 4400th recommended the aircraft not be used in combat without a major upgrade program. Specific problems identified included a slow combat speed (135 knots (250 km/h)), a low working altitude, no capability for "zoom" escapes after delivering ordnance and a complete lack of armor protection for the crew and vital aircraft systems. On June 30, 1972, the 4400th SOS ferried the AU-23As to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, for storage." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_AU-23_Peacemaker All eventually handed over to RTAF.
  22. Not just a walk in the mountains: "A collection of small trails make up the great Annapurna Circuit which is one of the most dangerous hikes in the whole world, let alone the Himalayas" https://www.thetravel.com/most-dangerous-hikes-in-the-himalayas/
  23. This is why: COP ASEAN Xis snub was as unmistakable as the "bums rush" that Hu Jintao got:
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