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Everything posted by khunpeer

  1. stop this nonsense, just forget about this idiotic plan! the country is in debt already, why make that debt higher? who's going to have to pay for it eventually? better forget it!
  2. it all depends who's butt we see...
  3. she was sitting on steps that were encroaching on the beach! a few days after the 'incident' the bulldozers took those steps out already!
  4. the biggest culprit, the one who should take responsibility for once, he's just released from hospital/prison...
  5. back to bizz as usual...
  6. so if they know exactly what day/time the suspect left, why don't they ask police to catch him up on arrival and send him back? piece of cake!
  7. some "concern"? understatement of da year! 🤨
  8. let him come here, let him take deep deep breaths, keep inhaling...
  9. of course! intimidation amongst each other as well!
  10. I thought all beaches in Thailand are public. so all people have access! so why this Swiss clown bosses the two ladies away from the steps that lead to his (rented) villa? now I even read that those steps are 'encroaching' as well... this guy ànd his thai wife need a thorough lesson to be learned. his elephant escapade sounds a bit weird as well. "sanctuary"? my a... , just another way to make money!
  11. we used to live on the edge of town, right next to the river, but the backside of our house then faced the barstreet: nightly sounds of fightd, broken bottles, peeing etc, then flooding came about 19 yrs ago and although my house was still standing, we decided to move to MaeHee (AmphurPai)! local style, after 8pm no sounds except from far-far away some dj-sounds... I still can live w that! the town has changed drastically over the years, so that makes people moving around, not a big deal for me...
  12. you think in the whole world is 1 kind Muslims? is there also 1 kind of Jews? or 1 kind of Christians? wake up and don't generalize! Thailand just wants better bizz, so why not invite other tourists over? so Muslims as well! your comment says more about you though...
  13. yep! it helps to focus! several people I know do every day MuayThai training, don't drink alcohol (or hardly) and smoke a joint after dinner. they want to go back to "zero" as they say. that "zero"-point they can use later in their fights! I realize this sounds a bit weird, but there's more roads that lead to Rome ! 🙂
  14. many years ago I was introduced to Kratom leaves, we put them in a bottle thai whisky, let it sit for a couple days, then mix w soda: party time! just a one time thing, it's not my kind of herb! nothing about painkiller, never heard about that before...
  15. the breaking lights are on nonstop because automatic transmission. that road I drive up&down for many years, every other weekend! it's not the ideal road to drive but I don't call it dangerous. keep distance and don't drive fast! 2 main ingrediënts for a smooth safe ride! my daughter's school has just finished so we drive to Pai now! 🙂
  16. this mayor is still in denial-fase... maybe to prove he is right, he should take a swim in that seawater like a good example 🤪
  17. and these clowns are in the government! can you imagine!
  18. why fantasy land? I've always done 'my own thing' and intend to keep doing so, even with this new law! I'm not going to walk outside in the street with a joint in my hand! I do that always in the privacy of my house, there I got the right music, the right atmosphere, the right smoke! smokingrooms are more for addicts who can't wait, need their fix now... in ChiangMai there are now way to many 'dispensaries', there's not enough market to cater, so that will filter itself out!
  19. times are changing constantly, but Thais originally would put family on first place! around that time (20yrs ago) Thaksin even founded his party ThaiRakThai (ThaisLoveThais, that I later altered into ThaksinRakThaksin for pbvious reasons...) and that same party is now PheuThai! but over all Thais have strong family-ties, although I must say that nowadays we hear more stories of old family members that don't get support of their family anymore: these days money more difficult to make than before, more egoïsm! during Songkran family usually comes home and clean the whole house, traffic is crazy in the whole country because they all want to go home! end conclusion: when it suits them family ties are important, when it doesn't suit them not!
  20. they import these pants from China, because if 'Made in Tland' it would be way to expensive.... the over-sensitivity on these kind of matters is stunning!
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